Closed ausgop closed 7 years ago
But your deck is tracked accurately?
Correct, my deck is tracked accurately.
That is extremely weird, do you get this constantly? Any idea how to reproduce?
Always happens, so the reproduce steps from my end are "play a game." I did try removing As always, if you have any additional questions or information about this issue, please let me know. I did try removing the ~/Library/Application Support/HSTracker folder to no avail.
Can you look into the preferences, if everything is turned on?
Everything is on and I have toggled every option for opponent tracker off and back on.
Can confirm. Same issue existed in the 0.19 beta 3
Can't reproduce? If multiple people are experiencing it then it can't be a 1 off
I am looking into it but feel free to propose a solution (or even PR it)
can you post me the result of the following command in the terminal: defaults read be.michotte.HSTracker
also please indicate the language/regional settings
language/region is English/ U.S.
Here is the output:
-----BEGIN----- { AppleLanguages = ( en ); BITApplicationDidEnterBackgroundTime = "1486834942.230444"; BITApplicationWasLaunched = 1; HockeySDKAutomaticallySendCrashReports = 0; HockeySDKCrashReportActivated = 1; "MASPreferences Frame Top Left" = "{355, 696}"; "MASPreferences Selected Identifier View" = trackers; "MASPreferences trackers Frame" = "{{0, 0}, {480, 400}}"; NSNavLastRootDirectory = "/Applications/Hearthstone"; NSNavPanelExpandedSizeForOpenMode = "{712, 459}"; "NSWindow Frame SUStatusFrame" = "1080 967 400 129 0 0 2560 1417 "; "NSWindow Frame SUUpdateAlert" = "970 769 620 392 0 0 2560 1417 "; "NSWindow Frame deck_manager" = "307 187 1050 967 0 0 2560 1417 "; "NSWindow Frame edit_deck" = "496 204 1170 1050 0 0 2560 1417 "; SUAutomaticallyUpdate = 1; SUEnableAutomaticChecks = 1; SUFeedURL = ""; SUHasLaunchedBefore = 1; SULastCheckTime = "2017-02-11 05:10:05 +0000"; SULastProfileSubmissionDate = "2017-02-11 05:10:04 +0000"; SUSendProfileInfo = 1; "active_deck" = "7F096BC8-9114-4213-B047-6D4A38BFA37C-1486790628.6815"; "auto_position_trackers" = 1; "automatically_downloads_updates" = 1; "card_size" = 2; "clear_trackers_end" = 1; "deck_manager_zoom" = 80; "deck_sort_criteria" = "creation date"; "deck_sort_order" = descending; "deckmanager_prefer_cards" = 1; "hearthstats_auto_synchronize_decks" = 0; "hearthstats_auto_synchronize_matches" = 0; "hearthstats_last_decks_sync" = 0; "hearthstone_language" = enUS; "hearthstone_log_path" = "/Applications/Hearthstone"; "highlight_cards_in_hand" = 1; "highlight_discarded" = 0; "hs_latest_build" = 15590; "hsreplay_id" = 30372; "hsreplay_upload_token" = "936e69fa-971c-4468-8515-a3df7631c71c"; "hstracker_language" = en; "hstracker_v2" = 1; "notify_game_start" = 1; "notify_opponent_concede" = 0; "notify_turn_start" = 1; "opponent_board_damage" = 1; "opponent_board_damage_frame" = "{{1624, 1013}, {50, 50}}"; "opponent_card_count" = 1; "opponent_cthun_frame" = 1; "opponent_deathrattle_frame" = 1; "opponent_draw_chance" = 1; "opponent_graveyard_frame" = 1; "opponent_jade_frame" = 1; "opponent_tracker_frame" = "{{10, 65}, {217, 1330}}"; "opponent_yogg_frame" = 1; "player_board_damage" = 1; "player_board_damage_frame" = "{{1638, 351}, {50, 50}}"; "player_card_count" = 1; "player_tracker_frame" = "{{2333, 65}, {217, 1330}}"; "prompt_for_notes" = 0; "quit_when_hs_closes" = 0; "rarity_colors" = 1; "remove_images_5.0.0.12574" = 1; "save_replays" = 1; "show_card_huds" = 1; "show_deck_name" = 1; "show_floating_card" = 1; "show_opponent_class" = 1; "show_opponent_created" = 1; "show_opponent_tracker" = 1; "show_player_get" = 1; "show_player_tracker" = 1; "show_secret_helper" = 1; "show_timer" = 1; "show_win_loss_ratio" = 1; theme = dark; "tracker_opacity" = 0; "trackobot_token" = XXXXXXXXXXX; "trackobot_username" = "XXXXXXXXXX"; "window_locked" = 1; } ------END------
And for what it's worth, deleting ~/Library/Preferences/be.michotte.HSTracker.plist and resetting things up seems to correct the issue.
I got the same issue. I deleted ~/Library/Preferences/be.michotte.HSTracker.plist, but the issue still happened.
I think the issue is related to the 'Clear Opponent Deck after match' option. When I uncheck it, I can see the opponent deck being tracked!
After updating to Version 0.19 (1462), the opponent tracker no longer populates during the game. Once the game is over, the card list does populate.
Running on macOS 10.12 (16A323)