HearthSim / HSTracker

A deck tracker and deck manager for Hearthstone on macOS
MIT License
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Inflated Memory Usage: consolidated thread (since v0.19.3) #774

Closed TickMan closed 7 years ago

TickMan commented 7 years ago

I figured a new "issue" would be less confusing for visitors... 😜

This is meant to be a consolidated thread for any issues relating to unexpected increases in the memory consumption of HSTracker.

(The most-recent thread can be found here, and some older threads can be found here...)

The two issues (that I know of) still present in v0.19.3 are:

  1. The slow memory "growth" of 30-60MB per game, resulting in the process inflating to 200-900MB
    • (...may be a normal side-effect of HSTracker's current design?)
  2. The rapid memory "spike" of 300-400MB per second, resulting in the process inflating to 2-60GB
    • (...has only occurred following an Arena a game?)

I'll try to come back and edit this post if any notable insights occur (or the developers are also welcome to do so), and will make a separate post below for my own "data".


mrduit commented 7 years ago

@bmichotte Feel excited about the news and looking forward to the new version!

bmichotte commented 7 years ago

@ruchern Yes, moving from 0.20 to 1.0 can looks huge, but HSTracker turned 2 a month ago, we now have a powerfull app with some issues, but like any app ;) So yes, it's time !

thebmo commented 7 years ago

I had left a comment in issue #750 but realized it was marked as closed. Then n a created an issue (#824) because i didn't see this one. But I've seem spikes as high as 17gb now (which exceeds my physical ram amount) playing both arena and constructed.

*5/4/20178 Just downloaded 0.20.1 OSX sierra 10.12

opened the app ram is about 154mb after a game or two it cranks up to almost 9 gigs usage. On a mac book pro 16gb of ram. Issue seems to be persistent :(

updated: ram usage is using more than my max physical ram now, 17gigs and climbing

ifeherva commented 7 years ago

@thebmo feel free to read back on this thread

mrduit commented 7 years ago

@ifeherva I wonder how is everything going about the last issue of the newest version. I am kind of eager to use the newest one.

bmichotte commented 7 years ago

HSTracker 1.0 is now available !

Thanks @ifeherva for all the hard work you made these last months !

mrduit commented 7 years ago
