A user starts off with only 2 of each secret in there deck. If there has played no spell discovery or random secret generation, the tracker should omit secrets that have been revealed twice when a secret is played.
Actual Behavior
When a new secret is played, Secret tracker still displays all secrets available to the class regardless if secrets have been disqualified (2 of that secret have been revealed with no random spell generation)
Steps to reproduce behavior
Play against a class that includes secrets with no random spell/secret generation (paladin).
Give secrets a possible number of occurrence that resets and increments by 1 each time a spell generation card is played. Keep track of the generated spell and decrement the secrets occurrence accordingly.
Bug report
Expected Behavior
A user starts off with only 2 of each secret in there deck. If there has played no spell discovery or random secret generation, the tracker should omit secrets that have been revealed twice when a secret is played.
Actual Behavior
When a new secret is played, Secret tracker still displays all secrets available to the class regardless if secrets have been disqualified (2 of that secret have been revealed with no random spell generation)
Steps to reproduce behavior
Play against a class that includes secrets with no random spell/secret generation (paladin).