HearthSim / Hearthstone-Deck-Tracker

A deck tracker and deck manager for Hearthstone on Windows
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Keeps switching to No Deck Mode #4537

Closed Andrew-Usher closed 4 weeks ago

Andrew-Usher commented 3 months ago

Expected Behavior

I expect when I select the deck manually, it should keep that deck active.

Actual Behavior

Tracker deselects my deck and returns to no deck mode, only tracking cards it's seen.

Steps to reproduce behavior

I assume it's the Tradable keyword which is doing this; run any card with tradable.


No response

beheh commented 3 months ago

Thanks for your report! Are you running a Whizbang deck by any chance? We have some specific logic around him that could cause this.

beheh commented 3 months ago

We've since seen further reports about this and are investigating. One of the affected decks seems to be this one: AAEBAZICBIW4AsX9ArD6Bb6ZBg2kB4oOj/YC8NQDr4AErp8EuaAErsAEgdQEoukF/Y0GqZ4GmqAGAAA=

Andrew-Usher commented 3 months ago


beheh commented 3 months ago

@Andrew-Usher Is this still happening to you? We're struggling to reproduce this on our end.

Andrew-Usher commented 3 months ago

@beheh Yes, very much so - about every third game. It got so bad at one point last week my tracker just said stuff it and turned off automatic selection.

It seems to be an issue with the tradable keyword. At least Fire Sale is the card which the tracker is constantly complaining isn't in my deck whenever it bugs the hell out.

Here's my deck list: AAEBAc2xAh7AAcsE8BPDFomsAum6AtDBApjEAqDOAvyjA5KkA7i2A53uA83yA6f3A8KgBNu5BKneBK7vBKOQBeKkBf3EBazRBYfkBdH4Bcv+Bdj+BdaYBs2eBq+oBgAAAQPAAf3EBfuwA/3EBf/hBP3EBQAA

RohanHinton commented 3 months ago

Happening nearly every game when I use the Plaguebringer loaner deck.

LuacsDev commented 2 months ago

Happening nearly every game when I use the Plaguebringer loaner deck.

Same here, anything else and it seems to be fine

beheh commented 2 months ago

Thanks, we'll continue investigating!

bmitzel commented 1 month ago

I'm not sure if this additional info will help at all, but this happens to me 100% of the time upon clicking the Play button in Hearthstone. HDT immediately auto-enables No-Deck Mode every single time. This has been going on for 10+ games now, across 5 different Standard decks, all of which I manually created as New decks from within HDT. The 5 decks are all from the pool of Hearthstone's Loaner Decks, and I've included their links below. This is all on a fresh install of HDT v1.28.3 on a Windows 10 PC that had never had HDT installed on it previously.

Rise of the Earthen Wishing for a Win Holli'dae Break Sludge-Covered Slugfest Odyn's Aegis

beheh commented 4 weeks ago

This is fixed in https://github.com/HearthSim/Hearthstone-Deck-Tracker/commit/5b65587604c3bd9c7c9075d0c2f51f6446391b58 and loaner decks will be automatically imported in the upcoming HDT version.