Misdirection is a Hunter secret which causes a minion to attack a random target, rather than the hero it originally aimed at. Event log seems to print that the damage was dealt to the hero instead of the new target. The sim correctly applies the damage, although there is no animation which accompanies it, so it is rather confusing.
EatsVeggies plays [Misdirection]
# Turn 17: Elmoy
Elmoy draws a card
[Griftah] attacks [Zul'jin]
[Misdirection] triggers
[Griftah] attacks [Zul'jin] for 4
[Jaina Proudmoore] dies
EatsVeggies wins!
Misdirection is a Hunter secret which causes a minion to attack a random target, rather than the hero it originally aimed at. Event log seems to print that the damage was dealt to the hero instead of the new target. The sim correctly applies the damage, although there is no animation which accompanies it, so it is rather confusing.
EatsVeggies plays [Misdirection]
# Turn 17: Elmoy Elmoy draws a card [Griftah] attacks [Zul'jin] [Misdirection] triggers [Griftah] attacks [Zul'jin] for 4 [Jaina Proudmoore] dies EatsVeggies wins!
Here is the game link: https://hsreplay.net/replay/nbwgSXm2Recvwu9rzs3j4e And here is a screenshot of the event log: