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If the minion Carnivorous Cube eats is transformed, Cube's deathrattle summons the post-transformed minion (or even hero) #1082

Open Kybxd opened 5 years ago

Kybxd commented 5 years ago

Here is an interesting test showing that Cube's deathrattle summons Frost Lich Jaina. First Cube eats Anub'arak, then play Anub'arak again and Polymorph it. Try to transform it into Chameleos with Recombobulator. Return it to hand and it tranforms into opponent's only card Frost Lich Jaina. Then kill the Cube.

(Starting from 8:00) https://www.bilibili.com/video/av37117483

troggnostupidhs commented 5 years ago

Is it starting at 8:00 or 8:45? I'm not sure what the video is showing that starts at 8:00.

Kybxd commented 5 years ago

Well, 8:00 to 8:45 is just showing how to activate this bug, as I described above.

troggnostupidhs commented 5 years ago

Reminds me of #984

And per that bug, this shouldn't happen. Unless it wasn't a general change, maybe?


Whenever a card transforms it loses its enchantments. This change primarily affects the following 4 cards: Shifter Zerus, Molten Blade, Shifting Scroll, and Voodoo Doll. If the target of a Voodoo Doll is transformed or silenced, it is no longer destroyed by the Voodoo Doll’s Deathrattle.

Kybxd commented 5 years ago

I guess so. You know when Hearthstone fixes a bug, it's usually in a hard-coded way. #36/#1083 are good examples. In essence, they don't fix a 'bug' thoroughly, but fix a 'case' with public attention.

PattuX commented 5 years ago

Jetz and I tried to test this with spells. However, we didn't have Anub'arak but figured out this does not work with Spirit Echo, Redemption, Getaway Kodo, Pyros and also Weasel Tunneler, The Skeleton Knight and Malorne as those create copies. Seems like only Anub'arak works.

edit: After some recombobulating we found that spells are only added to the hand of the cube owner. The zonePos of the cards in hand is the zonePos that the cube had on board.

Kybxd commented 5 years ago

Yes, as for deathrattles only Anub'arak is a true zone-moving effect, and other zone-moving deathrattles just create copies. This can be checked with Leyline Manipulator.

troggnostupidhs commented 5 years ago

HysteriA's latest video shows this bug

https://youtu.be/Y8kXLhGNmHg?t=1 https://youtu.be/Y8kXLhGNmHg?t=48 https://youtu.be/Y8kXLhGNmHg?t=99