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Sunstruck Henchman's effect resets NUM_TURNS_IN_PLAY, causing side effects #1249

Open Jetz72 opened 5 years ago

Jetz72 commented 5 years ago

Sunstruck Henchman: "At the start of your turn, this has a 50% chance to fall asleep."

The asleep 'Z' visual is derived from the NUM_TURNS_IN_PLAY tag, rather than a separate one. Sunstruck Henchman works by resetting this tag:

BLOCK_START BlockType=TRIGGER Entity=[entityName=Sunstruck Henchman id=17 zone=PLAY zonePos=1 cardId=ULD_180 player=1] EffectCardId= EffectIndex=0 Target=0 SubOption=-1 TriggerKeyword=TRIGGER_VISUAL
    TAG_CHANGE Entity=[entityName=Sunstruck Henchman id=17 zone=PLAY zonePos=1 cardId=ULD_180 player=1] tag=NUM_TURNS_IN_PLAY value=0 
    TAG_CHANGE Entity=[entityName=Sunstruck Henchman id=17 zone=PLAY zonePos=1 cardId=ULD_180 player=1] tag=EXHAUSTED value=1 

This can cause side effects, though. One that is arguably intended is that if it has Rush, it cannot attack heroes when it "falls asleep":

Hearthstone Screenshot 08-11-19 13 20 17 Next turn: Hearthstone Screenshot 08-11-19 13 20 37

What probably isn't intended though is what happens when Spirit of the Rhino is played: Hearthstone Screenshot 08-11-19 13 24 17

Since the number of turns in play was reset, Spirit of the Rhino thinks the card was played this turn.

The Charge spell is not affected, despite #662. Presumably that one cares about the age of the enchantment, not the minion.