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Tombs of Terror: Eternal Army retains damage, rendering minions useless when shuffled and redrawn #1310

Open Jetz72 opened 4 years ago

Jetz72 commented 4 years ago

Original title: "Kingsbane retains its damage, rendering it useless after it breaks" Issue was more broad than this though. Kingsbane has been fixed but other cases have not been.


When King’s Bane goes to 0 durability it stays at 0 now. If you play it after this it auto shuffles in.


If you kingsbane doesn't ever refresh its durability in your hand. This is even true if the weapon has zero durability, so once kingsbane dies it just becomes a dead card in your deck for the rest of the game. 0 Durability Kingsbane in hand.

Jetz72 commented 4 years ago


In Tombs of Terror (which is otherwise AWESOME, btw, more like this please), the Anomaly - Eternal Army is now (I think this might be new with the latest patch, as I’v e played a lot of ToT this week and not seen this before) retaining not only enchantments, but also damage. So I get back cards with Stats like (4/-2), and they die on hitting the table. =(

Eternal Army anomaly affected as well. It's the one that shuffles dead minions back into the deck. It's unwritten but they also keep enchantments.

Jetz72 commented 4 years ago


Kingsbane will now correctly be destroyed and shuffled into your deck when it reaches 0 durability.

That's not exactly the issue we were having but I checked and durability is restored when the weapon breaks.

However, Doomerang still retains damage: Hearthstone Screenshot 03-27-20 20 24 26

Since it wasn't evidently reverted at the source, no word on whether Eternal Army is still affected. I vaguely recall reading a report that Sirinell was affected too, but didn't think to link it. Never heard anything about Immortal Prelate, so presumably they caught that case before release?

Jetz72 commented 4 years ago

Is still affecting the Anomaly: https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/hearthstone/t/tombs-of-terror-minion-shuffle-anomaly-bug/27752

The minion shuffle anomaly seems to be bugged on Tombs of Terror. I had a 2/2 Treant die during a run of chapter 2, after it EoT attacked my opponent’s Mountain Fire Armor due to the Chapter 2 twist. When I drew the Treant again the game displayed it as a 2/-2, and when I played it the minion died immediately.