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"Discover a copy" effects ignore Invoke cards if you don't have Galakrond #1319

Open Jetz72 opened 4 years ago

Jetz72 commented 4 years ago


Yesterday, trying my Talanji Priest deck against a Warlock, i played Madame Lazul and she shown me only one card on the discover screen, while the oponent had 3 cards in hand. I know normally this only happen when the oponent has the same card in hand, but he didn’t make any discover effect during the game. And i repeat, he had 3 cards in hand!!!, when normally you can only have 2 of the same copy.

I have the video on my youtube channel: https://youtu.be/zt7SCObV3xQ?t=251

As described, the other cards were not generated. Game was standard. Best explanation I can come up with is that this is related to #1315. Opponent was using a Galakrond deck, player was presumably not. The recent change was supposed to make Invoke cards discoverable if you have a Galakrond. It's possible the opponent had two Invoke cards in hand, and Lazul's Discover refused to show them.

Another report: https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/fposwl/cloning_device_doesnt_work_on_galkarond_minions/

I was playing my thief priest in wild and went up against a Galkorand Warlock, where the only card I could discover was a knife juggler on turn 1. Of course, my Crystalline Oracle had found the warlock Galkorand invoke 3 drop on its death rattle... so the more logical idea is that it can't discover Galkorand cards if you don't have a galkorand card in your deck to make use of them.

Seems like regular random copying works normally.

Jetz72 commented 4 years ago

Despite the hotfixes to #1315, this is still being reported: https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/frll3s/at_first_i_couldnt_understand_why_i_only/

Some are still saying Lazul will give Invoke cards if you have a Galakrond, but since the logic was changed to "Invoke cards cannot be generated at all" it's unclear if Lazul is now operating on separate Discover logic, or if these reports are from experiences before the hotfixes. Worth testing.

Jetz72 commented 4 years ago


Played cloning device, only gave me one choice. Played cloning device again later, only gave me 2 choices. The third time I played cloning device it actually worked. Looks like my opponent was playing a highlander deck.

First game played it turn 3 and 6 https://hsreplay.net/replay/mAfvEiJhH25M5fGkYB97TA

Another game it happened, turn 1 https://hsreplay.net/replay/oUf5rSnswXMsebukZqHkJo

Affects Cloning Device. Both times against Galakrond decks, with player not using Galakrond. Both decks had non-Invoke minions to pick from, but Cloning Device still had gaps in the options.

Possible explanation:

It’s possible that Cloning Gallery’s implementation causes the limitation to be skipped at the deck searching phase, but enforced later. Presumably they had it so Discover wouldn’t search for or display Invoke cards if you didn’t have a Galakrond (actually I think this has been reverted and now it shouldn’t give you Invoke cards at all, but it’s still apparently causing problems like this). But maybe whoever implemented Cloning Gallery didn’t use the Discover mechanics for the searching. I.e. instead of “Discover a minion, using the enemy deck as the card pool”, they implemented it as “select 3 different random minions in the enemy deck, then offer a choice between them using the discover interface”. That would make it possible for an Invoke minion to be randomly chosen at first, but then be rejected at the final hurdle, leaving empty spots in the options.