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Cards using the TOPDECK tag obtained by spells can be seen by opponent in history sidebar #19

Open NightKev opened 8 years ago

NightKev commented 8 years ago

If a card generates Flame Leviathan, the opponent can see this card being obtained in the history sidebar on mouseover. This bug happens because the TOPDECK tag makes the card in hand revealed for the opposing player as well.

This issue is not specific to Flame Leviathan, it also happens with Sea Reaver, Ambush!, Ancient Curse and Burrowing Mine:

http://us.battle.net/hearthstone/en/forum/topic/18719276402 https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/4g9ddj/thoughtsteal_ambush_bug/

Player who played Thoughtsteal:


Patashu commented 8 years ago

Changed title and updated to 3.0 since it happens with Burgle too.

jleclanche commented 8 years ago

I suspect this is the game server being confused about the TOPDECK GameTag. Thoughtsteal / Mind Vision / Whatever on all the other on-draw triggers most likely reproduce this.

Patashu commented 8 years ago

Also happens with Sea Reaver:


Patashu commented 8 years ago

Confirmed in 3.1


Xinhuan commented 8 years ago

Confirmed in 4.0


Xinhuan commented 8 years ago

Confirmed in 4.0, again.

Edit: And again in 4.1.

Patashu commented 8 years ago

Also happens with Discover mechanic, for example Gorillabot A-3 and Flame Leviathan


culinko commented 8 years ago

We confirmed it with Tracking in 4.1. I was the one using Tracking: hearthstone screenshot 12-07-15 19 35 26 SimFri was my opponent and he saw what I picked: ki86p11

Patashu commented 8 years ago

Works with the Golden Monkey. Worse yet, it reveals ALL minions in your hand if just one of them is Flame Leviathan!



Patashu commented 8 years ago

If you 'Discover' Flame Leviathan (such as with Stolen Winter's Veil Gift, Raven Idol or Gorillabot A-3) it will be revealed to your opponent in the sidebar. (If Flame Leviathan is an option but not picked, it is not leaked.)

Patashu commented 8 years ago

Confirmed in 4.3


culinko commented 8 years ago

Also happens with Ambush!, Ancient Curse and Burrowing Mine.


Patashu commented 8 years ago

Confirmed in 5.0


Patashu commented 8 years ago

Confirmed in


culinko commented 7 years ago

Confirmed in 6.0: https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/50ly2e/hearthstone_portal_party_unstable_portal_history/.

Patashu commented 7 years ago

Confirmed in 7.0


Patashu commented 7 years ago



eeelkababs commented 7 years ago


does this still count? i legit thought they introduced a patch that now shows card randomly generated... that turn into a disappointment very quickly...