HearthSim / hs-bugs

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You can hear sound effects when you move your mouse inside non-Hearthstone window if you have enabled sound in background (mose over events are recognized when the window is not in focus) #209

Open culinko opened 9 years ago

culinko commented 9 years ago

If you enable the "Sound in Background" option and switch to other programs such that their windows are overlaid over the Hearthstone window in the background, when you move your mouse inside the non-Hearthstone window over the locations, such as your cards at mulligan or the history sidebar tile, you can still hear the sound effects as though the active non-Hearthstone program window is not present.

The sound of the UI buttons was fixed in Patch 4.2 or 4.3, however other sound effects, such as your cards at mulligan or the history sidebar tile still make sound effects as if Hearthstone window wasn't in background.

culinko commented 8 years ago

You can hear UI buttons again in 5.2.

troggnostupidhs commented 7 years ago

Possibly fixed


Hearthstone’s engine has been updated to Unity version 5.6.

culinko commented 7 years ago

You can no longer hear the UI buttons (this was already fixed once), but you can still hear the sounds when hovering over your cards at mulligan or over the history sidebar.

troggnostupidhs commented 6 years ago

~This should be fixed.~

edit: I tested wrong. 'Sound In Background' should be on.

hearthstone screenshot 08-04-18 18 42 50

culinko commented 6 years ago

I tested this just now and it's still present for me. I am able to hear sounds when I hover over my cards at mulligan and over the history sidebar entries. I'm running hs in windowed mode and tested it with regular Notepad in front of the hs window (also happens with Google Chrome).