HearthSim / hs-bugs

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Taverns of Time: Infinite Murloc is buffed incorrectly when copied by Faceless Manipulator #980

Open Kybxd opened 6 years ago

Kybxd commented 6 years ago


Opponent Warlock faceless his 5/5 Infinite Murloc but somehow it becomes a 10/10. I steal it with MCT and next turn he plays Infinite Murloc it's a correct 6/6.

-7q5-elafxpz6xt3cs1hc-u0 png medium

Kybxd commented 6 years ago

This bug also happens to C'Thun.

Starting from 4m50s: https://www.bilibili.com/video/av27335029

Kybxd commented 6 years ago

This is fixed now (for C'Thun+Faceless).