HearthSim / proto-extractor

Program to extract protobufs compiled for C#
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Problems with the new version of Hearthstone. #18

Open Scylin232 opened 2 years ago

Scylin232 commented 2 years ago

At the moment of patch number 23.X - extracting files gives an error: Sequence contains no matching element; (.NET Core Version, File SilentOrbitInspector.CS, Line 138) I've tried changing the query from First to FirstOrDefault, or setting conditions for failed attempts, but that only retrieves the Telemetry files. Am I doing something wrong or is the program no longer compatible with new versions of the game?


Bert-Proesmans commented 2 years ago

Hey! Just leaving a note that I'm not actively maintaining this repository. Hopefully someone else comes along with a solution, otherwise it's up to yourself. Good luck!

Scylin232 commented 2 years ago

Hi, thanks for the reply!

My advice to other people, try wrapping this function in a try/catch, and just skip failed attempts in that context. This will extract the files, albeit with out-of-order and some errors, hopefully we can move forward with this.