HeavensGate / Eternal

Heaven's Gate Station's homebrew based on Baystation12 ( https://github.com/Baystation12/Baystation12 ) //
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Broken Antag HUD #163

Open Davnik opened 9 years ago

Davnik commented 9 years ago

http://gyazo.com/185d2aa1f7b4c3583fb26fdc5c140e7c http://gyazo.com/c7d3c1d468b7733685bd98ffa7af983e The Antag HUD refuses to acknowledge autorolled Traitors. Testing will need to be done to isolate parts of this issue; update if you gather any more intel. Otherwise, investigate to see if the problem is apparent.

Davnik commented 9 years ago

Adding Spriting in the off chance traitor_antaghud.png is something that doesn't actually have a sprite.

sshado commented 9 years ago

Issue has been discussed with Davnik. Until further testing is done, I will consider the antagHUD not broken.

Davnik commented 9 years ago

Further testing includes forcing autotator and checking all of them via antagHUD. The issue could stem from your actual job, or just about anything. My leading suspicion is that the admin who reported this had previously used toggle-antagHUD-usage, which prevents observers from using antagHUD. But spawning invisible types of all common species and using the traitor panel to turn them into headrev, rev, cult, wizard, changeling, traitor, mercenary and wizard all showed on AntagHUD.

Davnik commented 9 years ago

It would seem the antagHUD doesn't display anyone who was autopicked for a role... possibly including antags at roundstart? Or maybe it needs to be activated twice? Strange things.

Guaranteed, the AI as tator is never displayed.