HeavensGate / Eternal

Heaven's Gate Station's homebrew based on Baystation12 ( https://github.com/Baystation12/Baystation12 ) //
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Infoscreens #262

Open Davnik opened 8 years ago

Davnik commented 8 years ago

Wall-mounted machines which, when powered?, provide a message, either as a custom description or a paper pop-up that you can write on without a pen. Easy interface lore delivery system.

Mandatory goals: ~It needs to be sprited. It should be a dimly lit grey rectangle which fits for walls, with a holoscreen on it, perhaps with some minor details of a touch-screen interface, perhaps a simple animation, perhaps an icon state difference between written and blank. It at least needs to be a grey border with a glass screen, preferably displaying the glass is over more greyness, so a kind of dim grey screen if not transparent. ~It needs to present at least a custom description. I would prefer if paper code could be ported in, or at least pop-up textbox. In the event of paper code, allow it to be written on without a pen, because on-screen keyboard. ~Power is optional, as it can presumably run on batteries near-indefinitely, (and we want lore delivered even if the station is kill.)

Stretch goals: http://pastebin.com/Q3bZHrKw

Davnik commented 8 years ago

Once these are implemented, a new issue will arise in gate/writing to have things ready to put on infoscreens, and an issue will then arise in mapping to actually place the buggers where lore needs delivering.

Mewchild commented 8 years ago

@Finriv @Puckaboo2

Finriv commented 8 years ago

So basically the AI screens which the message can be set. and scroll. Just instead anyone can interact with it like paper

Davnik commented 8 years ago

Yeah basically. But, for messages longer than four words. And static, no scrolly. And mostly for mapper use. I don't even know if crew should be able to edit them, but... it could have roleplay uses. Maybe allow players to add an additional, separate message, like a newscaster feed...

Point being, it's a holoscreen with a paragraph or two of information to be received in dialog box format, explaining what's up in that room/area on our map/codebase.

nullbear commented 8 years ago


so basically like this. Doesn't actually say anything on the sprite, but can be examined for more info.