HeavensGate / Eternal

Heaven's Gate Station's homebrew based on Baystation12 ( https://github.com/Baystation12/Baystation12 ) //
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Security camera recordings and camera features #46

Open woothie opened 9 years ago

woothie commented 9 years ago

Security camera records, and a top priority sub-list before all other listings, marking points of interest like the captain's office and armory. Also, a series of updates that properly constrain where engineering and cargo cameras have access to.

Davnik commented 9 years ago

oh god all the tags

nullbear commented 8 years ago

A great camera feature, would be to be able to scroll through networked cameras using an AI eye like interface, rather than having to switch to specific cameras. You wouldnt be able to see the entire station, as the ai does, but it would be much more fluid for exploring areas with the camera system.

staticcharged commented 8 years ago

That would be a pretty great camera feature.