HeavensGate / Eternal

Heaven's Gate Station's homebrew based on Baystation12 ( https://github.com/Baystation12/Baystation12 ) //
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Menu for toggling context menu options #70

Open woothie opened 9 years ago

woothie commented 9 years ago

The context menu is getting crowded, so we're making a window menu for enabling/disabling some of them individualy. For instance, freeze mech (this needs a check code-wise btw), possess (this also needs cleaning because broken in logic), vv, this and that and whatnot. Maybe add the option to open character menu or whatever it was called when right-clicking a mob w/ a key/client on it. Consider optimization should this be the case, maybe do that calculation before-hand? Already done, list of active players/crew manifest source for offline as well.

Davnik commented 9 years ago

The complex/difficult label was made for this issue.

Jacquar commented 9 years ago

Be serious about this one, how long will it take you to create a fully functional admin menu/window for modifying the rightclick context menus compared to simply removing some of them?

Davnik commented 9 years ago

Woothie doesn't do HTML, but the process seems intuitive: design a window with buttons. Each button, when pressed, deletes or writes a line/set of code into the context menu which shows the respective verb. Somehow, this difference is either client-side or handled by ckey, so that the changes do not affect everyone's context menus. For reference on clientside verb toggles, observe ghost eyes/speakers/midis.

Realistically, when woothie has time for this, I can see it being a 1-5 day project, depending on how much effort goes in each day and who he needs to talk to in regards to setting up an HTML window, and how difficult it is for him to make the context menu toggles persistent and ckey-handled.

Mewchild commented 8 years ago

@Davnik Beep boop, status on this?

Davnik commented 8 years ago

@woothie Beep boop, how long would it take for a coder to resolve this?

nullbear commented 8 years ago

Context menus can be painful as it is. We have a bunch of click procs that are never used for anything.

ie. click = do something. ctrl click = pull (used rarely.) shift click = examine (used often) alt click = view contents of tile. (used rarely, should be context driven.)

An idea i like, is making alt-click and ctrl click more context driven. Reducing the size of the context window for players, and making gameplay a bit more fluid. An example would be making, instead of "always pull" or "always show tile", only when ctrl clicking with an empty hand, you pull someone, and only when alt clicking a tile/table/wall, you show the area contents.

This doesnt really help much with admin context menus though. But to be honest, how often do you guys really use most of the stuff thats in them? You could probably put /show vars/show player panel to shortcuts, and keep some of the other basic stuff, while putting the rest into player panel if it isnt used ever.