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effort feedback - "80% solution" #97

Open josephcoombe opened 6 years ago

josephcoombe commented 6 years ago

A few things I learned:

  1. GetForceTorque() returns the net force-torque experienced by the Joint (e.g. for a X5-9 holding an arm at horizontal at steady-state, GetForceTorque() will return ~0.0 since the motor effort is being counteracted by the gravitational force). This is - as far as I can tell - not what we want for force-feedback control.

  2. GetForce() simply returns the last torque applied to the Joint via SetForce. Using GetForce() is the 80% (cop-out) solution in my book - based off my tests. Now when playing with force-control using the real actuators, I noted that they are responsive to external forces. E.g. if a pendulum arm is partially lifted since the motor is set to apply a -1.4 N/m ("upwards") torque and I push down on the arm, it will temporarily reduce its torque output to compensate for the transient change in torque measured by the motor. Obviously GetForce() doesn't give us any of this, but GetForceTorque() might. See video below. Perhaps we could use the GetForce + (-GetForceTorque()) readings.

Videos: GetForceTorque (dotted line) vs GetForce (solid line): https://drive.google.com/file/d/15vdITw2A4socnTJ0Ghwu5QT8UpQxQMBn/view?usp=sharing

force-torque-plugin readings while moving a joint (notice these aren't too horribly noisy): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HFzK05pN0u0opxflZ4954Bq0c4Co-UQ9/view?usp=sharing

force-torque-plugin readings on extra transmission-to-output revolute joint with lower=0 upper=0 limits (Transient spikes would have to be clipped+filtered out. I think the noise at the jt limits can be reduced/eliminated by changing SQR from 1.3 (default) to 1.0):

Reference: https://bitbucket.org/osrf/gazebo/issues/1975/changed-the-calculation-of-force-torque-on https://bitbucket.org/osrf/gazebo/src/default/gazebo/sensors/ForceTorqueSensor.cc https://bitbucket.org/osrf/gazebo/pull-requests/2110/changed-the-calculation-of-force-torque-on/diff https://bitbucket.org/osrf/gazebo/src/default/gazebo/physics/ode/ODEJoint.cc https://bitbucket.org/osrf/gazebo/pull-requests/735/create-spring-damper-in-joints-issue-845/diff#comment-671487 (Simulating SEA joints using an active joint and a passive joint - with upper & lower position limits set to 0) https://github.com/robotology/gazebo-yarp-plugins/issues/192