HebiRobotics / HebiCam

MATLAB utility for streaming video acquisition (h264, mjpeg, etc.)
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Connect to protected IP camera #2

Closed BorisTestov closed 7 years ago

BorisTestov commented 7 years ago

Hello! Is there any way to connect a protected IP camera with HebiCam? I tried cam = HebiCam('adress of my camera','Login','Pass');, but it doesn't work.

ennerf commented 7 years ago

Most cameras have a way to integrate the user/password into the url, e.g., rtsp://user:password@ip-address/ or http://ip-address/video?user=myUser&password=myPassword. You'll need to look at the documentation for your camera to find out the right url.

BorisTestov commented 7 years ago

Thanks a lot, it works! But now I have another problem: when I launched programme second time, I got this error:

Warning: The following error was caught while executing 'HebiCam' class destructor: Undefined function 'stop' for input arguments of type 'double'. In ipc (line 6) Error using HebiCam (line 177) Java exception occurred: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unsupported number of channels: 0 at us.hebi.matlab.streaming.BackgroundFrameGrabber.(BackgroundFrameGrabber.java:63)

Error in ipc (line 6) cam = HebiCam('rtsp://user:password@ip-adress');

And here is the code: clear all; cam = HebiCam('rtsp://user:password@ip-adress'); figure(); fig = imshow(getsnapshot(cam)); while true set(fig, 'CData', getsnapshot(cam)); drawnow; end

First time it worked good, what can be wrong now?

ennerf commented 7 years ago

Did you replace "user" "password" and "ip-address" with the correct values for your camera? This looks like the URL is not correct. Can you open the stream in, e.g., VLC?

If this only happens the second time around, your camera may only support 1 stream at a time. You could try:

clear cam; cam = HebiCam(...);

This stops the first connection before creating a second one.

BorisTestov commented 7 years ago

Hmm, I rewrote ip-adress and it works fine now. And the last question: can i get access to speaker or IR backlight on my IP camera?

ennerf commented 7 years ago

Not at the moment. The current implementation only supports video. I currently don't have access to cameras with speakers or backlights, so I'm not sure how those are usually accessed.