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Dev lemmatization progress bar broken #499

Closed IvyJL closed 1 year ago

IvyJL commented 1 year ago

Lost this on dev somehow. I have to reload the Texts page to see when lemmatization is done.

bilbe commented 1 year ago

The annoying this is you don’t get to go to the text until it completes. Of course you can reload the page, but it’ll be a stumbling block for some

bilbe commented 1 year ago

Here's a text that you can use to reproduce the problem

Arma virumque canō, Trōiae quī prīmus ab ōrīs Ītaliam, fātō profugus, Lāvīnia|que vēnit lītora, multum ille et terrīs iactātus et altō vī superum saevae memorem Iūnōnis ob īram; multa quoque et bellō passus, dum conderet urbem, inferretque deōs Latiō, genus unde Latīnum, Albānī|que patrēs, atque altae moenia Rōmae.

bilbe commented 1 year ago

Not really fixed.

Well, it better and it does finish, which is critical. However, I tried some longer texts and it seem not to truly "progress." It seems that it just has one position initially and then complete. It does the job but is kind of unsatisfying.

arthurian commented 1 year ago

The UX should be improved now with #521, which animates the progress bar between status updates so it doesn't just jump from like 27% complete to 100% complete (especially for shorter texts).

bilbe commented 1 year ago

This works now