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Unable to compile on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS 32 bit #16

Open Mooselake opened 12 years ago

Mooselake commented 12 years ago

This is the version on the EMC2 install CD. A rebuild from source is required since only 64 bit binaries are on google code.

INSTALL_UBUNTU.sh creates a complete second copy of the source (/home/kirk/heekscad/heekscad on my system), then fails after several errors. Excerpts from the build:

CMake Error: The following variables are used in this project, but they are set to NOTFOUND. Please set them or make sure they are set and tested correctly in the CMake files: FTGL_INCLUDE_DIR (ADVANCED) used as include directory in directory /home/kirk/heekscad/heekscad/heekscnc/oce/adm/cmake/TKOpenGl FTGL_LIBRARY (ADVANCED) linked by target "TKOpenGl" in directory /home/kirk/heekscad/heekscad/heekscnc/oce/adm/cmake/TKOpenGl

-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred! make: * No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop. make: * No rule to make target `install'. Stop.

Lots of these:

CMake Warning at CMakeLists.txt:26 (find_package): Could not find module FindOCE.cmake or a configuration file for package OCE.

Adjust CMAKE_MODULE_PATH to find FindOCE.cmake or set OCE_DIR to the directory containing a CMake configuration file for OCE. The file will have one of the following names:


Fatal error in OCE:

cc1plus: warnings being treated as errors /home/kirk/heekscad/heekscad/heekscnc/opencamlib/src/algo/simple_weave.cpp: In member function ‘void ocl::weave::SimpleWeave::add_intvertex(const ocl::Point&, void&, void&, void&, void_&, ocl::Interval&, ocl::Interval&)’:

/home/kirk/heekscad/heekscad/heekscnc/opencamlib/src/algo/simple_weave.cpp:178: error: ‘ye_ul_prev.boost::detail::edge_desc_impl::.boost::detail::edge_base::m_target’ may be used uninitialized in this function make[2]: **\* [algo/CMakeFiles/ocl_algo.dir/simple_weave.o] Error 1 make[2]: **\* Waiting for unfinished jobs.... make[1]: **\* [algo/CMakeFiles/ocl_algo.dir/all] Error 2 make: **\* [all] Error 2 dpkg: error processing opencamlib__.deb (--install): cannot access archive: No such file or directory Errors were encountered while processing: opencamlib__.deb ..... then the compile quits.
fredrenner commented 12 years ago

I had compiled and used Heeks on ubuntu 10.xx then kubuntu 11.04 without (much) trouble. Just upgraded to 11.10 and ran into similar problems.

On the OCE errors: that is referring to OpenCASCADE. I just added a symlink named FindOCE.cmake that pointed to the corresponding FindOpenCASCADE.cmake and it was happy.

There were also differences in naming some files in /usr/lib named xxx.so instead of xxx.so.0 that symlinks also fixed.

Am still working on a revised install script.

fredrenner commented 12 years ago

So, of course, I just now see sliptonic's post from four days ago, in the 'solved' pile.

Mooselake commented 12 years ago

What/where sliptonic post? I was unable to find it.

Reinstalling ftgl_dev per aewallin's closed heekscnc issue #15 solved the TK_OpenGL errors, but I still have OCE errors, and the heekscad/heekscad double source issue. I'll add a symlink and try again.

fredrenner commented 12 years ago

Issues > Closed Items > #11 about a revised script that installs the OCE version of OpenCASCADE And it was 4 days + 1 month ago!

Mooselake commented 12 years ago

Updating to the latest opencamlib still generates the compile errors in simple_weave.cpp

abluesheep commented 12 years ago

I'm having exactly the same problem - compile errors in simple_weave.cpp.

Everything up to that point appears to work fine (once the necessary prerequisites have been identified and installed).

Appreciate any suggestions to get this working!

Mooselake commented 12 years ago

I don't have access to my CNC machine right now, but editing opencamlib's cmake config file (.../opencamlib/src/CMakeLists.txt) to remove the -Werror gcc option (treat warnings as errors) will opencamlib compile. Not sure why it's there, since there's a number of possibly uninitialized variable warnings that aren't significant but will abort the make. Maybe it's a gcc version issue.

I couldn't get heekscad to generate gcode - it failed but didn't produce any errors - but had to quit when we lost power in a snowstorm.

Hope this helps.

Mooselake commented 12 years ago

opencamlib now installs, with an warning CMake Warning at /home/kirk/heekscad/heekscnc/opencamlib/src/version_string.cmake:23 (message): Git not found. Build will not contain git revision info.

git is installed (package git-core). It doesn't seem to hurt anything. However, HeeksCNC has disappeared from HeeksCAD.

I run the make with a little script that captures the output into a log file:

heeksmake.log ./INSTALL_UBUNTU.sh 2>&1 >heeksmake.log & tail -f heeksmake.log

FWIW, my INSTALL_UBUNTU.sh . No warranties, express or implied, particularly since HeeksCNC is now broken. I don't think anybody's actually tested an install on the version on the EMC install disk, and opencamlib's (c)make needs some work to be compatible.


INSTALL_UBUNTU.sh -- Downloads, builds and installs HeeksCAD and related projects for ubuntu

DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "$0" )" && pwd )" # find out the current directory BUILDPATH=$DIR # Location of HeeksCAD build dir BUILDPREREQS="libwxbase2.8-dev cmake \ build-essential libwxgtk2.8 libwxgtk2.8-dev ftgl-dev \ libgtkglext1-dev python-dev cmake libboost-python-dev"

NUMCPU="$( grep '^processor' /proc/cpuinfo|wc -l)" MAKEOPT='-j'"$( expr $NUMCPU\ * 2 )"

Install build prerequisites

The next two lines can be commented out after the initial run.

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install -y $BUILDPREREQS

cd ${BUILDPATH} if [ ! -d heekscad ]; then git clone --recursive git://github.com/Heeks/heekscad.git fi

echo ------- oce

cd ${BUILDPATH}/heekscad/heekscnc/oce if [ -d build ]; then cd build else mkdir build cd build fi cmake .. make $MAKEOPT


sudo make install

echo ----- HeeksCAD $MAKEOPT

cd ${BUILDPATH}/heekscad/ cmake .

make package $MAKEOPT #For faster build on multi-core machines, uncomment this line and comment out the next

make package

sudo dpkg -i heekscad_*.deb

echo ----- HeeksCNC

Install HeeksCNC

cd ${BUILDPATH}/heekscad/heekscnc/ cmake .

make package $MAKEOPT #For faster build on multi-core machines, uncomment this line and comment out the next

make package

sudo dpkg -i heekscnc_*.deb

echo ----- libarea

Install libarea

area.so is required for pocket operations.

Get the libarea files from the SVN repository, build, and install

cd ${BUILDPATH}/heekscad/heekscnc/libarea/ if [ -d build ]; then cd build else mkdir build cd build fi cmake .. make $MAKEOPT #For faster build on multi-core machines, uncomment this line and comment out the next


sudo make install sudo ln -s .libs/area.so ${BUILDPATH}/heekscad/heekscnc/area.so

echo ----- opencamlib

Install opencamlib

cd ${BUILDPATH}/heekscad/heekscnc/opencamlib/ if [ -d build]; then cd build else mkdir build cd build fi cmake ../src

sudo make $MAKEOPT package #For faster build on multi-core machines, uncomment this line and comment out the next

make package

sudo dpkg -i opencamlib_*.deb

echo ----- DONE

aewallin commented 12 years ago

In opencamlib I have now wrote a very simple cmake script to find out the gcc version https://github.com/aewallin/opencamlib/blob/master/src/gcc_version.cmake

In the main cmakelists.txt I then check for gcc 4.6 or newer when setting "-Werror". I could test this in a virtualbox later but please let me know if it works on 10.04

Mooselake commented 12 years ago

I downloaded HeeksCAD into a new directory and rebuilt it, but did not get your changes. Sorry, but I know almost nothing about git, having retired from development 10 years ago (the last source control I really learned was SCCS...), so please advise what to do.

As downloaded, it fails in simple_weave, with Werror removed it installs.


Mooselake commented 12 years ago

Making progress. After removing .heekscad, .HeeksCAD, and .HeeksCNC machining is back in the menu, and HeekCNC in the plugins. Making a simple part generates gcode to cut part of it, but fails with

Looking for default data in '/home/kirk' Importing data from /home/kirk/default.tooltable Looking for default data in '/usr/lib' Looking for default data in '/usr/lib/heekscnc' Importing data from /usr/lib/heekscnc/default.speeds Traceback (most recent call last): File "/tmp/post.py", line 154, in kurve_funcs.profile(curve, 'right', tool_diameter/2, offset_extra, roll_radius, roll_on, roll_off, rapid_safety_space, clearance, start_depth, step_down, final_depth,extend_at_start,extend_at_end,lead_in_line_len,lead_out_line_len ) File "/usr/lib/heekscnc/kurve_funcs.py", line 247, in profile raise Exception, "couldn't offset kurve " + str(offset_curve) Exception: couldn't offset kurve <area.Curve object at 0xb769f414>

area.so was missing from /usr/lib/heekscnc, but copying it there did not fix the problem.

aewallin commented 12 years ago

On Sun, Nov 13, 2011 at 8:12 AM, Mooselake reply@reply.github.com wrote:

I downloaded HeeksCAD into a new directory and rebuilt it, but did not get your changes.  Sorry, but I know almost nothing about git, having retired from development 10 years ago (the last source control I really learned was SCCS...), so please advise what to do. As downloaded, it fails in simple_weave, with Werror removed it installs.

The way HeeksCNC is set up now is that one directory in the heekscnc git-repository is a pointer to a certain commit in my opencamlib repository. Whenever I make new commits to opencamlib that pointer needs to be updated - or you can clone directly from my repo at https://github.com/aewallin/opencamlib


abluesheep commented 12 years ago


Thanks for the updated code, I managed to pull it down fine, and a check of ~/heekscad/heekscnc/opencamlib/src/CMakeLists.txt shows the check for GCC_4_6

Unfortunately though, I am still unable to successfully build simple_weave.o. Here is the relevant section of the error log: [ 52%] Building CXX object algo/CMakeFiles/ocl_algo.dir/simple_weave.o cc1plus: warnings being treated as errors /home/jules/heekscad/heekscad/heekscnc/opencamlib/src/algo/simple_weave.cpp: In member function ‘void ocl::weave::SimpleWeave::add_intvertex(const ocl::Point&, void&, void&, void&, void_&, ocl::Interval&, ocl::Interval&)’: /home/jules/heekscad/heekscad/heekscnc/opencamlib/src/algo/simple_weave.cpp:177: error: ‘ye_lu_next.boost::detail::edge_desc_impl<boost::bidirectional_tag, void>::.boost::detail::edge_base<boost::bidirectional_tag, void>::m_source’ may be used uninitialized in this function /home/jules/heekscad/heekscad/heekscnc/opencamlib/src/algo/simple_weave.cpp:177: error: ‘ye_lu_next.boost::detail::edge_desc_impl<boost::bidirectional_tag, void>::.boost::detail::edge_base<boost::bidirectional_tag, void>::m_target’ may be used uninitialized in this function /home/jules/heekscad/heekscad/heekscnc/opencamlib/src/algo/simple_weave.cpp:177: error: ‘ye_lu_prev.boost::detail::edge_desc_impl<boost::bidirectional_tag, void>::.boost::detail::edge_base<boost::bidirectional_tag, void>::m_source’ may be used uninitialized in this function /home/jules/heekscad/heekscad/heekscnc/opencamlib/src/algo/simple_weave.cpp:177: error: ‘ye_lu_prev.boost::detail::edge_desc_impl<boost::bidirectional_tag, void>::.boost::detail::edge_base<boost::bidirectional_tag, void>::m_target’ may be used uninitialized in this function /home/jules/heekscad/heekscad/heekscnc/opencamlib/src/algo/simple_weave.cpp:178: error: ‘ye_ul_next.boost::detail::edge_desc_impl<boost::bidirectional_tag, void>::.boost::detail::edge_base<boost::bidirectional_tag, void>::m_source’ may be used uninitialized in this function /home/jules/heekscad/heekscad/heekscnc/opencamlib/src/algo/simple_weave.cpp:178: error: ‘ye_ul_next.boost::detail::edge_desc_impl<boost::bidirectional_tag, void>::.boost::detail::edge_base<boost::bidirectional_tag, void>::m_target’ may be used uninitialized in this function /home/jules/heekscad/heekscad/heekscnc/opencamlib/src/algo/simple_weave.cpp:178: error: ‘ye_ul_prev.boost::detail::edge_desc_impl<boost::bidirectional_tag, void>::.boost::detail::edge_base<boost::bidirectional_tag, void>::m_source’ may be used uninitialized in this function /home/jules/heekscad/heekscad/heekscnc/opencamlib/src/algo/simple_weave.cpp:178: error: ‘ye_ul_prev.boost::detail::edge_desc_impl<boost::bidirectional_tag, void>::.boost::detail::edge_base<boost::bidirectional_tag, void>::m_target’ may be used uninitialized in this function make[2]: *\ [algo/CMakeFiles/ocl_algo.dir/simple_weave.o] Error 1

Any suggestions of what else to try?

aewallin commented 12 years ago

abluesheep, please include your OS version, gcc version, and boost version with your error-report. Does the opencamlib cmake script correctly detect and set the GCC_4_6 variable? are you compiling with or without "-Werror" ?

abluesheep commented 12 years ago

I'm using Ubuntu 10.04LTS, kernel version 2.6.32, GCC version 4.3.3 and Boost 1.40. Not sure if GCC_4_6 is correctly detected though. I didn't edit the CMakeLists.txt file, but also didn't try to compile without "-Werror".

abluesheep commented 12 years ago

Sorry, my mistake - that was gcc 4.4.3. I'm trying to compile without "-Werror" now...

abluesheep commented 12 years ago

AW, it compiles fine now - basically the mistake I made was to update the ~/heekscad/heekscnc/opencamlib directory rather than the version embedded within ~/heekscad/heekscad/heekscnc/opencamlib. Once I pulled the latest changes to that directory, it compiled ok.

Thanks for your help!

Mooselake commented 12 years ago

The opencam lib Werror changes work here, too. A couple cmake warnings about finding git, which is definitely installed. No FindGit.cmake, either.

CMake Warning at /home/kirk/heeks/heekscad/heekscnc/opencamlib/src/version_string.cmake:9 (find_package): Could not find module FindGit.cmake or a configuration file for package Git.

Adjust CMAKE_MODULE_PATH to find FindGit.cmake or set Git_DIR to the directory containing a CMake configuration file for Git. The file will have one of the following names:


CMake Warning at /home/kirk/heeks/heekscad/heekscnc/opencamlib/src/version_string.cmake:23 (message): Git not found. Build will not contain git revision info.

aewallin commented 12 years ago

the FindGit.cmake script is probably something that comes with a more recent cmake version. Again this works without problems on my 11.04 and 11.10 Ubuntu systems. It should only affect the version-string, i.e. the output of "ocl.version()" nothing else.