HeidelTime / heideltime

A multilingual, cross-domain temporal tagger developed at the Database Systems Research Group at Heidelberg University.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Run Heideltime without config.props #54

Open jeyvison opened 7 years ago

jeyvison commented 7 years ago

Hey folks. First i'd like to thank for this amazing too.

I'd like to know if i can run my java code using heideltime without the config.props or the tree-tagger files, i mean, as a standalone application.

The problem with it is that the application gets tied to a local config file and worse, to a local executable file. Is there a chance of you to mavenize all this in only one deliverable?

JannikStroetgen commented 7 years ago

Hi, i am currently out of office, so I cannot actively work on anything. But three things:

Feel free to keep me in the loop- maybe Julian hast more Information for you...

Cheers, Jannik

kno10 commented 7 years ago

I use a (heavily modified) version of Heideltime in standalone mode, with Stanford CoreNLP. IIRC you can use the HeidelTimeStandalone.java code as a blueprint. The part I found to be most difficult is to get the UIMA stuff initialized. But in the end, I still have .properties files - for CoreNLP.

neuged commented 5 years ago

As I needed to run Heideltime in a Docker container, I created a Dockerfile for it. You might be able use this to either run heideltime in a container or use it as a blueprint for your own installation: