When I use java -jar de.unihd.dbs.heideltime.standalone.jar my_txt_file -l chinese
to tag a text file (transfer to UTF-8 with NodePad+) with some temporal info in it, it cannot read the file well. So I modified some source code to make it read the file successfully. But as I continued to run to make it tag the file, it shows:
HeidelTime has not found any sentence tokens in this document. HeidelTime needs sentence tokens tagged by a preprocessing UIMA analysis engine to do its work. Please check your UIMA workflow and add an analysis engine that creates these sentence tokens.
So I wonder whether I failed to add anything, but I had followed the steps indicated by the Manual of HeidelTime standalone 2.2.1.
Could anyone give me some ideas on it. Thanks a lot in advance!
Hi All,
When I use java -jar de.unihd.dbs.heideltime.standalone.jar my_txt_file -l chinese to tag a text file (transfer to UTF-8 with NodePad+) with some temporal info in it, it cannot read the file well. So I modified some source code to make it read the file successfully. But as I continued to run to make it tag the file, it shows: HeidelTime has not found any sentence tokens in this document. HeidelTime needs sentence tokens tagged by a preprocessing UIMA analysis engine to do its work. Please check your UIMA workflow and add an analysis engine that creates these sentence tokens. So I wonder whether I failed to add anything, but I had followed the steps indicated by the Manual of HeidelTime standalone 2.2.1. Could anyone give me some ideas on it. Thanks a lot in advance!