HeimdallTV / heimdall

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Twitch - Perform GQL fetch #46

Open Saghen opened 5 months ago

Saghen commented 5 months ago
 * FFZ's codebase uses the internal Twitch Apollo Client
 * by hooking into the React instance here:
 * https://github.com/FrankerFaceZ/FrankerFaceZ/blob/e8bb25f982ca7d8babef73550c414c7c8c6105fc/src/utilities/compat/fine.ts#L114
 * and then looking for the GQL client in the props here:
 * https://github.com/FrankerFaceZ/FrankerFaceZ/blob/e8bb25f982ca7d8babef73550c414c7c8c6105fc/src/utilities/compat/apollo.js#L89
 * So we implement a simple version of this
// @ts-nocheck
const getReactRoot = () => document.querySelector('#root')._reactRootContainer._internalRoot.current

function findInReactTree(predicate, node) {
  if (predicate(node)) return node
  const children = []
  let child = node.child
  while (child) {
    child = child.sibling
  for (const child of children) {
    const node = findInReactTree(predicate, child)
    if (node) return node

const client = findInReactTree(node => node?.memoizedProps?.client, getReactRoot()).memoizedProps.client

Gets all the graphql queries. Need to look at the FFZ code for how they parse that and then learn urql