HeinrichApfelmus / frp-guides

A collection of tutorials, guidelines, examples, patterns and half-baked ideas on functional reactive programming (FRP).
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[Request]: comparison, purposes, examples, and caveats for Combinators and Frameworks functions #1

Open archaephyrryx opened 8 years ago

archaephyrryx commented 8 years ago

Hello @HeinrichApfelmus,

I would really appreciate a guide on the more opaque/arcane functions in Reactive.Banana.Combinators and Reactive.Banana.Frameworks (e.g. self-referential stepper vs accumB, reactimate vs execute vs mapEventIO), along with examples and caveats so that when it's unclear as to what function to use, or whether one would need to write a custom helper function to achieve a certain functionality, it is easier to figure out where to go. I would be more than happy to provide help (for what it is worth), as I am a novice Haskeller with FRP experience confined almost exclusively to threepenny-gui and reactive-banana. Also, a translation guide between the paradigms and patterns of those libraries would be immensely helpful as well, but that might be a more ambitious endeavor. Thanks!