HeinrichApfelmus / reactive-banana

Library for functional reactive programming in Haskell.
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Name change suggestions #147

Open dimitri-xyz opened 7 years ago

dimitri-xyz commented 7 years ago

I think the name of some of the functions and types used in Reactive Banana could be improved to help beginners and also to more closely match the semantic meaning of the underlying operations and types. Here are a few suggestions that I think are important.

Change actuate to activate — These words have very similar meanings and I believe are interchangeable in the context of EventNetworks. However, activate is much more common. A cursory google search has 246 million hits for activate against only 6.7 million for actuate. So, activate is over 30 times more common. This makes it easier for non-native English speakers to know its meaning.

Change AddHandler to HandlerSet — I think it is easier to have a type denote nouns (such as a network connection, a list or a hashMap) as opposed to verbs. Those are usually associated with functions (such as in filter, interpret and apply). In the case of AddHandler, “Add” is a verb.

Semantically, this types provides a Set of event handlers that are all “fired” together. There is no internal structure, so this is not a list. A HandlerRegistrar or similar name would also work, but the word registrar is not used much. Derived functions such as “newAddHandler” would also have clearer names (e.g. newAddHandler becomes newHandlerSet).

Change Event to EventStream — I understand this may be a more controversial change. I believe the name Event has stuck for historical reasons. However, I believe it is very confusing in the context of Reactive Banana. In common day usage, an event happens only once, whereas in Reactive Banana the type Event a encompasses multiple events that happen at different times. From the docs “Event a represents a stream of events as they occur in time.” This leads to some confusion. The new name would more closely reflect the type’s semantic meaning. Note that there is no such problem with Behaviors.

I think it is easy to make these changes in the code and documentation, but I wouldn't want to make a pull request before the discussion. To keep backwards compatibility, it is only necessary to make name aliases. For example:

type AddHandler = HandlerSet
newAddHandler   = newHandlerSet
fromAddHandler  = fromHandlerSet
actuate         = activate

I think Haskell’s Achilles’ heel is its barrier to entry. The intent of this suggestion is to make Reactive Banana easier to learn and understand.

HeinrichApfelmus commented 7 years ago

Sorry for the late reply.

• Changing actuate to activate sounds fine to me. (I originally chose the word actuate because it has a slightly different connotation that matches better with pause.)

• Concerning AddHandler, I agree that a noun is better. However, the trouble is that in Haskell, I would expect that the noun HandlerSet represents a pure set, essentially meaning type HandlerSet = Set Handler in some way or another. Unfortunately, the set of handlers contained within an AddHandler cannot be manipulated with pure Haskell functions, but only with the somewhat arcane imperative addHandler function. Thus, the name HandlerSet would be misleading. The name AddHandler is more appropriate.

The name HandlerManager would work as well, though I did like that the name matched the name of its sole function, addHandler.

That said, I'm also open to suggestions on how to make AddHandler more pure. The main argument for introducing it in the first place is that some GUI frameworks, in particular GTK, provide addHandler out of the box, thus reducing the need for glue code.

• Concerning Event, I agree that EvenStream is more appropriate, but it is too long. Also, Event in the sense of "event stream" has been introduced by Conal Elliott, so there are historical reasons for keeping it.

That said, using the plural, Events, would be a neat way to solve this problem. But this is a big change that I would like to poll library users about, first.

dimitri-xyz commented 7 years ago

I really like your idea of using the plural Events! It is short and much clearer.

Here's a follow on thought for your consideration. When learning to use reactive-banana (I still am), I did not understand why we had to go through the extra step of grouping the handlers together to get an Event inside the EventNetwork. It seemed like an unnecessary step. Instead of the default setup being.

main = do

    -- newAddHandler :: IO (AddHandler a, Handler a)
    (myHandlers, fire) <- newAddHandler

    -- describe the event network
    let networkDescription :: MomentIO ()
        networkDescription = mdo

        -- fromAddHandler :: AddHandler a -> MomentIO (Event a)
        myEvent <- fromAddHandler myHandlers

    fire someValue

In other words, the Events get into the EventNetwork though the AddHandler. It seemed an easier setup would be:

main = do

    -- newHandler :: IO (Handler a)
    handler <- newHandler

    -- describe the event network
    let networkDescription :: MomentIO ()
        networkDescription = mdo

        -- fromHandler :: Handler a -> MomentIO (Event a)
        myEvent <- fromHandler handler

    fire handler someValue

In other words, it seems the "grouping" should be optional not mandatory. I seldom register multiple callbacks with the same AddHandler to be able to fire more than one "simultaneously". So, your explanation above for the reason for its introduction made a lot of sense. Anyway, just an extra thought.

mitchellwrosen commented 7 years ago

Here is another suggestion: change the type of reactimate to:

reactimate :: Event a -> (a -> IO ()) -> MomentIO ()

in order to facilitate the very common case of working with some non-IO () event in the actual network logic, and only fmapping over events at the very end to reactimate. Basically, it would allow rewriting

reactimate $ 
  (\x -> do
    print x)
  <$> myEvent


reactimate myEvent $ \x -> do
  print x
ocharles commented 7 years ago

You can already do:

reactimate $ ev <&> \x -> do ...
mitchellwrosen commented 7 years ago

That's true, and my suggestion is fairly annoying for <$ usage, isn't it... Where does <&> come from these days? Lens?

ocharles commented 7 years ago

Data.Functor has $> for that. blah $> do ....

<&> I thought was in base but apparently is not.

mitchellwrosen commented 6 years ago

I am:

mitchellwrosen commented 6 years ago

Oh, and I'm -1 on the Handler type synonym. I don't like type synonyms much in general :)

mitchellwrosen commented 6 years ago

I propose to change unionWith and mergeWith (not yet merged) to union and merge

My reasoning is:

To avoid a major version bump (if that's a concern) I'd also be totally happy with leaving unionWith around, but deprecated in favor of union.

Or, if you prefer the names unionWith and mergeWith, that's fine too :)

@HeinrichApfelmus says:

The main reasoning behind the names was that they be consistent with the names in the Data.Map module. But there may be better arguments in favor of the new names.