Closed Afaghfarhadi2 closed 4 months ago
if no calib warning and abort
if FPL calib exist and run reg calib don't crash
allow both calib types for everything and inform user what they are using
make the stop calib in the middle to stop sound
[ ] - [ ] General Calibration Crash Issues (AF mentioned stop/start issues)
[ ] FPL order crash
example of graceful error handling:
NELapDesigner lines: 183-189:
if (isempty(user)) Nel_Main_CloseRequestFcn(handles.Nel_Main, [], handles,{}); if (~ishandle(hfig)) abort = 1; return; end end
if no calib warning and abort
if FPL calib exist and run reg calib don't crash
allow both calib types for everything and inform user what they are using
make the stop calib in the middle to stop sound
[ ] - [ ] General Calibration Crash Issues (AF mentioned stop/start issues)
[ ] FPL order crash
example of graceful error handling:
NELapDesigner lines: 183-189:
if (isempty(user)) Nel_Main_CloseRequestFcn(handles.Nel_Main, [], handles,{}); if (~ishandle(hfig)) abort = 1; return; end end