Heinzad / data-mache

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MSQL Meta Programming Table Generator #15

Open Heinzad opened 1 year ago

Heinzad commented 1 year ago

As a developer, I want to obtain auto-generated ddl, so that I can build tables without manual scripting.

Given a schema name and table name, when I run the dynamic sql provided, then it should be valid ddl for creating or altering a table.

Heinzad commented 1 year ago

feat #15 script: meta.table_generator.Procedure.sql

Heinzad commented 1 year ago

/* Table Generator -- Performs DDL for a given set of column definitions and a given DDL command. -- NB. Data Definition Language (DDL) defines the schema and the objects in it.

-- script_name: meta.table_generator.Procedure.sql -- script_author: Adam Heinz -- script_date: 6 Feb 2023 -- script_license: MIT

------------example_usage: ------------ DECLARE @col_defn [meta].[column_schemata] ; ------------ DECLARE @col_string varchar(8000) ; ------------ DECLARE ------------ @catalog_name varchar(128) = 'DataHub' ------------ ,@schema_name varchar(128) = 'meta' ------------ ,@table_name varchar(128) = 'testable' ------------ ; ------------ INSERT INTO @col_defn ( ------------ [table_catalog] ------------ ,[table_schema] ------------ ,[table_name] ------------ ,[column_name] ------------ ,[ordinal_position] ------------ ,[column_default] ------------ ,[is_nullable] ------------ ,[data_type] ------------ ,[character_maximum_length] ------------ ,[numeric_precision] ------------ ,[numeric_scale] ------------ ,[datetime_precision] ------------ ) ------------ SELECT ------------ [table_catalog] ------------ ,[table_schema] ------------ ,[table_name] ------------ ,[column_name] ------------ ,[ordinal_position] ------------ ,[column_default] ------------ ,[is_nullable] ------------ ,[data_type] ------------ ,[character_maximum_length] ------------ ,[numeric_precision] ------------ ,[numeric_scale] ------------ ,[datetime_precision] ------------ FROM ( ------------ VALUES ------------ ( ------------ @catalog_name
------------ ,@schema_name
------------ ,@table_name ------------ ,'CHARACTER_DEMO' ------------ ,1 ------------ ,NULL ------------ ,'YES' ------------ ,'varchar' ------------ ,50 ------------ ,NULL ------------ ,NULL ------------ ,NULL ------------ ) ------------ ,( ------------ @catalog_name
------------ ,@schema_name
------------ ,@table_name ------------ ,'NUMERIC_DEMO' ------------ ,2 ------------ ,NULL ------------ ,'YES' ------------ ,'decimal' ------------ ,NULL ------------ ,8 ------------ ,0 ------------ ,NULL ------------ ) ------------ ,( ------------ @catalog_name
------------ ,@schema_name
------------ ,@table_name
------------ ,'DATE_DEMO' ------------ ,3 ------------ ,NULL ------------ ,'YES' ------------ ,'datetime2' ------------ ,NULL ------------ ,NULL
------------ ,NULL
------------ ,7 ------------ ) ------------ ,( ------------ @catalog_name
------------ ,@schema_name
------------ ,@table_name
------------ ,'SEQUENCE_DEMO' ------------ ,4 ------------ ,'SEQ' ------------ ,'NO' ------------ ,'bigint' ------------ ,NULL ------------ ,NULL
------------ ,NULL
------------ ,7 ------------ )
------------ ) as v ( ------------ [table_catalog] ------------ ,[table_schema] ------------ ,[table_name] ------------ ,[column_name] ------------ ,[ordinal_position] ------------ ,[column_default] ------------ ,[is_nullable] ------------ ,[data_type] ------------ ,[character_maximum_length] ------------ ,[numeric_precision] ------------ ,[numeric_scale] ------------ ,[datetime_precision] ------------ ) ; ------------SELECT FROM @col_defn ------------DECLARE @sql nvarchar(4000) ; ------------SET @sql = 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ' + QUOTENAME(@schema_name) + CHAR(46) + QUOTENAME(@table_name) + CHAR(59) ; ------------EXEC (@sql) ; ------------EXEC meta.table_generator ------------ @p_columns_tbl = @col_defn ------------,@p_action = 'create' ------------; ------------SELECT ist. ------------FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES as ist ------------WHERE ist.TABLE_CATALOG = @catalog_name ------------AND ist.TABLE_SCHEMA = @schema_name ------------AND ist.TABLE_NAME = @table_name ------------;


Heinzad commented 1 year ago

-- Parameters: @p_columns_tbl [meta].[column_schemata] READONLY / table valued parameter / ,@p_action varchar(128) = 'create' / options: ('create', 'alter', 'drop') /