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Arcane Mage:Arcane missiles not being suggested when clearcasting buff is active. #1228

Closed phazeshifta closed 3 years ago

phazeshifta commented 3 years ago

Before You Begin

Describe the Issue

For my arcane mage, I expect arcane missiles to be suggested to be cast when the clearcasting buff is active. Snapshot is taken while attacking a target dummy while the chearcasting buff is active and its continuing to suggest casting arcane blast.

How to Reproduce

Attack target dummy watch for a clearcasting buff on character see if arcane missiles is suggested.

Snapshot (Link)


Raidbots Sim Report (Link)

No response

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Hekili commented 3 years ago

Clearcasting is not active in that snapshot.

   127230 - *Visions of Insanity                     -   1 - 3679.53
     1459 - arcane_intellect                         -   1 - 2778.87
   186406 - *Sign of the Critter                     -   1 - 3600.00
   210126 - arcane_familiar                          -   1 - 3479.54
   311465 - *Two of Putrescence                      -   1 - 3600.00
Hekili commented 3 years ago

I'll wait for someone to submit snapshot + screenshot at the same time to support this ticket.

phazeshifta commented 3 years ago

Sorry you're a shitty dev:

https://pastebin.com/UuPWX1eC https://imgur.com/a/eENZFLX

Clearcasting clearly up, 3 stacks of it in fact. Screenshot taken 1 second apart from the snapshot.

Either you're blind, stupid or incompetent...I'm starting to think all three.

Maybe don't tell people that are trying to help you be better that they're lying to you.

Hekili commented 3 years ago

I am fascinated. You're insulting and abusive, but you also provided some information I asked for, together.

What do you think happens at this point? If the roles were reversed, how would you handle it? I'm genuinely interested.

phazeshifta commented 3 years ago

I wouldn't be put in this situation, because I'm not a shitty dev. I would take the information provided, not make my users jump through hoops and do my damn job.

You don't want to work with the information I've now provided you, through multiple channels multiple times now, that's your prerogative. It doesn't make you any less of a piece of shit.

SpatenLa commented 3 years ago

i just want to say, now the snapshot says the cleacasting is up. the first snapshot was taken while you didnt have any target and werent infight.

Hekili commented 3 years ago

Spaten's correct regarding the buff being detected in the snapshot.

   127230 - *Visions of Insanity                     -   1 - 1946.76
     1459 - arcane_intellect                         -   1 - 1046.11
   210126 - arcane_familiar                          -   1 - 3550.05
   186406 - *Sign of the Critter                     -   1 - 3600.00
   263725 - clearcasting                             -   3 - 7.08
   311464 - *Ace of Putrescence                      -   1 - 3600.00

Clearcasting was detected in your buffs.

        92.  arcane_missiles ( opener - 18 )
        The action (arcane_missiles) is usable at (0.00 + 0.00).
         - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +0.00 vs. +7.93).
        List ( opener ) called from ( Arcane:default:25 ) would PASS at 0.00.
        variable.have_opened[0.00] = 0 & ! ( covenant.kyrian[true] & runeforge.arcane_harmony.enabled[false] )
         - this entry's criteria FAILS: debuff.touch_of_the_magi.up[true] & talent.arcane_echo.enabled[false] & ( buff.deathborne.down[true] | active_enemies[1.00] = 1 ) & debuff.touch_of_the_magi.remains[1.45] > action.arcane_missiles.execute_time[1.70]

Arcane Missiles is not recommended above because Touch of the Magi would fall off.

        93.  arcane_missiles ( opener - 19 )
        The action (arcane_missiles) is usable at (0.00 + 0.00).
         - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +0.00 vs. +7.93).
        List ( opener ) called from ( Arcane:default:25 ) would PASS at 0.00.
        variable.have_opened[0.00] = 0 & ! ( covenant.kyrian[true] & runeforge.arcane_harmony.enabled[false] )
         - this entry's criteria FAILS: buff.clearcasting.stack[3.00] = buff.clearcasting.max_stack[1.00] & covenant.venthyr[false]

Here's a logic error that needs to be fixed regarding Clearcasting's max stacks, which I'll take care of. This would still not pass because you're not a Venthyr.

        94.  arcane_missiles ( opener - 20 )
        The action (arcane_missiles) is usable at (0.00 + 0.00).
         - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +0.00 vs. +7.93).
        List ( opener ) called from ( Arcane:default:25 ) would PASS at 0.00.
        variable.have_opened[0.00] = 0 & ! ( covenant.kyrian[true] & runeforge.arcane_harmony.enabled[false] )
         - this entry's criteria FAILS: buff.clearcasting.react[3.00] & cooldown.arcane_power.remains[120.00] & ( buff.rune_of_power.up[false] | buff.arcane_power.up[false] )

This entry wouldn't pass because neither Rune of Power nor Arcane Power are up.

Anyway, the tl;dr is that you're in the opener and the logic for the APL are met during the opener, except for the max_stacks value for Clearcasting which I'll update.

I have the max_stacks issue queued up to be posted. Other than that, we're done here as I'm not inclined to take more abuse from you. Best of luck.