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Hekili suddenly gone for elemental shaman #1909

Closed N6REJ closed 1 year ago

N6REJ commented 1 year ago

Before You Begin

WoW Version

Retail (Dragonflight)

Describe the Issue

Last night hekili was working for elemental shaman. As of the update 4hrs ago it no longer displays.

How to Reproduce

Log in as elemental shaman.
Check for hekili

Player Information (Link)

build: v10.0.0-09-beta2
level: 60 (60)
class: SHAMAN
spec: elemental

talents: aftershock
    ancestral_defense = 1/1
    astral_shift = 1/1
    brimming_with_life = 1/1
    call_of_thunder = 1/1
    capacitor_totem = 1/1
    chain_lightning = 1/1
    cleanse_spirit = 1/1
    earth_elemental = 1/1
    earth_shield = 1/1
    earth_shock = 1/1
    earthquake = 1/1
    echoes_of_great_sundering = 2/2
    electrified_shocks = 1/1
    elemental_blast = 1/1
    elemental_fury = 1/1
    elemental_warding = 1/2
    eye_of_the_storm = 2/2
    fire_and_ice = 1/1
    flash_of_lightning = 1/1
    flow_of_power = 1/1
    frost_shock = 1/1
    graceful_spirit = 1/1
    hex = 1/1
    icefury = 1/1
    improved_lightning_bolt = 2/2
    inundate = 1/1
    lava_burst = 1/1
    master_of_the_elements = 2/2
    natures_fury = 2/2
    natures_guardian = 2/2
    planes_traveler = 1/1
    power_of_the_maelstrom = 1/2
    primal_elementalist = 1/1
    primordial_fury = 1/1
    purge = 1/1
    spirit_wolf = 1/1
    spiritwalkers_grace = 1/1
    static_charge = 1/1
    storm_elemental = 1/1
    stormkeeper = 1/1
    stormkeeper_2 = 1/1
    swelling_maelstrom = 1/1
    unrelenting_calamity = 1/1
    wind_shear = 1/1
    winds_of_alakir = 2/2

pvptalents: none

covenant: necrolord

conduits: call_of_flame = 1
   refreshing_waters = 1
   spiritual_resonance = 1
   thunderous_paws = 1
   tumbling_waves = 1
   vital_accretion = 1

soulbinds: [plague_deviser_marileth]
   kevins_oozeling = 1
   plagueborn_cleansing_slime = 1
   plagueys_preemptive_strike = 1
   ultimate_form = 1
   undulating_maneuvers = 1
   volatile_solvent = 1

sets: overflowing_anima_cage = 1
    ring_of_collapsing_futures = 1

gear: boneshatter_gauntlets = 1
    boneshatter_treads = 1
    choker_of_barbed_reins = 1
    electrifying_cognitive_amplifier = 1
    elegy_of_the_eternals = 1
    mantle_of_hideous_trophies = 1
    overflowing_anima_cage = 1
    ring_of_collapsing_futures = 1
    salvaged_mekacycle_shielding = 1
    shadowlace_cloak = 1
    shield = 1
    tabard_of_the_dark_iron = 1
    terestians_signet_ring = 1
    theurgic_starspeakers_belt = 1
    theurgic_starspeakers_bracers = 1
    theurgic_starspeakers_howl = 1
    theurgic_starspeakers_ringmail = 1
    theurgic_starspeakers_tassets = 1

legendaries: splintered_elements = 1
    windspeakers_lava_resurgence = 1

itemIDs: 142136, 142172, 142173, 142174, 161329, 168955, 169068, 172323, 172324, 173215, 178849, 188270, 188919, 188921, 188922, 188923, 188924

settings: aoe = 2
    buffPadding = 0
    combatRefresh = 0.1
    custom1Name = Custom 1
    custom2Name = Custom 2
    cycle = false
    cycle_min = 6
    damage = true
    damageDots = false
    damageExpiration = 8
    damageOnScreen = true
    damagePets = false
    damageRange = 0
    debuffPadding = 0
    enabled = true
    enhancedRecheck = false
    gcdSync = true
    maxTime = 10
    nameplateRange = 8
    nameplates = true
    noFeignedCooldown = false
    petbased = false
    potion = prolonged_power
    potionsReset = 20180919.1
    regularRefresh = 0.5
    throttleRefresh = false
    throttleTime = false
    stack_buffer = 1.1

toggles: cooldowns = true 
    custom1 = false 
    custom2 = false 
    defensives = true 
    essences = true [overridden]
    interrupts = true 
    mode = automatic 
    potions = false 

    astral_shift               = F6  [06]
    chain_lightning            = 6   [01]
    earth_elemental            = 7   [01]
    earthquake                 = F3  [06]
    elemental_blast            = 1   [01]
    fireblood                  = F5  [06]
    flame_shock                = 5   [01]
    fleshcraft                 = F2  [06]
    frost_shock                = G   [06]
    ghost_wolf                 = `   [06]
    healing_surge              = Q   [02]
    hex                        = F12 [06]
    lava_burst                 = 3   [01]
    lightning_bolt             = 2   [01]
    overflowing_anima_cage     = R   [06]
    primordial_wave            = F4  [06]
    purge                      = -   [01]
    ring_of_collapsing_futures = 8   [01]
    spiritwalkers_grace        = F   [07]
    wind_shear                 = F1  [06]

warnings: none

Error Messages (Link)

no error displayed

Additional Information

No response

Contact Information

No response

Hekili commented 1 year ago

This is resolved in 09-beta3.