Hekili / hekili

Hekili Priority Helper for DPS and Tanks (WoW Retail)
419 stars 222 forks source link

When rotating at Hunter, the position of the midi is completely indicative of rotation #1949

Closed Myro2 closed 1 year ago

Myro2 commented 1 year ago

Before You Begin

WoW Version

Retail (Dragonflight)

Describe the Issue

when I go M+ or try training dummies, sometimes the entire rotation disappears in all specs, even on single target or AOE. + sometimes shows spells that have cd and not priorities

How to Reproduce

Split a couple of seconds after a rotation workout. just make it disappear



Player Information (Link)

build: v10.0.0-11.2
level: 60 (60)
class: HUNTER
spec: beast_mastery

talents: alpha_predator
    animal_companion = 1/1
    aspect_of_the_beast = 1/1
    barbed_shot = 1/1
    barbed_wrath = 1/1
    beast_cleave = 2/2
    beast_master = 2/2
    bestial_wrath = 1/1
    binding_shackles = 1/1
    binding_shot = 1/1
    born_to_be_wild = 2/2
    brutal_companion = 1/1
    camouflage = 1/1
    cobra_shot = 1/1
    counter_shot = 1/1
    hunters_avoidance = 1/1
    improved_kill_command = 2/2
    intimidation = 1/1
    keen_eyesight = 1/2
    kill_cleave = 1/1
    kill_command = 1/1
    kill_shot = 1/1
    killer_command = 2/2
    misdirection = 1/1
    multishot = 1/1
    natural_mending = 2/2
    natures_endurance = 1/1
    pack_tactics = 1/1
    pathfinding = 2/2
    piercing_fangs = 1/1
    posthaste = 2/2
    scent_of_blood = 2/2
    stomp = 2/2
    survival_of_the_fittest = 1/1
    tar_trap = 1/1
    thrill_of_the_hunt = 1/3
    training_expert = 2/2
    tranquilizing_shot = 1/1
    war_orders = 2/2
    wild_call = 1/1

pvptalents: chimaeral_sting

covenant: none

conduits: none

soulbinds: [forgelite_prime_mikanikos]

sets: ring_of_collapsing_futures = 1
    scars_of_fraternal_strife = 1

gear: astral_verdict = 1
    boneshatter_armguards = 1
    dark_rangers_quiver = 1
    decanter_of_endless_howling = 1
    discount_mailorder_belt = 1
    frozenlink_chestguard = 1
    godstalkers_sabatons = 1
    godstalkers_sallet = 1
    godstalkers_tassets = 1
    illustrious_guild_tabard = 1
    mantle_of_hideous_trophies = 1
    oathsworn_soldiers_gauntlets = 1
    ornately_engraved_amplifier = 1
    ring_of_collapsing_futures = 1
    scars_of_fraternal_strife = 1
    shadowghast_ring = 1

legendaries: none

itemIDs: 142131, 142136, 142173, 172329, 178926, 182991, 185808, 185842, 186429, 186439, 188253, 188859, 188860, 188862, 189853, 69209

settings: aoe = 3
    buffPadding = 0
    combatRefresh = 0.1
    custom1Name = Custom 1
    custom2Name = Custom 2
    cycle = false
    cycle_min = 6
    damage = true
    damageDots = false
    damageExpiration = 3
    damageOnScreen = true
    damagePets = false
    damageRange = 0
    debuffPadding = 0
    enabled = true
    enhancedRecheck = false
    gcdSync = true
    maxTime = 10
    nameplateRange = 8
    nameplates = false
    noFeignedCooldown = false
    package = Beast Mastery
    petbased = false
    potion = spectral_agility
    regularRefresh = 0.5
    throttleRefresh = false
    throttleTime = false
    avoid_bw_overlap = false
    barbed_shot_grace_period = 0.5
    check_pet_range = true

toggles: cooldowns = true 
    custom1 = false 
    custom2 = false 
    defensives = false 
    essences = true [overridden]
    interrupts = true 
    mode = automatic 
    potions = false 

    aspect_of_the_cheetah     = SMwD[06]
    aspect_of_the_turtle      = SR  [01]
    barbed_shot               = F   [01]
    bestial_wrath             = 4   [01]
    binding_shot              = 7   [01]
    bloodshed                 = A2  [06]
    camouflage                = SM3 [06]
    cobra_shot                = 3   [01]
    counter_shot              = 6   [01]
    disengage                 = SSPACE[01]
    exhilaration              = SMwU[06]
    feign_death               = A3  [06]
    freezing_trap             = A1  [06]
    intimidation              = 2   [01]
    kill_command              = 1   [01]
    kill_shot                 = R   [01]
    mend_pet                  =
    misdirection              = S6  [06]
    multishot                 = 5   [01]
    primal_rage               =
    resonating_arrow          = S3  [06]
    scars_of_fraternal_strife = SF  [01]
    sentinel_owl              = AM3 [05]
    summon_pet                = S2  [06]
    survival_of_the_fittest   = S4  [06]
    tar_trap                  = AMwD[05]
    tranquilizing_shot        = A6  [05]
    wing_clip                 = AMwU[05]

warnings: none

Error Messages (Link)

no system error reported

Additional Information

No response

Contact Information


Hekili commented 1 year ago

Please resubmit as a recommendations ticket and include the snapshot(s) that it's telling you it's creating. The recommendations ticket has instructions for the snapshots.


Myro2 commented 1 year ago

I didn't quite understand the answer, sorry

Hekili commented 1 year ago

A snapshot is required to diagnose this issue.


Please supply a Snapshot of the addon's decision-making when you are seeing this issue in-game. This is not a screenshot. To generate a Snapshot, please complete the following steps.

This step is essential, as most issues are related to specific classes, specializations, gear, talent choices, or other game systems. If you do not provide this information, I cannot triage your problem.