Hekili / hekili

Hekili Priority Helper for DPS and Tanks (WoW Retail)
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Arms warrior || Defensive Stance Not Triggering at Specified Health Threshold #3244

Open PvpSpells opened 1 month ago

PvpSpells commented 1 month ago

Before You Begin

Describe the Issue

Defensive Stance is not being suggested when my character's HP falls below a certain percentage, despite being configured with a condition similar to other defensive abilities (e.g., Die by the Sword) that are triggering correctly.

How it should ideally work: Suggest defensive stance below certain hp% only once, and about certain percentage suggest Battle stance, again only once.

How to Reproduce

1-Set Defensive Stance to trigger below 30% HP within the defensives toggle as arms warrior(it works by default for Prot, not sure about Fury) 2-Engage in gameplay until HP falls below 30%. 3-Observe that other defensive abilities like Die by the Sword are suggested, but Defensive Stance is not.

Snapshot (Link)


Raidbots Sim Report (Link)

No response

Additional Information

Syrif: "For some reason it thinks your defensive stance is on a 60 minute cooldown. Might be worth a ticket on that one."

Contact Information


syrifgit commented 1 month ago

This is one I looked at in Discord. D-stance is showing a 1 hour cooldown and I don't know why.

Hekili commented 1 month ago

Internally, the addon cares more about you being in a stance than which stance you're in -- it's intentional, such that if you swap to defensive stance, the addon doesn't simply tell you to swap back to Battle or Berserker Stance endlessly.

PvpSpells commented 1 month ago

So I guess there is now way to get this working the way I had in mind, thank you for your replies, feel free to close/remove this.