Closed xxLasherxx closed 4 years ago
Please fill out issue tickets accurately and completely. You'll need to post a snapshot when the addon recommends interrupting Mind Sear and you believe it shouldn't.
Looking briefly at the Shadow priority, it appears that there are low priority entries for Mind Sear that are interruptible and higher priority entries that aren't intended to be interrupted. I'll probably need to investigate that a bit, but would appreciate the complete information requested in the ticket instructions to help it along. Thanks.
Channeling has been revised for Shadowlands and should address chain channeling and the like. If not, a new ticket is needed.
Rotation for Shadow priest calls for Mind Sear, but does not allow the channel to end before calling for it again, or before calling for another spell. Seems that it should have a CD dial on it as it channels until the channel is finished? At any rate, if followed its a huge dps and resource loss.
++++ SNIP ++++ build: v8.3.0-04-22.04 level: 120 (120) class: PRIEST spec: shadow
talents: auspicious_spirits body_and_soul legacy_of_the_void lingering_insanity misery psychic_horror shadow_word_void
azerite: azerite_empowered = 3 chorus_of_insanity = 1 death_throes = 1 earthlink = 2 heed_my_call = 1 impassive_visage = 1 longstrider = 2 searing_dialogue = 2 spiteful_apparitions = 1 thought_harvester = 1
essences: [essence_of_the_focusing_iris] = 3, breath_of_the_dying = 3, memory_of_lucid_dreams = 3, the_crucible_of_flame = 1
sets/legendaries/artifacts: none
gear: ashjrakamas_shroud_of_resolve = 1 breeches_of_faithful_execution = 1 conch_of_dark_whispers = 1 drustthatched_wristwraps = 1 heart_of_azeroth = 1 hyperthread_boots = 1 logic_loop_of_maintenance = 1 loop_of_pulsing_veins = 1 neural_synapse_enhancer = 1 renowned_guild_tabard = 1 vessel_of_skittering_shadows = 1 vile_manipulators_amice = 1 vile_manipulators_cord = 1 vile_manipulators_cowl = 1 vile_manipulators_handguards = 1 vile_manipulators_vestment = 1 wound_dressing = 1
corruptions: deadly_momentum = 3
itemIDs: 158075, 159282, 159463, 159610, 159620, 168964, 168973, 169076, 169223, 173433, 173507, 173812, 173844, 173846, 174237, 44693, 69210
settings: aoe = 3 buffPadding = 0 custom1Name = Custom 1 custom2Name = Custom 2 cycle = false cycle_min = 6 damage = true damageDots = false damageExpiration = 6 damageRange = 0 debuffPadding = 0 enabled = true gcdSync = true maxRefresh = 10 maxTime = 33 nameplateRange = 8 nameplates = false package = Shadow potion = unbridled_fury potionsReset = 20180919.1 throttleRefresh = false throttleTime = false
toggles: cooldowns = false custom1 = false custom2 = false defensives = true essences = true interrupts = true mode = automatic potions = false
+++ END SNIP +++++