Closed tdevine21 closed 4 years ago
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build: v9.0.2-1.0.10 level: 60 (60) class: WARLOCK spec: affliction
talents: absolute_corruption burning_rush drain_soul haunt mortal_coil soul_conduit vile_taint
pvptalents: none
covenant: kyrian
azerite: none
essences: [none], none
sets/legendaries/artifacts: none
gear: darkmoon_deck_putrescence = 1 evernight_drape = 1 faemoss_bindings = 1 glowing_endmire_stinger = 1 masterful_phaedrum_necklace = 1 masterful_phaedrum_ring = 1 muehzalas_hexthread_sarong = 1 quick_oxxein_ring = 1 selfless_watchers_gauntlets = 1 shadowlace_cowl = 1 shadowlace_mantle = 1 shadowlace_tunic = 1 slippers_of_leavened_station = 1 spiritmenders_cord = 1 whizblast_walking_stick = 1
legendaries: none
itemIDs: 173069, 173132, 173133, 173145, 173214, 173218, 173220, 178156, 178831, 179339, 179351, 179927, 181426, 181430, 181575
settings: aoe = 3 buffPadding = 0 custom1Name = Custom 1 custom2Name = Custom 2 cycle = false cycle_min = 6 damage = true damageDots = false damageExpiration = 6 damagePets = false damageRange = 0 debuffPadding = 0 enabled = true gcdSync = true maxRefresh = 10 maxTime = 33 nameplateRange = 8 nameplates = false package = Affliction petbased = false potion = unbridled_fury potionsReset = 20180919.1 throttleRefresh = false throttleTime = false
toggles: cooldowns = false custom1 = false custom2 = false defensives = false essences = true interrupts = false mode = automatic potions = false
Frames drop from a solid 120 to around 75.
Check to see if you are using the latest version of the addon. If there is a newer alpha/beta/release version, see if your problem exists with the new version.
Check to see if someone else has already opened an issue report here. Please don't submit repeat reports.
Describe the Bug/Issue A clear and concise description of what the bug is.
To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:
Expected behavior A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.
Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.
Please provide the following information. Leaving it out may result in your ticket being ignored (because I won't have the information needed to explore your report).
Sorry, brotha. To busy with family to post all this information. Pretty simple issue to describe though. Consistent FPS whole fight until Drain Soul becomes my next talent to cast. Once Drain Soul starts channeling my FPS tanks about 30FPS. Once it's done, FPS goes right back to normal.
Something is up with Drain Soul in the latest version. Have a good one man and look forward to the next update!
i also have this problem only on warlock affliction , also i can say boss encounters do trigger alot of performance issue until u pause it
Still has to be properly reported. Update and provide the missing info.
I have two changes in that should reduce CPU usage.
I revised the APL to avoid rechecking the darkglare_prep list multiple times each time the recommendations are iterated upon. This is in 1.0.12.
In 1.0.13-beta1, I've added a "Manage Drain Soul Ticks" checkbox for Affliction, defaulting to false. If checked, the addon models the application of Shadow Embrace with each tick of Drain Soul. That is the other CPU intensive piece that isn't particularly beneficial when generating recommendations. If checked, the addon will use more CPU to try to time channel breakage along with Drain Soul ticks. If left unchecked, the addon only has to check if it has a recommendation before Drain Soul ends or after Drain Soul ends.
Something with the addon is triggering FPS drops when Drain Soul is cast. Also, love the addon!