Hekili / hekili

Hekili Priority Helper for DPS and Tanks (WoW Retail)
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Balance Druid: Starfall Recommendation Scenarios #769

Closed enjioh closed 3 years ago

enjioh commented 3 years ago

Specific Scenario: I'm in a multi-target (3+mobs) fight, and I open normally with wrath, wrath, dots, celestial alignment, Convoke. Convoke gives me a Starfall, and I'm either Astral Power capped, or close to cap.

At this point, Hekili, sensing that I'm AP capped, will suggest Starfall, even though I have a relatively fresh Starfall from Convoke, and I'm still early in the Eclipse from the Celestial Alignment. At the moment, I override the suggestion with a Starsurge to drop AP and buff my Eclipse.

Request: Can someone look into the logic for Balance and perhaps adjust the Starfall recommendation to check for whether starfall is already running OR the current Eclipse is long enough to build enough AP to get another Starfall before it ends? This is tricky because if you don't Starfall in the above scenario (and SS instead), AND don't generate enough AP to get another Starfall before the Convoke one runs out, you lose dps. So the new trigger has to be aware of "how long the current Starfall has remaining AND if we will have enough AP to starfall in X seconds when it runs out"

Suggestion: update the recommendation so that "if current Astral Power is ~90-100 AND Starfall has 5+ seconds remaining, suggest Starsurge". this way, you still starfall most of the time, but in the above scenario, where you'll be able to SS after the convoke, and easily wrath 2 more times after to get 12 AP, you can sneak in a SS for additional dps.

Hekili commented 3 years ago

Please provide the required ticket information:


  1. Check to see if you are using the latest version of the addon. If there is a newer alpha/beta/release version, see if your problem exists with the new version.

  2. Check to see if someone else has already opened an issue report here. Please don't submit repeat reports.

Describe the Bug/Issue A clear and concise description of what the bug is.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

Expected behavior A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.

Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.


Please provide the following information. Leaving it out may result in your ticket being ignored (because I won't have the information needed to explore your report).

  1. The information from the Issue Reporting tab ( /hekili > Issue Reporting ). This provides your talent and gear information. You can paste it to pastebin.com and provide a link here.


  1. If reporting a disagreement with the addon's recommendations, please take a snapshot when you observe the issue and provide the snapshot. This is not a screenshot. A snapshot can be generated by binding the Pause feature on the Toggles tab. When you press Pause, a snapshot of how the addon decided on its CURRENT recommendations is generated and saved to the Snapshots tab. Copy and paste this to pastebin.com and provide the link here.


  1. If reporting an error (i.e., the addon freezes and/or disables itself), please install the BugSack and BugGrabber addons as they will enable you to paste the exact error message, with detail that will help me identify where the code error is located. You can paste the error information here or use pastebin.com for that as well.


Hekili commented 3 years ago

The required ticket information -- especially the snapshot -- will provide clarity on that Starfall recommendation. If you get a Starfall via Convoke, the addon will know about it when it happens. (It will not forecast it, because it theoretically might not happen, but it will update and is aware of your active Starfall when it generates its recommendations.)

You'd want to take a snapshot when it's recommending Starfall but you have an active Starfall from Convoke. Please read the instructions carefully re: snapshots.

enjioh commented 3 years ago

starfall rec

Hope this helps

Hekili commented 3 years ago

Please read the instructions carefully re: snapshots.

Zarggg commented 3 years ago

Snapshot, not screenshot. The snapshot provides the logic the addon follows to make recommendations.

enjioh commented 3 years ago

Click here and press CTRL+A, CTRL+C to copy the snapshot.

build: v9.0.2-1.0.31 level: 60 (60) class: DRUID spec: balance

talents: feral_affinity mass_entanglement natures_balance solstice starlord stellar_drift tiger_dash

pvptalents: none

covenant: night_fae

conduits: conflux_of_elements = 4 front_of_the_pack = 3 innate_resolve = 3

soulbinds: [niya] grove_invigoration = 1 natures_splendor = 1 run_without_tiring = 1

sets: none

gear: black_swashbucklers_shirt = 1 chiropteran_leggings = 1 consumptive_infusion = 1 lakalis_spire_of_knowledge = 1 miasmalacquered_jerkin = 1 muckformed_chain_choker = 1 primeval_souls_ankleguards = 1 ring_of_perpetual_conflict = 1 risen_monstrosity_cuffs = 1 ritual_commanders_ring = 1 sinful_gladiators_greatcloak = 1 sinful_gladiators_leather_grips = 1 spellwoven_tourniquet = 1 umbrahide_helm = 1 unbound_changeling = 1 wicked_bladewing_pauldrons = 1

legendaries: vision_of_unending_growth = 1

itemIDs: 172317, 178362, 178708, 178714, 178741, 178781, 178858, 178872, 179352, 182993, 182995, 183009, 184022, 184144, 184311, 4336

settings: aoe = 3 buffPadding = 0 custom1Name = Custom 1 custom2Name = Custom 2 cycle = false cycle_min = 6 damage = true damageDots = true damageExpiration = 6 damagePets = false damageRange = 0 debuffPadding = 0 enabled = true gcdSync = true maxRefresh = 10 maxTime = 33 nameplateRange = 8 nameplates = false package = Balance petbased = false potion = spectral_intellect potionsReset = 20180919.1 throttleRefresh = false throttleTime = false solo_drift = false starlord_cancel = false

toggles: cooldowns = false custom1 = false custom2 = false defensives = false essences = true interrupts = true mode = automatic potions = false

New Recommendations for [ AOE ] requested at 11:52:38 ( 1592560.49 ); using built-in ( Balance ) priority. Queued ca_inc AURA_EXPIRATION at +2.48.

RECOMMENDATION #1 ( Offset: 0.00, GCD: 0.00, Casting: 0.00 ).

There are 1 queued events to review.
Resources: astral_power[ 14.00 / 100.00 ], combo_points[ 0.00 / 5.00 ], energy[ 100.00 / 100.00 ], mana[ 10000.00 / 10000.00 ], rage[ 0.00 / 100.00 ]

Eclipse State: IN_BOTH, Wrath: 2, Starfire: 2; Lunar: 2.48, Solar: 2.48

Queued event #1 (ca_inc AURA_EXPIRATION) due at 2.48; checking pre-event recommendations.

Checking if I'm casting ( No ) and if it is a channel ( No ).
No whitelist.

Processing precombat action list [ Balance - precombat ].

    Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +60.00s.

    1.   kindred_spirits ( precombat - 1 ) - ability unknown
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms

    2.   moonkin_form ( precombat - 2 )
    The action (moonkin_form) is unusable at (0.00 + 0.00) because not usable in current form (moonkin_form).
    Time spent on this action:  0.06ms
    TimeData:Balance-precombat-2:moonkin_form:0.06:Post-TTR and Essential:0.03:Post Cycle:0.00:Post Usable:0.01

    3.   wrath ( precombat - 3 )
    Line CD is 10, last cast was 1592537.872, remaining CD: 0
    We are already in-combat and this pre-combat action is not essential.  Skipping.
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms

    4.   wrath ( precombat - 4 )
    We are already in-combat and this pre-combat action is not essential.  Skipping.
    Time spent on this action:  0.01ms

    5.   starfire ( precombat - 5 )
    We are already in-combat and this pre-combat action is not essential.  Skipping.
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms

    6.   starsurge ( precombat - 6 )
    The action is not ready ( 3600.00 ) before our maximum delay window ( 2.47 ) for this query.
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms

Completed precombat action list [ Balance - precombat ].

Processing default action list [ Balance - default ].

    Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +60.00s.

    7.   solar_beam ( default - 1 ) - ability disabled ( toggle )
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms

    8.   variable ( default - 2 )
     - variable.is_aoe will check this script entry ( Balance:default:2 )
    spell_targets.starfall[3.00] > 1 & ( ! talent.starlord.enabled[true] | talent.stellar_drift.enabled[true] ) | spell_targets.starfall[3.00] > 2
    Time spent on this action:  0.03ms
    TimeData:Balance-default-2:variable:0.03:Post-TTR and Essential:0.02

    9.   variable ( default - 3 )
     - variable.is_cleave will check this script entry ( Balance:default:3 )
    spell_targets.starfire[3.00] > 1
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
    TimeData:Balance-default-3:variable:0.02:Post-TTR and Essential:0.01

    10.  berserking ( default - 4 ) - ability unknown
    Time spent on this action:  0.06ms

    11.  potion ( default - 5 ) - ability disabled ( toggle )
    Time spent on this action:  0.01ms

    12.  variable ( default - 6 )
     - variable.convoke_desync will check this script entry ( Balance:default:6 )
    floor[function: 00000217A6C98110] ( ( interpolated_fight_remains[3600.00] - 20 - cooldown.convoke_the_spirits.remains[103.06] ) / 120 ) > floor[function: 00000217A6C98110] ( ( interpolated_fight_remains[3600.00] - 25 - ( 10 * talent.incarnation.enabled[false] ) - ( conduit.precise_alignment.time_value[0.00] ) - cooldown.ca_inc.remains[180.00] ) / 180 ) | cooldown.ca_inc.remains[180.00] > interpolated_fight_remains[3600.00] | cooldown.convoke_the_spirits.remains[103.06] > interpolated_fight_remains[3600.00] | ! covenant.night_fae[true]
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
    TimeData:Balance-default-6:variable:0.02:Post-TTR and Essential:0.01

    13.  variable ( default - 7 )
     - variable.cd_condition will check this script entry ( Balance:default:7 )
    ( ! equipped.empyreal_ordnance[false] | cooldown.empyreal_ordnance.remains[0.00] < 160 & ! cooldown.empyreal_ordnance.ready[true] ) | covenant.kyrian[false]
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
    TimeData:Balance-default-7:variable:0.02:Post-TTR and Essential:0.01

    14.  empyreal_ordnance ( default - 8 ) - IsUsableItem
    Time spent on this action:  0.03ms

    15.  soulletting_ruby ( default - 9 ) - IsUsableItem
    Time spent on this action:  0.03ms

    16.  inscrutable_quantum_device ( default - 10 )
    The action (inscrutable_quantum_device) is unusable at (0.00 + 0.00) because item not equipped.
    Time spent on this action:  0.16ms
    TimeData:Balance-default-10:inscrutable_quantum_device:0.16:Post-TTR and Essential:0.10:Post Cycle:0.00:Post Usable:0.01

    17.  use_items ( default - 11 )
    Criteria for ??? PASS at +0.00 - buff.ca_inc.up[true] | covenant.night_fae[true] & variable.convoke_desync[true] & cooldown.convoke_the_spirits.up[false] & ! cooldown.ca_inc.up[false] & ( ( buff.eclipse_lunar.remains[2.48] > 10 | buff.eclipse_solar.remains[2.48] > 10 ) & ! runeforge.balance_of_all_things.enabled[false] | runeforge.balance_of_all_things.enabled[false] & ( buff.balance_of_all_things_nature.stack[0.00] > 3 | buff.balance_of_all_things_arcane.stack[0.00] > 3 ) ) | buff.kindred_empowerment_energize.up[false] | fight_remains[3600.00] < 20
    + items
    Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +60.00s.
    Returned from Use Items; current recommendation is NO ACTION (+60.00).
    - items

    18.  run_action_list ( default - 12 )
    Criteria for aoe PASS at +0.00 - variable.is_aoe[true]
    Action list (aoe) was found.
    + [aoe]
    Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +60.00s.

    19.  variable ( aoe - 1 )
     - variable.dream_will_fall_off will check this script entry ( Balance:aoe:1 )
    ( buff.timeworn_dreambinder.remains[0.00] < gcd.max[1.18] + 0.1 | buff.timeworn_dreambinder.remains[0.00] < action.starfire.execute_time[1.41] + 0.1 & ( eclipse.in_lunar[false] | eclipse.solar_next[false] | eclipse.any_next[false] ) ) & buff.timeworn_dreambinder.up[false] & runeforge.timeworn_dreambinder.equipped[false]
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
    TimeData:Balance-aoe-1:variable:0.02:Post-TTR and Essential:0.01

    20.  variable ( aoe - 2 )
     - variable.ignore_starsurge will check this script entry ( Balance:aoe:2 )
    buff.eclipse_lunar.up[true] & ( spell_targets.starfire[3.00] > 4 & talent.soul_of_the_forest.enabled[false] | spell_targets.starfire[3.00] > 6 )
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
    TimeData:Balance-aoe-2:variable:0.02:Post-TTR and Essential:0.01

    21.  convoke_the_spirits ( aoe - 3 )
    The action is not ready ( 103.06 ) before our maximum delay window ( 2.47 ) for this query.
    Time spent on this action:  0.03ms

    22.  sunfire ( aoe - 4 )
    The action (sunfire) is usable at (0.00 + 0.00).
     - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +0.00 vs. +60.00).
    List ( aoe ) called from ( Balance:default:12 ) would PASS at 0.00.
     - this entry's criteria PASSES: refreshable[true] & target.time_to_die[427.00] > 14 - spell_targets.any[3.00] + remains[0.00] & ( eclipse.in_any[true] | remains[0.00] < gcd.max[1.18] )
    Action chosen:  sunfire at 0.00!
    Returned from list (aoe), current recommendation is sunfire (+0.00).
    - [aoe]
    Added aoe to blocklist as it was called via RAL.
     - blocking script did not immediately block; will attempt to tune it.
     - leaving delayMin at 0.
    The recommended action (sunfire) is ready in less than 0.2s; exiting list (default).

Completed default action list [ Balance - default ].
Recommendation is sunfire at 0.00 + 0.00.
Recommendation #1 is sunfire at 0.00s (0.00s).
Used 3.25ms of CPU on 1 prediction(s).

RECOMMENDATION #2 ( Offset: 0.00, GCD: 1.18, Casting: 0.00 ).

There are 1 queued events to review.
Resources: astral_power[ 16.00 / 100.00 ], combo_points[ 0.00 / 5.00 ], energy[ 100.00 / 100.00 ], mana[ 8800.00 / 10000.00 ], rage[ 0.00 / 100.00 ]

Eclipse State: IN_BOTH, Wrath: 2, Starfire: 2; Lunar: 2.48, Solar: 2.48

Queued event #1 (ca_inc AURA_EXPIRATION) due at 2.48; checking pre-event recommendations.

Checking if I'm casting ( No ) and if it is a channel ( No ).
No whitelist.

Processing precombat action list [ Balance - precombat ].

    Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +60.00s.

    1.   kindred_spirits ( precombat - 1 ) - ability unknown
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms

    2.   moonkin_form ( precombat - 2 )
    The action (moonkin_form) is unusable at (0.00 + 1.18) because not usable in current form (moonkin_form).
    Time spent on this action:  0.07ms
    TimeData:Balance-precombat-2:moonkin_form:0.07:Post-TTR and Essential:0.02:Post Cycle:0.00:Post Usable:0.04

    3.   wrath ( precombat - 3 )
    Line CD is 10, last cast was 1592537.872, remaining CD: 0
    We are already in-combat and this pre-combat action is not essential.  Skipping.
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms

    4.   wrath ( precombat - 4 )
    We are already in-combat and this pre-combat action is not essential.  Skipping.
    Time spent on this action:  0.01ms

    5.   starfire ( precombat - 5 )
    We are already in-combat and this pre-combat action is not essential.  Skipping.
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms

    6.   starsurge ( precombat - 6 )
    The action is not ready ( 3600.00 ) before our maximum delay window ( 2.47 ) for this query.
    Time spent on this action:  0.01ms

Completed precombat action list [ Balance - precombat ].

Processing default action list [ Balance - default ].

    Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +60.00s.

    7.   solar_beam ( default - 1 ) - ability disabled ( toggle )
    Time spent on this action:  0.03ms

    8.   variable ( default - 2 )
     - variable.is_aoe will check this script entry ( Balance:default:2 )
    spell_targets.starfall[3.00] > 1 & ( ! talent.starlord.enabled[true] | talent.stellar_drift.enabled[true] ) | spell_targets.starfall[3.00] > 2
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
    TimeData:Balance-default-2:variable:0.02:Post-TTR and Essential:0.01

    9.   variable ( default - 3 )
     - variable.is_cleave will check this script entry ( Balance:default:3 )
    spell_targets.starfire[3.00] > 1
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
    TimeData:Balance-default-3:variable:0.02:Post-TTR and Essential:0.01

    10.  berserking ( default - 4 ) - ability unknown
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms

    11.  potion ( default - 5 ) - ability disabled ( toggle )
    Time spent on this action:  0.01ms

    12.  variable ( default - 6 )
     - variable.convoke_desync will check this script entry ( Balance:default:6 )
    floor[function: 00000217A6C98110] ( ( interpolated_fight_remains[3600.00] - 20 - cooldown.convoke_the_spirits.remains[103.06] ) / 120 ) > floor[function: 00000217A6C98110] ( ( interpolated_fight_remains[3600.00] - 25 - ( 10 * talent.incarnation.enabled[false] ) - ( conduit.precise_alignment.time_value[0.00] ) - cooldown.ca_inc.remains[180.00] ) / 180 ) | cooldown.ca_inc.remains[180.00] > interpolated_fight_remains[3600.00] | cooldown.convoke_the_spirits.remains[103.06] > interpolated_fight_remains[3600.00] | ! covenant.night_fae[true]
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
    TimeData:Balance-default-6:variable:0.02:Post-TTR and Essential:0.01

    13.  variable ( default - 7 )
     - variable.cd_condition will check this script entry ( Balance:default:7 )
    ( ! equipped.empyreal_ordnance[false] | cooldown.empyreal_ordnance.remains[0.00] < 160 & ! cooldown.empyreal_ordnance.ready[true] ) | covenant.kyrian[false]
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
    TimeData:Balance-default-7:variable:0.02:Post-TTR and Essential:0.01

    14.  empyreal_ordnance ( default - 8 ) - IsUsableItem
    Time spent on this action:  0.03ms

    15.  soulletting_ruby ( default - 9 ) - IsUsableItem
    Time spent on this action:  0.03ms

    16.  inscrutable_quantum_device ( default - 10 )
    The action (inscrutable_quantum_device) is unusable at (0.00 + 1.18) because item not equipped.
    Time spent on this action:  0.08ms
    TimeData:Balance-default-10:inscrutable_quantum_device:0.08:Post-TTR and Essential:0.02:Post Cycle:0.00:Post Usable:0.01

    17.  use_items ( default - 11 )
    Criteria for ??? PASS at +0.00 - buff.ca_inc.up[true] | covenant.night_fae[true] & variable.convoke_desync[true] & cooldown.convoke_the_spirits.up[false] & ! cooldown.ca_inc.up[false] & ( ( buff.eclipse_lunar.remains[2.48] > 10 | buff.eclipse_solar.remains[2.48] > 10 ) & ! runeforge.balance_of_all_things.enabled[false] | runeforge.balance_of_all_things.enabled[false] & ( buff.balance_of_all_things_nature.stack[0.00] > 3 | buff.balance_of_all_things_arcane.stack[0.00] > 3 ) ) | buff.kindred_empowerment_energize.up[false] | fight_remains[3600.00] < 20
    + items
    Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +60.00s.
    Returned from Use Items; current recommendation is NO ACTION (+60.00).
    - items

    18.  run_action_list ( default - 12 )
    Criteria for aoe PASS at +0.00 - variable.is_aoe[true]
    Action list (aoe) was found.
    + [aoe]
    Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +60.00s.

    19.  variable ( aoe - 1 )
     - variable.dream_will_fall_off will check this script entry ( Balance:aoe:1 )
    ( buff.timeworn_dreambinder.remains[0.00] < gcd.max[1.18] + 0.1 | buff.timeworn_dreambinder.remains[0.00] < action.starfire.execute_time[1.41] + 0.1 & ( eclipse.in_lunar[false] | eclipse.solar_next[false] | eclipse.any_next[false] ) ) & buff.timeworn_dreambinder.up[false] & runeforge.timeworn_dreambinder.equipped[false]
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
    TimeData:Balance-aoe-1:variable:0.02:Post-TTR and Essential:0.01

    20.  variable ( aoe - 2 )
     - variable.ignore_starsurge will check this script entry ( Balance:aoe:2 )
    buff.eclipse_lunar.up[true] & ( spell_targets.starfire[3.00] > 4 & talent.soul_of_the_forest.enabled[false] | spell_targets.starfire[3.00] > 6 )
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
    TimeData:Balance-aoe-2:variable:0.02:Post-TTR and Essential:0.01

    21.  convoke_the_spirits ( aoe - 3 )
    The action is not ready ( 103.06 ) before our maximum delay window ( 2.47 ) for this query.
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms

    22.  sunfire ( aoe - 4 )
    The action (sunfire) is usable at (0.00 + 1.18).
     - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +1.18 vs. +60.00).
    List ( aoe ) called from ( Balance:default:12 ) would PASS at 1.18.
     - this entry's criteria FAILS: refreshable[false] & target.time_to_die[425.82] > 14 - spell_targets.any[3.00] + remains[16.82] & ( eclipse.in_any[true] | remains[16.82] < gcd.max[1.18] )
    Excluded 11.43 recheck time as it is outside our constraints ( 0.00 - 2.47 ).
    Excluded 15.65 recheck time as it is outside our constraints ( 0.00 - 2.47 ).
    1 - true
    There are 1 recheck events.
    List ( aoe ) called from ( Balance:default:12 ) would PASS at 2.18.
    Recheck #1 ( +2.18 ) NOT MET: refreshable[false] & target.time_to_die[424.82] > 14 - spell_targets.any[3.00] + remains[15.82] & ( eclipse.in_any[true] | remains[15.82] < gcd.max[1.18] )
    Time spent on this action:  0.42ms
    TimeData:Balance-aoe-4:sunfire:0.42:Post-TTR and Essential:0.02:Post Cycle:0.00:Post Usable:0.01:Post Ready/Clash:0.01:Post Stack:0.03:Pre-Script:0.00:Post-Script:0.01:Pre-Recheck:0.12:Post-Recheck Times:0.05:Pre-Recheck Loop:0.00:Recheck Loop Start:0.00:Recheck Post-Usable:0.01:Recheck Post-Stack:0.02:Recheck Post-Script:0.01:Recheck Post-Channel:0.00:Recheck Loop End:0.11:Post Recheck Loop:0.00:Post Recheck:0.00

    23.  starfall ( aoe - 5 )
    The action is not ready ( 3600.00 ) before our maximum delay window ( 2.47 ) for this query.
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms

    24.  starfall ( aoe - 6 )
    The action is not ready ( 3600.00 ) before our maximum delay window ( 2.47 ) for this query.
    Time spent on this action:  0.01ms

    25.  variable ( aoe - 7 )
     - variable.starfall_wont_fall_off will check this script entry ( Balance:aoe:7 )
    astral_power.current[16.00] > 80 - ( 10 * buff.timeworn_dreambinder.stack[0.00] ) - ( buff.starfall.remains[0.00] * 3 / spell_haste[0.79] ) - ( dot.fury_of_elune.remains[0.00] * 5 ) & buff.starfall.up[false]
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
    TimeData:Balance-aoe-7:variable:0.02:Post-TTR and Essential:0.01

    26.  starsurge ( aoe - 8 )
    The action is not ready ( 3600.00 ) before our maximum delay window ( 2.47 ) for this query.
    Time spent on this action:  0.01ms

    27.  adaptive_swarm ( aoe - 9 ) - ability unknown
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms

    28.  moonfire ( aoe - 10 )
    The action (moonfire) is usable at (0.00 + 1.18).
     - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +1.18 vs. +60.00).
    List ( aoe ) called from ( Balance:default:12 ) would PASS at 1.18.
     - this entry's criteria PASSES: refreshable[true] & target.time_to_die[425.82] > ( 14 + ( spell_targets.starfire[3.00] * 1.5 ) ) / spell_targets.any[3.00] + remains[0.00] & ( ( cooldown.ca_inc.ready[false] & ! druid.no_cds[true] & ( variable.convoke_desync[true] | cooldown.convoke_the_spirits.ready[false] | ! covenant.night_fae[true] ) | spell_targets.starfire[3.00] < ( 5 * ( 1 + talent.twin_moons.enabled[false] ) ) | ( eclipse.in_solar[false] | ( eclipse.in_both[true] | eclipse.in_lunar[false] ) & ! talent.soul_of_the_forest.enabled[false] | buff.primordial_arcanic_pulsar.value[0.00] >= 250 ) & ( spell_targets.starfire[3.00] < 10 * ( 1 + talent.twin_moons.enabled[false] ) ) & astral_power.current[16.00] > 50 - buff.starfall.remains[0.00] * 6 ) & ( ! buff.kindred_empowerment_energize.up[false] | eclipse.in_solar[false] | ! covenant.kyrian[false] ) & ap_check[true] )
    Action chosen:  moonfire at 1.18!
    Time spent on this action:  1.49ms
    TimeData:Balance-aoe-10:moonfire:1.49:Post-TTR and Essential:0.03:Post Cycle:0.00:Post Usable:0.01:Post Ready/Clash:0.01:Post Stack:0.01:Pre-Script:0.00:Post-Script:0.10:Pre-Recheck:1.20:Post Recheck:0.00:Action Stored:0.12
    The recommended action (moonfire) is ready within the active GCD; exiting list (aoe).
    Returned from list (aoe), current recommendation is moonfire (+1.18).
    - [aoe]
    Added aoe to blocklist as it was called via RAL.
     - blocking script did not immediately block; will attempt to tune it.
     - leaving delayMin at 0.
    The recommended action (moonfire) is ready within the active GCD; exiting list (default).

Completed default action list [ Balance - default ].
Recommendation is moonfire at 0.00 + 1.18.
Recommendation #2 is moonfire at 1.18s (1.18s).
Used 8.30ms of CPU on 2 prediction(s).

RECOMMENDATION #3 ( Offset: 1.18, GCD: 1.18, Casting: 0.00 ).

There are 1 queued events to review.
Resources: astral_power[ 18.00 / 100.00 ], combo_points[ 0.00 / 5.00 ], energy[ 100.00 / 100.00 ], mana[ 9177.60 / 10000.00 ], rage[ 0.00 / 100.00 ]

Eclipse State: IN_BOTH, Wrath: 2, Starfire: 2; Lunar: 1.30, Solar: 1.30

Queued event #1 (ca_inc AURA_EXPIRATION) due at 1.30; checking pre-event recommendations.

Checking if I'm casting ( No ) and if it is a channel ( No ).
No whitelist.

Processing precombat action list [ Balance - precombat ].

    Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +60.00s.

    1.   kindred_spirits ( precombat - 1 ) - ability unknown
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms

    2.   moonkin_form ( precombat - 2 )
    The action (moonkin_form) is unusable at (1.18 + 1.18) because not usable in current form (moonkin_form).
    Time spent on this action:  0.04ms
    TimeData:Balance-precombat-2:moonkin_form:0.04:Post-TTR and Essential:0.02:Post Cycle:0.00:Post Usable:0.01

    3.   wrath ( precombat - 3 )
    Line CD is 10, last cast was 1592537.872, remaining CD: 0
    We are already in-combat and this pre-combat action is not essential.  Skipping.
    Time spent on this action:  0.01ms

    4.   wrath ( precombat - 4 )
    We are already in-combat and this pre-combat action is not essential.  Skipping.
    Time spent on this action:  0.01ms

    5.   starfire ( precombat - 5 )
    We are already in-combat and this pre-combat action is not essential.  Skipping.
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms

    6.   starsurge ( precombat - 6 )
    The action is not ready ( 3600.00 ) before our maximum delay window ( 1.29 ) for this query.
    Time spent on this action:  0.01ms

Completed precombat action list [ Balance - precombat ].

Processing default action list [ Balance - default ].

    Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +60.00s.

    7.   solar_beam ( default - 1 ) - ability disabled ( toggle )
    Time spent on this action:  0.01ms

    8.   variable ( default - 2 )
     - variable.is_aoe will check this script entry ( Balance:default:2 )
    spell_targets.starfall[3.00] > 1 & ( ! talent.starlord.enabled[true] | talent.stellar_drift.enabled[true] ) | spell_targets.starfall[3.00] > 2
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
    TimeData:Balance-default-2:variable:0.02:Post-TTR and Essential:0.01

    9.   variable ( default - 3 )
     - variable.is_cleave will check this script entry ( Balance:default:3 )
    spell_targets.starfire[3.00] > 1
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
    TimeData:Balance-default-3:variable:0.02:Post-TTR and Essential:0.01

    10.  berserking ( default - 4 ) - ability unknown
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms

    11.  potion ( default - 5 ) - ability disabled ( toggle )
    Time spent on this action:  0.01ms

    12.  variable ( default - 6 )
     - variable.convoke_desync will check this script entry ( Balance:default:6 )
    floor[function: 00000217A6C98110] ( ( interpolated_fight_remains[3600.00] - 20 - cooldown.convoke_the_spirits.remains[101.88] ) / 120 ) > floor[function: 00000217A6C98110] ( ( interpolated_fight_remains[3600.00] - 25 - ( 10 * talent.incarnation.enabled[false] ) - ( conduit.precise_alignment.time_value[0.00] ) - cooldown.ca_inc.remains[180.00] ) / 180 ) | cooldown.ca_inc.remains[180.00] > interpolated_fight_remains[3600.00] | cooldown.convoke_the_spirits.remains[101.88] > interpolated_fight_remains[3600.00] | ! covenant.night_fae[true]
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
    TimeData:Balance-default-6:variable:0.02:Post-TTR and Essential:0.01

    13.  variable ( default - 7 )
     - variable.cd_condition will check this script entry ( Balance:default:7 )
    ( ! equipped.empyreal_ordnance[false] | cooldown.empyreal_ordnance.remains[0.00] < 160 & ! cooldown.empyreal_ordnance.ready[true] ) | covenant.kyrian[false]
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
    TimeData:Balance-default-7:variable:0.02:Post-TTR and Essential:0.01

    14.  empyreal_ordnance ( default - 8 ) - IsUsableItem
    Time spent on this action:  0.03ms

    15.  soulletting_ruby ( default - 9 ) - IsUsableItem
    Time spent on this action:  0.06ms

    16.  inscrutable_quantum_device ( default - 10 )
    The action (inscrutable_quantum_device) is unusable at (1.18 + 1.18) because item not equipped.
    Time spent on this action:  0.10ms
    TimeData:Balance-default-10:inscrutable_quantum_device:0.10:Post-TTR and Essential:0.02:Post Cycle:0.00:Post Usable:0.01

    17.  use_items ( default - 11 )
    Criteria for ??? PASS at +1.18 - buff.ca_inc.up[true] | covenant.night_fae[true] & variable.convoke_desync[true] & cooldown.convoke_the_spirits.up[false] & ! cooldown.ca_inc.up[false] & ( ( buff.eclipse_lunar.remains[1.30] > 10 | buff.eclipse_solar.remains[1.30] > 10 ) & ! runeforge.balance_of_all_things.enabled[false] | runeforge.balance_of_all_things.enabled[false] & ( buff.balance_of_all_things_nature.stack[0.00] > 3 | buff.balance_of_all_things_arcane.stack[0.00] > 3 ) ) | buff.kindred_empowerment_energize.up[false] | fight_remains[3600.00] < 20
    + items
    Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +60.00s.
    Returned from Use Items; current recommendation is NO ACTION (+60.00).
    - items

    18.  run_action_list ( default - 12 )
    Criteria for aoe PASS at +1.18 - variable.is_aoe[true]
    Action list (aoe) was found.
    + [aoe]
    Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +60.00s.

    19.  variable ( aoe - 1 )
     - variable.dream_will_fall_off will check this script entry ( Balance:aoe:1 )
    ( buff.timeworn_dreambinder.remains[0.00] < gcd.max[1.18] + 0.1 | buff.timeworn_dreambinder.remains[0.00] < action.starfire.execute_time[1.41] + 0.1 & ( eclipse.in_lunar[false] | eclipse.solar_next[false] | eclipse.any_next[false] ) ) & buff.timeworn_dreambinder.up[false] & runeforge.timeworn_dreambinder.equipped[false]
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
    TimeData:Balance-aoe-1:variable:0.02:Post-TTR and Essential:0.01

    20.  variable ( aoe - 2 )
     - variable.ignore_starsurge will check this script entry ( Balance:aoe:2 )
    buff.eclipse_lunar.up[true] & ( spell_targets.starfire[3.00] > 4 & talent.soul_of_the_forest.enabled[false] | spell_targets.starfire[3.00] > 6 )
    Time spent on this action:  0.05ms
    TimeData:Balance-aoe-2:variable:0.05:Post-TTR and Essential:0.03

    21.  convoke_the_spirits ( aoe - 3 )
    The action is not ready ( 101.88 ) before our maximum delay window ( 1.29 ) for this query.
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms

    22.  sunfire ( aoe - 4 )
    The action (sunfire) is usable at (1.18 + 1.18).
     - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +1.18 vs. +60.00).
    List ( aoe ) called from ( Balance:default:12 ) would PASS at 1.18.
     - this entry's criteria FAILS: refreshable[false] & target.time_to_die[424.64] > 14 - spell_targets.any[3.00] + remains[15.64] & ( eclipse.in_any[true] | remains[15.64] < gcd.max[1.18] )
    Excluded 10.25 recheck time as it is outside our constraints ( 0.00 - 1.29 ).
    Excluded 14.47 recheck time as it is outside our constraints ( 0.00 - 1.29 ).
    1 - true
    There are 1 recheck events.
    List ( aoe ) called from ( Balance:default:12 ) would PASS at 2.18.
    Recheck #1 ( +2.18 ) NOT MET: refreshable[false] & target.time_to_die[423.64] > 14 - spell_targets.any[3.00] + remains[14.64] & ( eclipse.in_any[true] | remains[14.64] < gcd.max[1.18] )
    Time spent on this action:  0.42ms
    TimeData:Balance-aoe-4:sunfire:0.42:Post-TTR and Essential:0.02:Post Cycle:0.00:Post Usable:0.01:Post Ready/Clash:0.01:Post Stack:0.03:Pre-Script:0.00:Post-Script:0.01:Pre-Recheck:0.12:Post-Recheck Times:0.05:Pre-Recheck Loop:0.00:Recheck Loop Start:0.00:Recheck Post-Usable:0.01:Recheck Post-Stack:0.02:Recheck Post-Script:0.01:Recheck Post-Channel:0.00:Recheck Loop End:0.11:Post Recheck Loop:0.00:Post Recheck:0.00

    23.  starfall ( aoe - 5 )
    The action is not ready ( 3600.00 ) before our maximum delay window ( 1.29 ) for this query.
    Time spent on this action:  0.01ms

    24.  starfall ( aoe - 6 )
    The action is not ready ( 3600.00 ) before our maximum delay window ( 1.29 ) for this query.
    Time spent on this action:  0.01ms

    25.  variable ( aoe - 7 )
     - variable.starfall_wont_fall_off will check this script entry ( Balance:aoe:7 )
    astral_power.current[18.00] > 80 - ( 10 * buff.timeworn_dreambinder.stack[0.00] ) - ( buff.starfall.remains[0.00] * 3 / spell_haste[0.79] ) - ( dot.fury_of_elune.remains[0.00] * 5 ) & buff.starfall.up[false]
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
    TimeData:Balance-aoe-7:variable:0.02:Post-TTR and Essential:0.01

    26.  starsurge ( aoe - 8 )
    The action is not ready ( 3600.00 ) before our maximum delay window ( 1.29 ) for this query.
    Time spent on this action:  0.01ms

    27.  adaptive_swarm ( aoe - 9 ) - ability unknown
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms

    28.  moonfire ( aoe - 10 )
    The action (moonfire) is usable at (1.18 + 1.18).
     - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +1.18 vs. +60.00).
    List ( aoe ) called from ( Balance:default:12 ) would PASS at 1.18.
     - this entry's criteria FAILS: refreshable[false] & target.time_to_die[424.64] > ( 14 + ( spell_targets.starfire[3.00] * 1.5 ) ) / spell_targets.any[3.00] + remains[20.82] & ( ( cooldown.ca_inc.ready[false] & ! druid.no_cds[true] & ( variable.convoke_desync[true] | cooldown.convoke_the_spirits.ready[false] | ! covenant.night_fae[true] ) | spell_targets.starfire[3.00] < ( 5 * ( 1 + talent.twin_moons.enabled[false] ) ) | ( eclipse.in_solar[false] | ( eclipse.in_both[true] | eclipse.in_lunar[false] ) & ! talent.soul_of_the_forest.enabled[false] | buff.primordial_arcanic_pulsar.value[0.00] >= 250 ) & ( spell_targets.starfire[3.00] < 10 * ( 1 + talent.twin_moons.enabled[false] ) ) & astral_power.current[19.00] > 50 - buff.starfall.remains[0.00] * 6 ) & ( ! buff.kindred_empowerment_energize.up[false] | eclipse.in_solar[false] | ! covenant.kyrian[false] ) & ap_check[true] )
    Excluded 14.23 recheck time as it is outside our constraints ( 0.00 - 1.29 ).
    Excluded 0.00 recheck time as it is outside our constraints ( 0.00 - 1.29 ).
    1 - true
    There are 1 recheck events.
    List ( aoe ) called from ( Balance:default:12 ) would PASS at 2.18.
    Recheck #1 ( +2.18 ) NOT MET: refreshable[false] & target.time_to_die[423.64] > ( 14 + ( spell_targets.starfire[3.00] * 1.5 ) ) / spell_targets.any[3.00] + remains[19.82] & ( ( cooldown.ca_inc.ready[false] & ! druid.no_cds[true] & ( variable.convoke_desync[true] | cooldown.convoke_the_spirits.ready[false] | ! covenant.night_fae[true] ) | spell_targets.starfire[3.00] < ( 5 * ( 1 + talent.twin_moons.enabled[false] ) ) | ( eclipse.in_solar[false] | ( eclipse.in_both[true] | eclipse.in_lunar[false] ) & ! talent.soul_of_the_forest.enabled[false] | buff.primordial_arcanic_pulsar.value[0.00] >= 250 ) & ( spell_targets.starfire[3.00] < 10 * ( 1 + talent.twin_moons.enabled[false] ) ) & astral_power.current[19.00] > 50 - buff.starfall.remains[0.00] * 6 ) & ( ! buff.kindred_empowerment_energize.up[false] | eclipse.in_solar[false] | ! covenant.kyrian[false] ) & ap_check[true] )
    Time spent on this action:  2.70ms
    TimeData:Balance-aoe-10:moonfire:2.70:Post-TTR and Essential:0.05:Post Cycle:0.01:Post Usable:0.04:Post Ready/Clash:0.02:Post Stack:0.01:Pre-Script:0.00:Post-Script:0.01:Pre-Recheck:1.23:Post-Recheck Times:0.08:Pre-Recheck Loop:0.00:Recheck Loop Start:0.00:Recheck Post-Usable:0.01:Recheck Post-Stack:0.01:Recheck Post-Script:0.01:Recheck Post-Channel:0.00:Recheck Loop End:1.20:Post Recheck Loop:0.00:Post Recheck:0.00

    29.  force_of_nature ( aoe - 11 ) - talent [ force_of_nature ] missing
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms

    30.  ravenous_frenzy ( aoe - 12 ) - ability unknown
    Time spent on this action:  0.05ms

    31.  celestial_alignment ( aoe - 13 ) - ability disabled ( toggle )
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms

    32.  incarnation ( aoe - 14 ) - talent [ incarnation ] missing
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms

    33.  empower_bond ( aoe - 15 ) - ability unknown
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms

    34.  stellar_flare ( aoe - 16 ) - talent [ stellar_flare ] missing
    Time spent on this action:  0.01ms

    35.  fury_of_elune ( aoe - 17 ) - ability unknown
    Time spent on this action:  0.05ms

    36.  starfall ( aoe - 18 )
    The action is not ready ( 3600.00 ) before our maximum delay window ( 1.29 ) for this query.
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms

    37.  starfall ( aoe - 19 )
    The action is not ready ( 3600.00 ) before our maximum delay window ( 1.29 ) for this query.
    Time spent on this action:  0.01ms

    38.  starsurge ( aoe - 20 )
    The action is not ready ( 3600.00 ) before our maximum delay window ( 1.29 ) for this query.
    Time spent on this action:  0.01ms

    39.  starsurge ( aoe - 21 )
    The action is not ready ( 3600.00 ) before our maximum delay window ( 1.29 ) for this query.
    Time spent on this action:  0.01ms

    40.  new_moon ( aoe - 22 ) - talent [ new_moon ] missing
    Time spent on this action:  0.01ms

    41.  half_moon ( aoe - 23 ) - talent [ new_moon ] missing
    Time spent on this action:  0.01ms

    42.  full_moon ( aoe - 24 ) - talent [ new_moon ] missing
    Time spent on this action:  0.01ms

    43.  warrior_of_elune ( aoe - 25 ) - talent [ warrior_of_elune ] missing
    Time spent on this action:  0.01ms

    44.  variable ( aoe - 26 )
     - variable.starfire_in_solar will check this script entry ( Balance:aoe:26 )
    spell_targets.starfire[3.00] > 4 + floor[function: 00000217A6C98110] ( mastery_value[0.34] * 100 / 20 ) + floor[function: 00000217A6C98110] ( buff.starsurge_empowerment_solar.stack[1.00] / 4 )
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
    TimeData:Balance-aoe-26:variable:0.02:Post-TTR and Essential:0.01

    45.  wrath ( aoe - 27 )
    The action (wrath) is usable at (1.18 + 1.18).
     - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +1.18 vs. +60.00).
    List ( aoe ) called from ( Balance:default:12 ) would PASS at 1.18.
     - this entry's criteria PASSES: eclipse.lunar_next[false] | eclipse.any_next[false] & variable.is_cleave[true] | buff.eclipse_solar.remains[0.12] < action.starfire.execute_time[1.41] & buff.eclipse_solar.up[true] | eclipse.in_solar[false] & ! variable.starfire_in_solar[false] | buff.ca_inc.remains[0.12] < action.starfire.execute_time[1.41] & ! variable.is_cleave[true] & buff.ca_inc.remains[0.12] < execute_time[1.18] & buff.ca_inc.up[true] | buff.ravenous_frenzy.up[false] & spell_haste[0.79] > 0.6 & ( spell_targets.any[3.00] <= 3 | ! talent.soul_of_the_forest.enabled[false] ) | ! variable.is_cleave[true] & buff.ca_inc.remains[0.12] > execute_time[1.18]
    Action chosen:  wrath at 1.18!
    Time spent on this action:  0.80ms
    TimeData:Balance-aoe-27:wrath:0.80:Post-TTR and Essential:0.02:Post Cycle:0.00:Post Usable:0.01:Post Ready/Clash:0.01:Post Stack:0.01:Pre-Script:0.00:Post-Script:0.03:Pre-Recheck:0.65:Post Recheck:0.00:Action Stored:0.06
    The recommended action (wrath) is ready within the active GCD; exiting list (aoe).
    Returned from list (aoe), current recommendation is wrath (+1.18).
    - [aoe]
    Added aoe to blocklist as it was called via RAL.
     - blocking script did not immediately block; will attempt to tune it.
     - leaving delayMin at 0.
    The recommended action (wrath) is ready within the active GCD; exiting list (default).

Completed default action list [ Balance - default ].
Recommendation is wrath at 1.18 + 1.18.
Recommendation #3 is wrath at 1.18s (2.36s).
Time spent generating recommendations:  15.84ms
enjioh commented 3 years ago

Sorry for not understanding earlier. This is the AOE snapshot of me recreating the celestial alignment + convoke pattern. Not sure how to read this, but can generate another snapshot if needed.

Hekili commented 3 years ago

You have to take a snapshot when the addon is providing you the recommendation that you disagree with. That snapshot is showing Sunfire, Moonfire, then Wrath.

Basically, you need to push the button when you've hit Convoke and it has triggered Starfall, and you see Starfall also recommended by the addon. Then paste that to Pastebin and link it here.