Hekili / hekili

Hekili Priority Helper for DPS and Tanks (WoW Retail)
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Boomkin, Suggests Starfall while still currently running #805

Closed hoaraucg closed 3 years ago

hoaraucg commented 3 years ago

Describe the Bug/Issue I've noticed quite often the addon will suggest Starfall, even on single target, when Starfall is still falling and has high duration. It is most often noticed during CA/Convoke, but also occurs randomly during normal rotation when a Starsurge would be the better choice.

To Reproduce Open with 2x Wrath, Moonfire, Sunfire, 2x Starsurge, Celestial Alignment, Convoke. At this point you can gain Starfall from Convoke and it will still suggest you Starfall again. I have seen it also during the course of normal rotation or when not gaining Starfall from Convoke, but that is less rare and I have not been able to grab a Snapshot of it yet.

Expected behavior Should be suggesting Starsurge over Starfall in most cases.


The screenshot shows the Hekili recommendations in the two boxes to the left, The two boxes to the right are Weakauras showing current duration of Starfall and Eclipse.


level: 60 (60)
class: DRUID
spec: balance

talents: guardian_affinity

pvptalents: none

covenant: night_fae

conduits: tireless_pursuit = 3
   tough_as_bark = 4
   umbral_intensity = 2

soulbinds: [niya]
   grove_invigoration = 1
   natures_splendor = 1
   run_without_tiring = 1

sets: none

gear: arachnid_cipher_ring = 1
    band_of_the_risen_bonelord = 1
    charm_of_eternal_winter = 1
    darkmoon_deck_repose = 1
    mantle_of_manifest_sins = 1
    nathrian_tabernacle = 1
    oakheart_anklewraps = 1
    oakheart_armguards = 1
    oakheart_bracers = 1
    oakheart_mantle = 1
    oakheart_vestment = 1
    renowned_guild_tabard = 1
    shadebound_helm = 1
    spellwoven_tourniquet = 1
    surgical_pustule_extractor = 1
    tablet_of_despair = 1
    volatile_shadestitch_legguards = 1

legendaries: none

itemIDs: 172253, 173078, 178753, 178828, 178933, 179766, 179767, 179770, 179772, 179774, 181357, 182995, 183024, 183033, 183040, 184143, 69210

settings: aoe = 3
    buffPadding = 0
    custom1Name = Custom 1
    custom2Name = Custom 2
    cycle = false
    cycle_min = 6
    damage = true
    damageDots = true
    damageExpiration = 4
    damagePets = false
    damageRange = 0
    debuffPadding = 0
    enabled = true
    gcdSync = true
    maxRefresh = 10
    maxTime = 33
    nameplateRange = 8
    nameplates = false
    package = Balance
    petbased = false
    potion = spectral_intellect
    potionsReset = 20180919.1
    throttleRefresh = false
    throttleTime = false
    solo_drift = false
    starlord_cancel = false

toggles: cooldowns = true
    custom1 = false
    custom2 = false
    defensives = false
    essences = true
    interrupts = false
    mode = automatic
    potions = false


build: v9.0.2-1.0.35-beta1
level: 60 (60)
class: DRUID
spec: balance

talents: guardian_affinity

pvptalents: none

covenant: night_fae

conduits: tireless_pursuit = 3
   tough_as_bark = 4
   umbral_intensity = 2

soulbinds: [niya]
   grove_invigoration = 1
   natures_splendor = 1
   run_without_tiring = 1

sets: none

gear: arachnid_cipher_ring = 1
    band_of_the_risen_bonelord = 1
    charm_of_eternal_winter = 1
    darkmoon_deck_repose = 1
    mantle_of_manifest_sins = 1
    nathrian_tabernacle = 1
    oakheart_anklewraps = 1
    oakheart_armguards = 1
    oakheart_bracers = 1
    oakheart_mantle = 1
    oakheart_vestment = 1
    renowned_guild_tabard = 1
    shadebound_helm = 1
    spellwoven_tourniquet = 1
    surgical_pustule_extractor = 1
    tablet_of_despair = 1
    volatile_shadestitch_legguards = 1

legendaries: none

itemIDs: 172253, 173078, 178753, 178828, 178933, 179766, 179767, 179770, 179772, 179774, 181357, 182995, 183024, 183033, 183040, 184143, 69210

settings: aoe = 3
    buffPadding = 0
    custom1Name = Custom 1
    custom2Name = Custom 2
    cycle = false
    cycle_min = 6
    damage = true
    damageDots = true
    damageExpiration = 4
    damagePets = false
    damageRange = 0
    debuffPadding = 0
    enabled = true
    gcdSync = true
    maxRefresh = 10
    maxTime = 33
    nameplateRange = 8
    nameplates = false
    package = Balance
    petbased = false
    potion = spectral_intellect
    potionsReset = 20180919.1
    throttleRefresh = false
    throttleTime = false
    solo_drift = false
    starlord_cancel = false

toggles: cooldowns = true
    custom1 = false
    custom2 = false
    defensives = false
    essences = true
    interrupts = false
    mode = automatic
    potions = false

New Recommendations for [ Primary ] requested at 17:48:02 ( 2426754.83 ); using built-in ( Balance ) priority.
Queued ca_inc AURA_EXPIRATION at +11.94.

RECOMMENDATION #1 ( Offset: 0.00, GCD: 0.00, Casting: 0.00 ).

    There are 1 queued events to review.
    Resources: astral_power[ 75.00 / 100.00 ], combo_points[ 0.00 / 5.00 ], energy[ 100.00 / 100.00 ], mana[ 10000.00 / 10000.00 ], rage[ 0.00 / 100.00 ]

    Eclipse State: IN_BOTH, Wrath: 2, Starfire: 2; Lunar: 11.94, Solar: 11.94

    Queued event #1 (ca_inc AURA_EXPIRATION) due at 11.94; checking pre-event recommendations.

    Checking if I'm casting ( No ) and if it is a channel ( No ).
    No whitelist.

    Processing precombat action list [ Balance - precombat ].

        Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +60.00s.

        1.   kindred_spirits ( precombat - 1 ) - ability unknown
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms

        2.   moonkin_form ( precombat - 2 )
        The action (moonkin_form) is unusable at (0.00 + 0.00) because not usable in current form (moonkin_form).
        Time spent on this action:  0.06ms
        TimeData:Balance-precombat-2:moonkin_form:0.06:Post-TTR and Essential:0.03:Post Cycle:0.00:Post Usable:0.01

        3.   wrath ( precombat - 3 )
        Line CD is 10, last cast was 2426744.526, remaining CD: 0
        We are already in-combat and this pre-combat action is not essential.  Skipping.
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms

        4.   wrath ( precombat - 4 )
        We are already in-combat and this pre-combat action is not essential.  Skipping.
        Time spent on this action:  0.01ms

        5.   starfire ( precombat - 5 )
        We are already in-combat and this pre-combat action is not essential.  Skipping.
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms

        6.   starsurge ( precombat - 6 )
        We are already in-combat and this pre-combat action is not essential.  Skipping.
        Time spent on this action:  0.01ms

    Completed precombat action list [ Balance - precombat ].

    Processing default action list [ Balance - default ].

        Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +60.00s.

        7.   solar_beam ( default - 1 ) - ability disabled ( toggle )
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms

        8.   variable ( default - 2 )
         - variable.is_aoe will check this script entry ( Balance:default:2 )
        spell_targets.starfall[4.00] > 1 & ( ! talent.starlord.enabled[false] | talent.stellar_drift.enabled[true] ) | spell_targets.starfall[4.00] > 2
        Time spent on this action:  0.03ms
        TimeData:Balance-default-2:variable:0.03:Post-TTR and Essential:0.02

        9.   variable ( default - 3 )
         - variable.is_cleave will check this script entry ( Balance:default:3 )
        spell_targets.starfire[4.00] > 1
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Balance-default-3:variable:0.02:Post-TTR and Essential:0.01

        10.  berserking ( default - 4 )
        The action is not ready ( 171.77 ) before our maximum delay window ( 11.93 ) for this query.
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms

        11.  potion ( default - 5 ) - ability disabled ( toggle )
        Time spent on this action:  0.01ms

        12.  variable ( default - 6 )
         - variable.convoke_desync will check this script entry ( Balance:default:6 )
        floor[function: 00000177A85DC110] ( ( interpolated_fight_remains[681.00] - 20 - cooldown.convoke_the_spirits.remains[114.56] ) / 120 ) > floor[function: 00000177A85DC110] ( ( interpolated_fight_remains[681.00] - 25 - ( 10 * talent.incarnation.enabled[false] ) - ( conduit.precise_alignment.time_value[0.00] ) - cooldown.ca_inc.remains[171.77] ) / 180 ) | cooldown.ca_inc.remains[171.77] > interpolated_fight_remains[681.00] | cooldown.convoke_the_spirits.remains[114.56] > interpolated_fight_remains[681.00] | ! covenant.night_fae[true]
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Balance-default-6:variable:0.02:Post-TTR and Essential:0.01

        13.  variable ( default - 7 )
         - variable.cd_condition will check this script entry ( Balance:default:7 )
        ( ! equipped.empyreal_ordnance[false] | cooldown.empyreal_ordnance.remains[0.00] < 160 & ! cooldown.empyreal_ordnance.ready[true] ) | covenant.kyrian[false]
        Time spent on this action:  0.03ms
        TimeData:Balance-default-7:variable:0.03:Post-TTR and Essential:0.02

        14.  empyreal_ordnance ( default - 8 ) - IsUsableItem
        Time spent on this action:  0.03ms

        15.  soulletting_ruby ( default - 9 ) - IsUsableItem
        Time spent on this action:  0.03ms

        16.  inscrutable_quantum_device ( default - 10 ) - IsUsableItem
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms

        17.  use_items ( default - 11 )
        Criteria for ??? PASS at +0.00 - buff.ca_inc.up[true] | covenant.night_fae[true] & variable.convoke_desync[true] & cooldown.convoke_the_spirits.up[false] & ! cooldown.ca_inc.up[false] & ( ( buff.eclipse_lunar.remains[11.94] > 10 | buff.eclipse_solar.remains[11.94] > 10 ) & ! runeforge.balance_of_all_things.enabled[false] | runeforge.balance_of_all_things.enabled[false] & ( buff.balance_of_all_things_nature.stack[0.00] > 3 | buff.balance_of_all_things_arcane.stack[0.00] > 3 ) ) | buff.kindred_empowerment_energize.up[false] | fight_remains[681.00] < 20
        + items
        Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +60.00s.

        18.  darkmoon_deck_repose ( items - 1 ) - ability disabled ( preference )
        Time spent on this action:  0.06ms
        Returned from Use Items; current recommendation is NO ACTION (+60.00).
        - items
        Resetting delayMin to 0.00 from 0.00.

        19.  run_action_list ( default - 12 )
        Criteria for aoe PASS at +0.00 - variable.is_aoe[true]
        Action list (aoe) was found.
        + [aoe]
        Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +60.00s.

        20.  variable ( aoe - 1 )
         - variable.dream_will_fall_off will check this script entry ( Balance:aoe:1 )
        ( buff.timeworn_dreambinder.remains[0.00] < gcd.max[1.09] + 0.1 | buff.timeworn_dreambinder.remains[0.00] < action.starfire.execute_time[1.31] + 0.1 & ( eclipse.in_lunar[false] | eclipse.solar_next[false] | eclipse.any_next[false] ) ) & buff.timeworn_dreambinder.up[false] & runeforge.timeworn_dreambinder.equipped[false]
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Balance-aoe-1:variable:0.02:Post-TTR and Essential:0.01

        21.  variable ( aoe - 2 )
         - variable.ignore_starsurge will check this script entry ( Balance:aoe:2 )
        buff.eclipse_lunar.up[true] & ( spell_targets.starfire[4.00] > 4 & talent.soul_of_the_forest.enabled[true] | spell_targets.starfire[4.00] > 6 )
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Balance-aoe-2:variable:0.02:Post-TTR and Essential:0.01

        22.  convoke_the_spirits ( aoe - 3 )
        The action is not ready ( 114.56 ) before our maximum delay window ( 11.93 ) for this query.
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms

        23.  sunfire ( aoe - 4 )
        The action (sunfire) is usable at (0.00 + 0.00).
         - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +0.00 vs. +60.00).
        List ( aoe ) called from ( Balance:default:12 ) would PASS at 0.00.
         - this entry's criteria FAILS: refreshable[false] & target.time_to_die[530.00] > 14 - spell_targets.any[4.00] + remains[9.01] & ( eclipse.in_any[true] | remains[9.01] < gcd.max[1.09] )
        1 - true
        7.9302175991212 - true
        3.6219999996386 - true
        There are 3 recheck events.
        List ( aoe ) called from ( Balance:default:12 ) would PASS at 1.00.
        Recheck #1 ( +1.00 ) NOT MET: refreshable[false] & target.time_to_die[529.00] > 14 - spell_targets.any[4.00] + remains[8.01] & ( eclipse.in_any[true] | remains[8.01] < gcd.max[1.09] )
        List ( aoe ) called from ( Balance:default:12 ) would PASS at 3.62.
        Recheck #2 ( +3.62 ) MET: refreshable[true] & target.time_to_die[526.38] > 14 - spell_targets.any[4.00] + remains[5.39] & ( eclipse.in_any[true] | remains[5.39] < gcd.max[1.09] )
        Action chosen:  sunfire at 3.62!
        Time spent on this action:  0.68ms
        TimeData:Balance-aoe-4:sunfire:0.68:Post-TTR and Essential:0.04:Post Cycle:0.00:Post Usable:0.02:Post Ready/Clash:0.01:Post Stack:0.02:Pre-Script:0.00:Post-Script:0.02:Pre-Recheck:0.14:Post-Recheck Times:0.05:Pre-Recheck Loop:0.00:Recheck Loop Start:0.00:Recheck Post-Usable:0.01:Recheck Post-Stack:0.02:Recheck Post-Script:0.01:Recheck Post-Channel:0.00:Recheck Loop End:0.10:Recheck Loop Start:0.00:Recheck Post-Usable:0.01:Recheck Post-Stack:0.02:Recheck Post-Script:0.03:Recheck Post-Channel:0.00:Recheck Loop End:0.10:Post Recheck Loop:0.00:Post Recheck:0.00:Action Stored:0.06

        24.  starfall ( aoe - 5 )
        The action (starfall) is usable at (0.00 + 0.00) with cost of 50 astral_power.
         - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +0.00 vs. +3.62).
        List ( aoe ) called from ( Balance:default:12 ) would PASS at 0.00.
         - this entry's criteria PASSES: buff.starfall.refreshable[true] & ( spell_targets.starfall[4.00] < 3 | ! runeforge.timeworn_dreambinder.equipped[false] ) & ( ! runeforge.lycaras_fleeting_glimpse.equipped[false] | time[11.66] % 45 > buff.starfall.remains[0.00] + 2 ) & fight_remains[681.00] > 5
        Action chosen:  starfall at 0.00!
        Returned from list (aoe), current recommendation is starfall (+0.00).
        - [aoe]
        Added aoe to blocklist as it was called via RAL.
         - blocking script did not immediately block; will attempt to tune it.
         - leaving delayMin at 0.
        The recommended action (starfall) is ready in less than 0.2s; exiting list (default).

    Completed default action list [ Balance - default ].
    Recommendation is starfall at 0.00 + 0.00.
    Recommendation #1 is starfall at 0.00s (0.00s).
    Used 4.26ms of CPU on 1 prediction(s).

RECOMMENDATION #2 ( Offset: 0.00, GCD: 1.09, Casting: 0.00 ).

    There are 1 queued events to review.
    Resources: astral_power[ 25.00 / 100.00 ], combo_points[ 0.00 / 5.00 ], energy[ 100.00 / 100.00 ], mana[ 10000.00 / 10000.00 ], rage[ 0.00 / 100.00 ]

    Eclipse State: IN_BOTH, Wrath: 2, Starfire: 2; Lunar: 11.94, Solar: 11.94

    Queued event #1 (ca_inc AURA_EXPIRATION) due at 11.94; checking pre-event recommendations.

    Checking if I'm casting ( No ) and if it is a channel ( No ).
    No whitelist.

    Processing precombat action list [ Balance - precombat ].

        Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +60.00s.

        1.   kindred_spirits ( precombat - 1 ) - ability unknown
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms

        2.   moonkin_form ( precombat - 2 )
        The action (moonkin_form) is unusable at (0.00 + 1.09) because not usable in current form (moonkin_form).
        Time spent on this action:  0.04ms
        TimeData:Balance-precombat-2:moonkin_form:0.04:Post-TTR and Essential:0.01:Post Cycle:0.00:Post Usable:0.01

        3.   wrath ( precombat - 3 )
        Line CD is 10, last cast was 2426744.526, remaining CD: 0
        We are already in-combat and this pre-combat action is not essential.  Skipping.
        Time spent on this action:  0.01ms

        4.   wrath ( precombat - 4 )
        We are already in-combat and this pre-combat action is not essential.  Skipping.
        Time spent on this action:  0.01ms

        5.   starfire ( precombat - 5 )
        We are already in-combat and this pre-combat action is not essential.  Skipping.
        Time spent on this action:  0.01ms

        6.   starsurge ( precombat - 6 )
        The action is not ready ( 3600.00 ) before our maximum delay window ( 11.93 ) for this query.
        Time spent on this action:  0.01ms

    Completed precombat action list [ Balance - precombat ].

    Processing default action list [ Balance - default ].

        Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +60.00s.

        7.   solar_beam ( default - 1 ) - ability disabled ( toggle )
        Time spent on this action:  0.01ms

        8.   variable ( default - 2 )
         - variable.is_aoe will check this script entry ( Balance:default:2 )
        spell_targets.starfall[4.00] > 1 & ( ! talent.starlord.enabled[false] | talent.stellar_drift.enabled[true] ) | spell_targets.starfall[4.00] > 2
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Balance-default-2:variable:0.02:Post-TTR and Essential:0.01

        9.   variable ( default - 3 )
         - variable.is_cleave will check this script entry ( Balance:default:3 )
        spell_targets.starfire[4.00] > 1
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Balance-default-3:variable:0.02:Post-TTR and Essential:0.01

        10.  berserking ( default - 4 )
        The action is not ready ( 171.77 ) before our maximum delay window ( 11.93 ) for this query.
        Time spent on this action:  0.01ms

        11.  potion ( default - 5 ) - ability disabled ( toggle )
        Time spent on this action:  0.01ms

        12.  variable ( default - 6 )
         - variable.convoke_desync will check this script entry ( Balance:default:6 )
        floor[function: 00000177A85DC110] ( ( interpolated_fight_remains[681.00] - 20 - cooldown.convoke_the_spirits.remains[114.56] ) / 120 ) > floor[function: 00000177A85DC110] ( ( interpolated_fight_remains[681.00] - 25 - ( 10 * talent.incarnation.enabled[false] ) - ( conduit.precise_alignment.time_value[0.00] ) - cooldown.ca_inc.remains[171.77] ) / 180 ) | cooldown.ca_inc.remains[171.77] > interpolated_fight_remains[681.00] | cooldown.convoke_the_spirits.remains[114.56] > interpolated_fight_remains[681.00] | ! covenant.night_fae[true]
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Balance-default-6:variable:0.02:Post-TTR and Essential:0.01

        13.  variable ( default - 7 )
         - variable.cd_condition will check this script entry ( Balance:default:7 )
        ( ! equipped.empyreal_ordnance[false] | cooldown.empyreal_ordnance.remains[0.00] < 160 & ! cooldown.empyreal_ordnance.ready[true] ) | covenant.kyrian[false]
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Balance-default-7:variable:0.02:Post-TTR and Essential:0.01

        14.  empyreal_ordnance ( default - 8 ) - IsUsableItem
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms

        15.  soulletting_ruby ( default - 9 ) - IsUsableItem
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms

        16.  inscrutable_quantum_device ( default - 10 ) - IsUsableItem
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms

        17.  use_items ( default - 11 )
        Criteria for ??? PASS at +0.00 - buff.ca_inc.up[true] | covenant.night_fae[true] & variable.convoke_desync[true] & cooldown.convoke_the_spirits.up[false] & ! cooldown.ca_inc.up[false] & ( ( buff.eclipse_lunar.remains[11.94] > 10 | buff.eclipse_solar.remains[11.94] > 10 ) & ! runeforge.balance_of_all_things.enabled[false] | runeforge.balance_of_all_things.enabled[false] & ( buff.balance_of_all_things_nature.stack[0.00] > 3 | buff.balance_of_all_things_arcane.stack[0.00] > 3 ) ) | buff.kindred_empowerment_energize.up[false] | fight_remains[681.00] < 20
        + items
        Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +60.00s.

        18.  darkmoon_deck_repose ( items - 1 ) - ability disabled ( preference )
        Time spent on this action:  0.06ms
        Returned from Use Items; current recommendation is NO ACTION (+60.00).
        - items

        19.  run_action_list ( default - 12 )
        Criteria for aoe PASS at +0.00 - variable.is_aoe[true]
        Action list (aoe) was found.
        + [aoe]
        Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +60.00s.

        20.  variable ( aoe - 1 )
         - variable.dream_will_fall_off will check this script entry ( Balance:aoe:1 )
        ( buff.timeworn_dreambinder.remains[0.00] < gcd.max[1.09] + 0.1 | buff.timeworn_dreambinder.remains[0.00] < action.starfire.execute_time[1.31] + 0.1 & ( eclipse.in_lunar[false] | eclipse.solar_next[false] | eclipse.any_next[false] ) ) & buff.timeworn_dreambinder.up[false] & runeforge.timeworn_dreambinder.equipped[false]
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Balance-aoe-1:variable:0.02:Post-TTR and Essential:0.01

        21.  variable ( aoe - 2 )
         - variable.ignore_starsurge will check this script entry ( Balance:aoe:2 )
        buff.eclipse_lunar.up[true] & ( spell_targets.starfire[4.00] > 4 & talent.soul_of_the_forest.enabled[true] | spell_targets.starfire[4.00] > 6 )
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Balance-aoe-2:variable:0.02:Post-TTR and Essential:0.01

        22.  convoke_the_spirits ( aoe - 3 )
        The action is not ready ( 114.56 ) before our maximum delay window ( 11.93 ) for this query.
        Time spent on this action:  0.01ms

        23.  sunfire ( aoe - 4 )
        The action (sunfire) is usable at (0.00 + 1.09).
         - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +1.09 vs. +60.00).
        List ( aoe ) called from ( Balance:default:12 ) would PASS at 1.09.
         - this entry's criteria FAILS: refreshable[false] & target.time_to_die[528.91] > 14 - spell_targets.any[4.00] + remains[7.92] & ( eclipse.in_any[true] | remains[7.92] < gcd.max[1.09] )
        1 - true
        6.8384351987366 - true
        2.5302175992541 - true
        There are 3 recheck events.
        List ( aoe ) called from ( Balance:default:12 ) would PASS at 2.09.
        Recheck #1 ( +2.09 ) NOT MET: refreshable[false] & target.time_to_die[527.91] > 14 - spell_targets.any[4.00] + remains[6.92] & ( eclipse.in_any[true] | remains[6.92] < gcd.max[1.09] )
        List ( aoe ) called from ( Balance:default:12 ) would PASS at 3.62.
        Recheck #2 ( +3.62 ) MET: refreshable[true] & target.time_to_die[526.38] > 14 - spell_targets.any[4.00] + remains[5.39] & ( eclipse.in_any[true] | remains[5.39] < gcd.max[1.09] )
        Action chosen:  sunfire at 3.62!
        Time spent on this action:  0.59ms
        TimeData:Balance-aoe-4:sunfire:0.59:Post-TTR and Essential:0.02:Post Cycle:0.00:Post Usable:0.01:Post Ready/Clash:0.01:Post Stack:0.02:Pre-Script:0.00:Post-Script:0.01:Pre-Recheck:0.11:Post-Recheck Times:0.05:Pre-Recheck Loop:0.00:Recheck Loop Start:0.00:Recheck Post-Usable:0.01:Recheck Post-Stack:0.02:Recheck Post-Script:0.02:Recheck Post-Channel:0.00:Recheck Loop End:0.10:Recheck Loop Start:0.00:Recheck Post-Usable:0.01:Recheck Post-Stack:0.02:Recheck Post-Script:0.03:Recheck Post-Channel:0.00:Recheck Loop End:0.09:Post Recheck Loop:0.00:Post Recheck:0.00:Action Stored:0.05

        24.  starfall ( aoe - 5 )
        The action is not ready ( 3600.00 ) before our maximum delay window ( 3.62 ) for this query.
        Time spent on this action:  0.01ms

        25.  starfall ( aoe - 6 )
        The action is not ready ( 3600.00 ) before our maximum delay window ( 3.62 ) for this query.
        Time spent on this action:  0.01ms

        26.  variable ( aoe - 7 )
         - variable.starfall_wont_fall_off will check this script entry ( Balance:aoe:7 )
        astral_power.current[25.00] > 80 - ( 10 * buff.timeworn_dreambinder.stack[0.00] ) - ( buff.starfall.remains[0.00] * 3 / spell_haste[0.73] ) - ( dot.fury_of_elune.remains[0.00] * 5 ) & buff.starfall.up[false]
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Balance-aoe-7:variable:0.02:Post-TTR and Essential:0.02

        27.  starsurge ( aoe - 8 )
        The action is not ready ( 3600.00 ) before our maximum delay window ( 3.62 ) for this query.
        Time spent on this action:  0.01ms

        28.  adaptive_swarm ( aoe - 9 ) - ability unknown
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms

        29.  moonfire ( aoe - 10 )
        The action (moonfire) is usable at (0.00 + 1.09).
         - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +1.09 vs. +3.62).
        List ( aoe ) called from ( Balance:default:12 ) would PASS at 1.09.
         - this entry's criteria FAILS: refreshable[false] & target.time_to_die[528.91] > ( 14 + ( spell_targets.starfire[4.00] * 1.5 ) ) / spell_targets.any[4.00] + remains[10.57] & ( ( cooldown.ca_inc.ready[false] & ! druid.no_cds[false] & ( variable.convoke_desync[true] | cooldown.convoke_the_spirits.ready[false] | ! covenant.night_fae[true] ) | spell_targets.starfire[4.00] < ( 5 * ( 1 + talent.twin_moons.enabled[false] ) ) | ( eclipse.in_solar[false] | ( eclipse.in_both[true] | eclipse.in_lunar[false] ) & ! talent.soul_of_the_forest.enabled[true] | buff.primordial_arcanic_pulsar.value[0.00] >= 250 ) & ( spell_targets.starfire[4.00] < 10 * ( 1 + talent.twin_moons.enabled[false] ) ) & astral_power.current[26.00] > 50 - buff.starfall.remains[0.00] * 6 ) & ( ! buff.kindred_empowerment_energize.up[false] | eclipse.in_solar[false] | ! covenant.kyrian[false] ) & ap_check[true] )
        Excluded 3.98 recheck time as it is outside our constraints ( 0.00 - 3.62 ).
        Excluded 0.00 recheck time as it is outside our constraints ( 0.00 - 3.62 ).
        1 - true
        There are 1 recheck events.
        List ( aoe ) called from ( Balance:default:12 ) would PASS at 2.09.
        Recheck #1 ( +2.09 ) NOT MET: refreshable[false] & target.time_to_die[527.91] > ( 14 + ( spell_targets.starfire[4.00] * 1.5 ) ) / spell_targets.any[4.00] + remains[9.57] & ( ( cooldown.ca_inc.ready[false] & ! druid.no_cds[false] & ( variable.convoke_desync[true] | cooldown.convoke_the_spirits.ready[false] | ! covenant.night_fae[true] ) | spell_targets.starfire[4.00] < ( 5 * ( 1 + talent.twin_moons.enabled[false] ) ) | ( eclipse.in_solar[false] | ( eclipse.in_both[true] | eclipse.in_lunar[false] ) & ! talent.soul_of_the_forest.enabled[true] | buff.primordial_arcanic_pulsar.value[0.00] >= 250 ) & ( spell_targets.starfire[4.00] < 10 * ( 1 + talent.twin_moons.enabled[false] ) ) & astral_power.current[26.00] > 50 - buff.starfall.remains[0.00] * 6 ) & ( ! buff.kindred_empowerment_energize.up[false] | eclipse.in_solar[false] | ! covenant.kyrian[false] ) & ap_check[true] )
        Time spent on this action:  2.60ms
        TimeData:Balance-aoe-10:moonfire:2.60:Post-TTR and Essential:0.03:Post Cycle:0.00:Post Usable:0.01:Post Ready/Clash:0.01:Post Stack:0.01:Pre-Script:0.00:Post-Script:0.02:Pre-Recheck:1.20:Post-Recheck Times:0.12:Pre-Recheck Loop:0.00:Recheck Loop Start:0.00:Recheck Post-Usable:0.01:Recheck Post-Stack:0.01:Recheck Post-Script:0.01:Recheck Post-Channel:0.00:Recheck Loop End:1.15:Post Recheck Loop:0.00:Post Recheck:0.00

        30.  force_of_nature ( aoe - 11 ) - talent [ force_of_nature ] missing
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms

        31.  ravenous_frenzy ( aoe - 12 ) - ability unknown
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms

        32.  celestial_alignment ( aoe - 13 )
        The action is not ready ( 171.77 ) before our maximum delay window ( 3.62 ) for this query.
        Time spent on this action:  0.01ms

        33.  incarnation ( aoe - 14 ) - talent [ incarnation ] missing
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms

        34.  empower_bond ( aoe - 15 ) - ability unknown
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms

        35.  stellar_flare ( aoe - 16 ) - talent [ stellar_flare ] missing
        Time spent on this action:  0.01ms

        36.  fury_of_elune ( aoe - 17 ) - ability unknown
        Time spent on this action:  0.01ms

        37.  starfall ( aoe - 18 )
        The action is not ready ( 3600.00 ) before our maximum delay window ( 3.62 ) for this query.
        Time spent on this action:  0.01ms

        38.  starfall ( aoe - 19 )
        The action is not ready ( 3600.00 ) before our maximum delay window ( 3.62 ) for this query.
        Time spent on this action:  0.01ms

        39.  starsurge ( aoe - 20 )
        The action is not ready ( 3600.00 ) before our maximum delay window ( 3.62 ) for this query.
        Time spent on this action:  0.01ms

        40.  starsurge ( aoe - 21 )
        The action is not ready ( 3600.00 ) before our maximum delay window ( 3.62 ) for this query.
        Time spent on this action:  0.01ms

        41.  new_moon ( aoe - 22 ) - talent [ new_moon ] missing
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms

        42.  half_moon ( aoe - 23 ) - talent [ new_moon ] missing
        Time spent on this action:  0.01ms

        43.  full_moon ( aoe - 24 ) - talent [ new_moon ] missing
        Time spent on this action:  0.01ms

        44.  warrior_of_elune ( aoe - 25 ) - talent [ warrior_of_elune ] missing
        Time spent on this action:  0.01ms

        45.  variable ( aoe - 26 )
         - variable.starfire_in_solar will check this script entry ( Balance:aoe:26 )
        spell_targets.starfire[4.00] > 4 + floor[function: 00000177A85DC110] ( mastery_value[0.36] * 100 / 20 ) + floor[function: 00000177A85DC110] ( buff.starsurge_empowerment_solar.stack[1.00] / 4 )
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Balance-aoe-26:variable:0.02:Post-TTR and Essential:0.01

        46.  wrath ( aoe - 27 )
        The action (wrath) is usable at (0.00 + 1.09).
         - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +1.09 vs. +3.62).
        List ( aoe ) called from ( Balance:default:12 ) would PASS at 1.09.
         - this entry's criteria FAILS: eclipse.lunar_next[false] | eclipse.any_next[false] & variable.is_cleave[true] | buff.eclipse_solar.remains[10.85] < action.starfire.execute_time[1.31] & buff.eclipse_solar.up[true] | eclipse.in_solar[false] & ! variable.starfire_in_solar[false] | buff.ca_inc.remains[10.85] < action.starfire.execute_time[1.31] & ! variable.is_cleave[true] & buff.ca_inc.remains[10.85] < execute_time[1.09] & buff.ca_inc.up[true] | buff.ravenous_frenzy.up[false] & spell_haste[0.73] > 0.6 & ( spell_targets.any[4.00] <= 3 | ! talent.soul_of_the_forest.enabled[true] ) | ! variable.is_cleave[true] & buff.ca_inc.remains[10.85] > execute_time[1.09]
        Excluded 9.55 recheck time as it is outside our constraints ( 0.00 - 3.62 ).
        Excluded 0.00 recheck time as it is outside our constraints ( 0.00 - 3.62 ).
        Excluded 9.55 recheck time as it is outside our constraints ( 0.00 - 3.62 ).
        Excluded 9.77 recheck time as it is outside our constraints ( 0.00 - 3.62 ).
        1 - true
        There are 1 recheck events.
        List ( aoe ) called from ( Balance:default:12 ) would PASS at 2.09.
        Recheck #1 ( +2.09 ) NOT MET: eclipse.lunar_next[false] | eclipse.any_next[false] & variable.is_cleave[true] | buff.eclipse_solar.remains[9.85] < action.starfire.execute_time[1.31] & buff.eclipse_solar.up[true] | eclipse.in_solar[false] & ! variable.starfire_in_solar[false] | buff.ca_inc.remains[9.85] < action.starfire.execute_time[1.31] & ! variable.is_cleave[true] & buff.ca_inc.remains[9.85] < execute_time[1.09] & buff.ca_inc.up[true] | buff.ravenous_frenzy.up[false] & spell_haste[0.73] > 0.6 & ( spell_targets.any[4.00] <= 3 | ! talent.soul_of_the_forest.enabled[true] ) | ! variable.is_cleave[true] & buff.ca_inc.remains[9.85] > execute_time[1.09]
        Time spent on this action:  1.55ms
        TimeData:Balance-aoe-27:wrath:1.55:Post-TTR and Essential:0.10:Post Cycle:0.00:Post Usable:0.02:Post Ready/Clash:0.01:Post Stack:0.01:Pre-Script:0.00:Post-Script:0.05:Pre-Recheck:0.62:Post-Recheck Times:0.08:Pre-Recheck Loop:0.00:Recheck Loop Start:0.00:Recheck Post-Usable:0.01:Recheck Post-Stack:0.01:Recheck Post-Script:0.04:Recheck Post-Channel:0.00:Recheck Loop End:0.60:Post Recheck Loop:0.00:Post Recheck:0.00

        47.  starfire ( aoe - 28 )
        The action (starfire) is usable at (0.00 + 1.09).
         - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +1.09 vs. +3.62).
        List ( aoe ) called from ( Balance:default:12 ) would PASS at 1.09.
         - this entry has no criteria to test.
        Action chosen:  starfire at 1.09!
        Time spent on this action:  0.09ms
        TimeData:Balance-aoe-28:starfire:0.09:Post-TTR and Essential:0.03:Post Cycle:0.00:Post Usable:0.01:Post Ready/Clash:0.01:Post Stack:0.01:Pre-Recheck:0.00:Post Recheck:0.00:Action Stored:0.02

        48.  run_action_list ( aoe - 29 )
        There is no criteria for fallthru.
        Action list (fallthru) was found.
        + [aoe], [fallthru]
        Current recommendation was starfire at +1.09s.
        The recommended action (starfire) is ready within the active GCD; exiting list (fallthru).
        Returned from list (fallthru), current recommendation is starfire (+1.09).
        - [fallthru]
        Added fallthru to blocklist as it was called via RAL.
        Returned from list (aoe), current recommendation is starfire (+1.09).
        - [aoe]
        Removed fallthru from blocklist as aoe was its parent.
        Added aoe to blocklist as it was called via RAL.
         - blocking script did not immediately block; will attempt to tune it.
         - leaving delayMin at 0.
        The recommended action (starfire) is ready within the active GCD; exiting list (default).

    Completed default action list [ Balance - default ].
    Recommendation is starfire at 0.00 + 1.09.
    Recommendation #2 is starfire at 1.09s (1.09s).
    Time spent generating recommendations:  12.42ms
Hekili commented 3 years ago

Your snapshot does not show Starfall currently applied. Was this taken at a time when Starfall was active?

hoaraucg commented 3 years ago

Yeah, If you look at the screenshot, you can see Starfall applied both on the weakaura as well as the buffs in the top right.

Kintoun commented 3 years ago

Also noticed this. It is suggesting Starfall when there is plenty of duration left on the current Starfall in both AOE and single target situations. Worth mentioning that in a sample simc APL sequence output this behavior is not seen.

NOTE: Suggesting Starfall in a single target situation is not a bug but intended if Star Drift talent is taken.

Hekili commented 3 years ago

@hoaraucg I always have to verify that they're actually from the same moment. People make mistakes.

I have a test fix going in a beta build in a few minutes. When 1.0.35-beta2 is available, please confirm whether you still have the issue. Thanks!

hoaraucg commented 3 years ago

I'll gladly check it out tonight. It's very easily reproduceable as long as Convoke procs Starfall, I'll get some info back to you as soon as I see the build release.

Hekili commented 3 years ago

It should be up now on GitHub (see Releases tab). Other sites will take longer to approve.

hoaraucg commented 3 years ago

I've tried to do everything I could to break it, and just did 20 minutes straight on a dummy. Not a single Starfall when I wouldn't expect one, seems absolutely perfect now!

Kintoun commented 3 years ago

Same, looks fixed to me in both ST and AOE! Thanks for fast turnaround!

Hekili commented 3 years ago

Thanks for confirming!