HelTecAutomation / Heltec_ESP32

Arduino library for Heltec ESP32 (or ESP32+LoRa) based boards
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OLED_LoRa Example sketch compilation error - WiFi LoRa 32 (V3) #106

Open TomB4321 opened 1 year ago

TomB4321 commented 1 year ago

I've just received my WiFi LoRa 32 (V3) 415~510 and I am getting errors when I try to compile the example LoRa send/receive examples.

I'm using: Arduino IDE 2.0.4 on Windows 11 Board library - Heltec ESP32 Series Dev-boards V0.0.7 Library - Heltec ESP32 Dev-Boards v 1.1.1 Example sketches used - OLED_LoRa_Receiver & Sender

This is a new laptop and the only libraries I have installed are for this board..also doesn't work on my old computer same errors.

When I complie the sketch I get the following error -

`C:\Users\helic\AppData\Local\Temp.arduinoIDE-unsaved2023228-22564-1dwcqvz.bk08\OLED_LoRa_Sender\OLED_LoRa_Sender.ino: In function 'void loop()': C:\Users\helic\AppData\Local\Temp.arduinoIDE-unsaved2023228-22564-1dwcqvz.bk08\OLED_LoRa_Sender\OLED_LoRa_Sender.ino:66:3: error: 'LoRa' was not declared in this scope LoRa.beginPacket(); ^~~~ C:\Users\helic\AppData\Local\Temp.arduinoIDE-unsaved2023228-22564-1dwcqvz.bk08\OLED_LoRa_Sender\OLED_LoRa_Sender.ino:75:22: error: 'RF_PACONFIG_PASELECT_PABOOST' was not declared in this scope LoRa.setTxPower(14,RF_PACONFIG_PASELECT_PABOOST); ^~~~~~~~ Multiple libraries were found for "heltec.h" Used: F:\Arduino\libraries\Heltec_ESP32_Dev-Boards Not used: C:\Users\helic\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\Heltec-esp32\hardware\esp32\0.0.7\libraries\Heltec-Example exit status 1

Compilation error: 'LoRa' was not declared in this scope`

This is my first LoRa board and I don't know enough to trouble shoot this myself and was hoping to use the examples as an aid to learn. I added the LoRa.h to the sketch and the sketch compiles, but the sender board doesn't appear to send anything (the counter doesn't increment) and the receiving board doesn't get a signal. I've seen from a couple of YouTube videos other people testing these sketches, but with a V2 board, and I haven't done anything different to them....

Any help on this issue would be greatly appreciated!

bitrot-alpha commented 1 year ago

Don't use this library (it's outdated or something), I don't know the extent of the issues but it doesn't work out of the box. Just use the Aaron Lee library that you already have installed - https://docs.heltec.org/en/node/esp32/quick_start.html#via-arduino-board-manager

For you @TomB4321 just uninstall the Heltec ESP32 library (not the BOARD library, this library). You can do that by opening the library manager and hitting the uninstall button on the library (https://support.arduino.cc/hc/en-us/articles/360016077340-Uninstall-libraries-from-Arduino-IDE ). The code should compile and run fine. You'll also need to follow steps 3 and 4 below to install the new esptool for the V3 board (it uses a different chip from V1 and V2 boards).

For people starting from scratch:

Issue - If you're using a WiFi LoRa V3 board, with the ESP32-S3, the chip constantly resets after programming it. You'll have to replace the esptool program (issue details at https://github.com/Heltec-Aaron-Lee/WiFi_Kit_series/issues/159 ) with one >= 4.2 (download at https://github.com/espressif/esptool/releases/latest ).

Step by step:

  1. Follow https://docs.heltec.org/en/node/esp32/quick_start.html#via-arduino-board-manager
  2. Open the Arduino15 folder - https://support.arduino.cc/hc/en-us/articles/360018448279-Open-the-Arduino15-folder
  3. Download latest esptool https://github.com/espressif/esptool/releases/latest (look for win-64 .zip file)
  4. Replace esptool in C:\Users\YOUR_USER\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\Heltec-esp32\tools\esptool_py\3.3.0\ with the one you just downloaded. Make sure to extract the zip file - you need all of the files inside of it.
gchoquet commented 1 year ago

@bitrot-alpha, thank you. It solved the same problem for me.

I'll have check to see if it still works for the V2 boards I have.

It appears to me the problem is in the associated example programs not having the correct header files.

It would be really nice if Hiltec's instructions were correct.

You were a lifesaver, Thank you for the assistance.

jonnytest1 commented 1 year ago

you cna try adding #define WIFI_LoRa_32 at the top (though there is probably other stuff missing as well)

deeprotype commented 1 year ago

@jonnytest1 your are right!

Had the same issue - Probleme has been solved by adding #define WIFI_LoRa_32 before adding heltec.h.

fulviomanente commented 1 year ago

I went the other way around guys. As they had already made all the setup to control de Oled inside the new LoraWan_APP library, instead of fighting it I removed all references to heltec.h and implemented these 2 new methods on the lib so I can write to the Oled like we used to do on version 2:

on LoraWan_APP.cpp

void LoRaWanClass::displayTxt(uint8_t line, char *message) { isDispayOn = 1; digitalWrite(Vext,LOW); display.drawString(0, line, message);
display.display(); delay(500); } void LoRaWanClass::displayClean() { display.clear(); } void LoRaWanClass::displayInit() { display.init(); display.setFont(ArialMT_Plain_10); display.setTextAlignment(TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT); }


on LoraWanAPP.h

if defined(WIFI_LoRa_32_V3)||defined(WIFI_LoRa_32_V2)

void displayJoining(); void displayJoined(); void displaySending(); void displayAck(); void displayMcuInit(); void displayTxt(uint8_t line, char *message); void displayClean(); void displayInit();




I cannot upload it here but I can share with you the full files if it helps. I didn't get to the point to have a generic code for V2 and V3 but it's all compatible with V3 thinking about the future