HelTecAutomation / Heltec_ESP32

Arduino library for Heltec ESP32 (or ESP32+LoRa) based boards
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Fix the broken link that is supposed to redirect to the Heltec ESP32+… #150

Closed mrBluestSky closed 4 weeks ago

mrBluestSky commented 1 month ago

As far as I understand, the link in the README.md file called "Heltec ESP32+LoRa Series Quick Start — esp32 latest documentation" is supposed to redirect to this page: https://docs.heltec.org/en/node/esp32/quick_start.html.

But it currently redirects to this non-existing page: https://docs.heltec.org/en/node/esp32/esp32_general_docs/quick_start.html.

In order do fix that, the old link was swapped to the functioning link.