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Ensure that Fusion360 license does not expire #17

Closed jonaslondschien-helbling closed 10 months ago

jonaslondschien-helbling commented 11 months ago

Ensure that the account for Fusion360 is permanent as it might be user attached.

Check with Guisi how the account managment works

adrianhess-helbling commented 11 months ago

Die Fusion Lizenz ist auf eine Person gebunden. Fusion Teams zum Modelle hochladen und veröffentlichen ist in unser Lizenz drin, jedoch haben wir nur 22 Lizenzen und Giusi kann uns keine geben für eine lange Zeit. Es gibt auch die Fusion 360 Team Lizenz, welche reicht um CAD Modelle zu veröffentlichen: https://www.autodesk.com/products/fusion-360/team-participant?term=1-YEAR&tab=subscription

jonaslondschien-helbling commented 11 months ago

Please post in english :) These 22 licenses are the licences, which are reassigned to the people, so that they can use solidworks?

The cost of the Fusion Teams license is 145 USD per year

jonaslondschien-helbling commented 11 months ago

License will expire on the 04.08

adrianhess-helbling commented 10 months ago

Usign the license of someone who always has an autodesk license.