Helbling-Technik / HelMoRo

Documentation and Hardware for HelMoRo
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
8 stars 2 forks source link

Mini Anpassungen an der Landing Page #48

Closed jonaslondschien-helbling closed 2 months ago

jonaslondschien-helbling commented 2 months ago

Landing page Abstand titel ein wenig gross von oben Link HW Doc geht nicht Zum ersten Abschnitt folgende kleine Anpassungen: « Welcome to the official documentation of HelMoRo, the Helbling mobile robot.

HelMoRo is an open-source robotic platform designed by Helbling Technik in Zurich, Switzerland.

The robot uses ROS(1) and is equipped with a LiDAR sensor and a depth camera for autonomous navigation (see video below). Additionally, we implemented a ROS node that allows the robot to be controlled with a game controller. To test HelMoRo in simulation and to build your own hardware: »