Open github-actions[bot] opened 8 months ago
Improve binding ID names
This info is not read by zanzarah, therefore we don't need it.
using System; using System.IO; using System.Text; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; namespace zzio; public enum BindingId { // TODO: Improve binding ID names Forward = 0, Back = 1, Right = 2, Left = 3, LookHor = 4, LookVer = 5, Shoot = 6, Jump = 7, MouseUnk = 8, NumPad0 = 9, Escape = 10, F11 = 11, P = 12, WizForm1 = 13, WizForm2 = 14, WizForm3 = 15, WizForm4 = 16, WizForm5 = 17, Next = 18, Prior = 19, MouseWheel = 20, Return = 21, F1 = 22, F2 = 23, F3 = 24, F4 = 25, T = 26, Tab = 27, F5 = 28, } public sealed class GameConfig { private const uint Magic = 0x24; public const float MinGamma = 0.3f; public const float MaxGamma = 2f; public const float MinMouseSpeed = 0.1f; public const float MaxMouseSpeed = 3f; public const int MinMouseSmoothing = 1; public const int MaxMouseSmoothing = 8; public enum Resolution { R640x480x16 = 0, R800x600x16, R1024x768x16, R640x480x32, R800x600x32, R1024x768x32, Unknown = -1 } public enum SoundDriver { MilesFast2D = 0, DirectSoundSoftware, DirectSoundHardware, Unknown = -1 } public enum SoundQuality { Low = 0, Medium, High, Unknown = -1 } public enum InputDevice { Keyboard = 0, Mouse, Unknown = -1 } public enum InputType // not too sure about this one... { Button, NormalAxis, ScaledAxis, // seems to behave like NormalAxis Unknown = -1 } public enum MouseCode { HorizontalAxis = 0, VerticalAxis = 4, WheelAxis = 8, LeftButton = 12, MiddleButton = 13, RightButton = 14 } public enum ParticleQuality { VeryLow = 2, Low = 5, Normal = 10, High = 15, VeryHigh = 20 } public enum WorldQuality { Low = 0, Normal = 1, High = 2 } public enum ShadowQuality { Low = 0, Normal = 1, High = 2, VeryHigh = 3 } public enum EffectQuality { Low = 0, Normal = 1, High = 2 } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public readonly record struct Binding( InputDevice device, InputType type, int RawCode) { public DirectInputKey KeyCode => (DirectInputKey)RawCode; public MouseCode MouseCode => (MouseCode)RawCode; public Binding(DirectInputKey key) : this(InputDevice.Keyboard, InputType.Button, (int)key) { } public Binding(MouseCode code) : this(InputDevice.Mouse, code switch { MouseCode.HorizontalAxis => InputType.ScaledAxis, MouseCode.VerticalAxis => InputType.NormalAxis, MouseCode.WheelAxis => InputType.NormalAxis, _ => InputType.Button }, (int)code) { } } public Resolution resolution; public bool isFullscreen; public uint deviceType; // Renderware and System specific index public float gamma = 1f; // from 0.3 to 2.0 public SoundDriver soundDriver; public SoundQuality soundQuality; public int soundVolume = 70; // from 0 to 100 inclusive public int musicVolume = 35; // from 0 to 100 inclusive public bool reverseX; public ParticleQuality particleQuality = ParticleQuality.Normal; public int unknownQuality; public WorldQuality worldQuality= WorldQuality.Normal; public ShadowQuality shadowQuality = ShadowQuality.Normal; public EffectQuality effectQuality = EffectQuality.Normal; public bool extraGeometry; public float mouseSpeed = 1f; public int mouseSmoothing = 1; // from 1 to 8 inclusive public bool mouseInvertY = true; public Binding[] bindings = [.. DefaultBindings]; public static GameConfig ReadNew(Stream stream) { GameConfig config = new(); using var reader = new BinaryReader(stream, Encoding.UTF8, leaveOpen: true); if (reader.ReadUInt32() != Magic) throw new InvalidDataException("Invalid magic value in game config"); config.resolution = EnumUtils.intToEnum<Resolution>(reader.ReadInt32()); config.isFullscreen = reader.ReadInt32() != 0; config.deviceType = reader.ReadUInt32(); config.gamma = reader.ReadSingle(); config.soundDriver = EnumUtils.intToEnum<SoundDriver>(reader.ReadInt32()); config.soundQuality = EnumUtils.intToEnum<SoundQuality>(reader.ReadInt32()); config.soundVolume = reader.ReadInt32(); config.musicVolume = reader.ReadInt32(); config.reverseX = reader.ReadBoolean(); config.particleQuality = EnumUtils.intToEnum<ParticleQuality>(reader.ReadInt32()); config.unknownQuality = reader.ReadInt32(); config.worldQuality = EnumUtils.intToEnum<WorldQuality>(reader.ReadInt32()); config.shadowQuality = EnumUtils.intToEnum<ShadowQuality>(reader.ReadInt32()); config.effectQuality = EnumUtils.intToEnum<EffectQuality>(reader.ReadInt32()); config.extraGeometry = reader.ReadBoolean(); if (reader.ReadZString() != "[ConfigInput]") throw new InvalidDataException("Expected game config input header"); bool readNextSection = true; while(readNextSection) { switch(reader.ReadZString()) { case "[ConfigInputOptions]": config.mouseSpeed = reader.ReadSingle(); config.mouseSmoothing = reader.ReadInt32(); config.reverseX = reader.ReadInt32() != 0; break; case "[ConfigInputBindings]": var presentBindingCount = reader.ReadUInt32(); config.bindings = new Binding[Math.Max(DefaultBindings.Length, presentBindingCount)]; DefaultBindings.CopyTo(config.bindings.AsSpan()); for (int i = 0; i < presentBindingCount; i++) config.bindings[i] = new( EnumUtils.intToEnum<InputDevice>(reader.ReadInt32()), EnumUtils.intToEnum<InputType>(reader.ReadInt32()), reader.ReadInt32()); break; case "[ConfigInputEnd]": readNextSection = false; break; default: throw new InvalidDataException("Unexpected section in game config input"); } } // In files written by zanzarah there would be a ZString containing some system info // This info is not read by zanzarah, therefore we don't need it. return config; } public void Write(Stream stream) { using var writer = new BinaryWriter(stream, Encoding.UTF8, leaveOpen: true); writer.Write(Magic); writer.Write((int)resolution); writer.Write(isFullscreen ? 1 : 0); writer.Write(deviceType); writer.Write(gamma); writer.Write((int)soundDriver); writer.Write((int)soundQuality); writer.Write(soundVolume); writer.Write(musicVolume); writer.Write(reverseX); writer.Write((int)particleQuality); writer.Write(unknownQuality); writer.Write((int)worldQuality); writer.Write((int)shadowQuality); writer.Write((int)effectQuality); writer.Write(extraGeometry); writer.WriteZString("[ConfigInput]"); writer.WriteZString("[ConfigInputOptions]"); writer.Write(mouseSpeed); writer.Write(mouseSmoothing); writer.Write(reverseX ? 1 : 0); writer.WriteZString("[ConfigInputBindings]"); writer.Write(bindings.Length); writer.WriteStructureArray(bindings, sizeof(int) * 3); writer.WriteZString("[ConfigInputEnd]"); } private static readonly Binding[] DefaultBindings = [ /* Forward */ new(DirectInputKey.Up), /* Back */ new(DirectInputKey.Down), /* Right */ new(DirectInputKey.Right), /* Left */ new(DirectInputKey.Left), /* LookHor */ new(MouseCode.HorizontalAxis), /* LookVer */ new(MouseCode.VerticalAxis), /* Shoot */ new(MouseCode.LeftButton), /* Jump */ new(MouseCode.RightButton), /* MouseUnk */ new(MouseCode.MiddleButton), /* NumPad0 */ new(DirectInputKey.Numpad0), /* Escape */ new(DirectInputKey.Escape), /* F11 */ new(DirectInputKey.F11), /* P */ new(DirectInputKey.P), /* WizForm1 */ new(DirectInputKey.D1), /* WizForm2 */ new(DirectInputKey.D2), /* WizForm3 */ new(DirectInputKey.D3), /* WizForm4 */ new(DirectInputKey.D4), /* WizForm5 */ new(DirectInputKey.D5), /* Next */ new(DirectInputKey.Next), /* Prior */ new(DirectInputKey.Prior), /* MouseWheel */ new(MouseCode.WheelAxis), /* Return */ new(DirectInputKey.Return), /* F1 */ new(DirectInputKey.F1), /* F2 */ new(DirectInputKey.F2), /* F3 */ new(DirectInputKey.F3), /* F4 */ new(DirectInputKey.F4), /* T */ new(DirectInputKey.T), /* Tab */ new(DirectInputKey.Tab), /* F5 */ new(DirectInputKey.F5), ]; } public static class GameConfigExtensions { public static (int width, int height, int bits) GetInfo(this GameConfig.Resolution resolution) => resolution switch { GameConfig.Resolution.R640x480x16 => (640, 480, 16), GameConfig.Resolution.R640x480x32 => (640, 480, 32), GameConfig.Resolution.R800x600x16 => (800, 600, 16), GameConfig.Resolution.R800x600x32 => (800, 600, 32), GameConfig.Resolution.R1024x768x16 => (1024, 768, 16), GameConfig.Resolution.R1024x768x32 => (1024, 768, 32), _ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(resolution)) }; public static (int rate, int channels, int bits) GetInfo(this GameConfig.SoundQuality quality) => quality switch { GameConfig.SoundQuality.Low => (11025, 1, 8), GameConfig.SoundQuality.Medium => (22050, 2, 16), GameConfig.SoundQuality.High => (44100, 2, 16), _ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(quality)) }; }
Improve binding ID names
This info is not read by zanzarah, therefore we don't need it.