HelenMao / MSGAN

MSGAN: Mode Seeking Generative Adversarial Networks for Diverse Image Synthesis (CVPR2019)
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Minor mode collapse problems #13

Closed AloneTogetherY closed 4 years ago

AloneTogetherY commented 4 years ago


thanks for your awesome proposal to the mode collapse problem! I combined the MS-GAN with the GAN-CLS (https://github.com/Yoan-D/exploring-text-to-image-synthesis-with-conditional-GANs) and got reasonable results training on the caltech bird-dataset but I still had minor mode collapse problems. Did you also experience similar problems during training, for example with the Stackgan?

HelenMao commented 4 years ago

Hi, the mode-seeking loss can help the baseline to alleviate the mode collapse problem and may have good results when modifying the lambda in a proper way.

AloneTogetherY commented 4 years ago

Ok thanks then I will try fine-tuning the lamba.