Closed yamihn closed 1 month ago
R the specified dna_chs in ur data? Else u need to specify which are.
In my data I see Intercalator-Ir Ir191Di Intercalator-Ir Intercalator-Ir.1 Ir193Di Intercalator-Ir
So which I have to specify? It only accepts vectors. I'm sorry I am a newbie in Cytof. moreover, is it normal my output?
Hm, no, it shouldn't look like this. Could you perhaps print data.frame(rowData(sce))
> data.frame(rowData(sce))
channel_name marker_name marker_class use_channel
80ArAr ArAr80Di 80ArAr none FALSE
88Sr Sr88Di 88Sr none FALSE
CD45 Y89Di CD45 state TRUE
Barcode Pd102Di Barcode state TRUE
live_dead Rh103Di live_dead none FALSE
Barcode.1 Pd104Di Barcode state TRUE
Barcode.2 Pd105Di Barcode state TRUE
Barcode.3 Pd106Di Barcode state TRUE
Barcode.4 Pd108Di Barcode state TRUE
Barcode.5 Pd110Di Barcode state TRUE
111Cd Cd111Di 111Cd none FALSE
112Cd Cd112Di 112Cd none FALSE
CD69 Cd113Di CD69 state TRUE
114Cd Cd114Di 114Cd none FALSE
115In In115Di 115In none FALSE
116Cd Cd116Di 116Cd none FALSE
120Sn Sn120Di 120Sn none FALSE
127I I127Di 127I none FALSE
131Xe Xe131Di 131Xe none FALSE
134Ba Ba134Di 134Ba none FALSE
138Ba Ba138Di 138Ba none FALSE
EQ_Bead Ce140Di EQ_Bead none FALSE
CCR6 Pr141Di CCR6 state TRUE
CD19 Nd142Di CD19 state TRUE
CD314 Nd143Di CD314 state TRUE
IL-4 Nd144Di IL-4 state TRUE
CD163 Nd145Di CD163 state TRUE
CD8a Nd146Di CD8a state TRUE
b-catenin Sm147Di b-catenin state TRUE
ICOS Nd148Di ICOS state TRUE
CTLA-4 Sm149Di CTLA-4 state TRUE
CD134 Nd150Di CD134 state TRUE
Notch1 Eu151Di Notch1 state TRUE
152Sm Sm152Di 152Sm none FALSE
CD62L Eu153Di CD62L state TRUE
Notch3 Sm154Di Notch3 state TRUE
GITR Gd155Di GITR state TRUE
CCR5 Gd156Di CCR5 state TRUE
157Gd Gd157Di 157Gd none FALSE
IFNg Gd158Di IFNg state TRUE
CD337 Tb159Di CD337 state TRUE
CD14 Gd160Di CD14 state TRUE
CXCR3 Dy161Di CXCR3 state TRUE
FoxP3 Dy162Di FoxP3 state TRUE
CRTH2 Dy163Di CRTH2 state TRUE
IL-17A Dy164Di IL-17A state TRUE
Notch2 Ho165Di Notch2 state TRUE
IL-10 Er166Di IL-10 state TRUE
Notch4 Er167Di Notch4 state TRUE
CD206 Er168Di CD206 state TRUE
IL-13 Tm169Di IL-13 state TRUE
CD3 Er170Di CD3 state TRUE
CD68 Yb171Di CD68 state TRUE
PD-1 Yb172Di PD-1 state TRUE
CXCR4 Yb173Di CXCR4 state TRUE
CD4 Yb174Di CD4 state TRUE
CD223_LAG-3 Lu175Di CD223_LAG-3 state TRUE
176Yb Yb176Di 176Yb none FALSE
188Os Os188Di 188Os none FALSE
189Os Os189Di 189Os none FALSE
190BCKG BCKG190Di 190BCKG none FALSE
Intercalator-Ir Ir191Di Intercalator-Ir state TRUE
Intercalator-Ir.1 Ir193Di Intercalator-Ir state TRUE
194Pt Pt194Di 194Pt none FALSE
195Pt Pt195Di 195Pt none FALSE
196Pt Pt196Di 196Pt none FALSE
198Pt Pt198Di 198Pt none FALSE
208Pb Pb208Di 208Pb none FALSE
CD16 Bi209Di CD16 state TRUE
res <- normCytof(sce, beads = "dvs", k = 37,
+ assays = c("counts", "exprs"), overwrite = FALSE)
Identifying beads...
Computing normalization factors...
Warning messages:
1: In min(y[, dna_chs[1]]) :
no non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf
2: In max(y[, dna_chs[1]]) :
no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
> # check number & percentage of bead / removed events
> n <- ncol(sce); ns <- c(ncol(res$beads), ncol(res$removed))
> data.frame(
+ check.names = FALSE,
+ "#" = c(ns[1], ns[2]),
+ "%" = 100*c(ns[1]/n, ns[2]/n),
+ row.names = c("beads", "removed"))
# %
beads 37 0.0009861938
removed 977 0.0260408476
Hm... could you (please) also do...
chs <- channels(sce)
CATALYST:::.get_dna_cols(chs, c(191, 193))
Alternatively, the issue could lie in failure to properly identify beads. Can you post the res$scatter
plot? Curious what that looks like. It's not obvious to me yet what's going wrong.
is it possible that beads have already been removed?
chs <- channels(sce)
> print(chs)
80ArAr 88Sr CD45 Barcode live_dead Barcode Barcode Barcode
"ArAr80Di" "Sr88Di" "Y89Di" "Pd102Di" "Rh103Di" "Pd104Di" "Pd105Di" "Pd106Di"
Barcode Barcode 111Cd 112Cd CD69 114Cd 115In 116Cd
"Pd108Di" "Pd110Di" "Cd111Di" "Cd112Di" "Cd113Di" "Cd114Di" "In115Di" "Cd116Di"
120Sn 127I 131Xe 134Ba 138Ba EQ_Bead CCR6 CD19
"Sn120Di" "I127Di" "Xe131Di" "Ba134Di" "Ba138Di" "Ce140Di" "Pr141Di" "Nd142Di"
CD314 IL-4 CD163 CD8a b-catenin ICOS CTLA-4 CD134
"Nd143Di" "Nd144Di" "Nd145Di" "Nd146Di" "Sm147Di" "Nd148Di" "Sm149Di" "Nd150Di"
Notch1 152Sm CD62L Notch3 GITR CCR5 157Gd IFNg
"Eu151Di" "Sm152Di" "Eu153Di" "Sm154Di" "Gd155Di" "Gd156Di" "Gd157Di" "Gd158Di"
CD337 CD14 CXCR3 FoxP3 CRTH2 IL-17A Notch2 IL-10
"Tb159Di" "Gd160Di" "Dy161Di" "Dy162Di" "Dy163Di" "Dy164Di" "Ho165Di" "Er166Di"
Notch4 CD206 IL-13 CD3 CD68 PD-1 CXCR4 CD4
"Er167Di" "Er168Di" "Tm169Di" "Er170Di" "Yb171Di" "Yb172Di" "Yb173Di" "Yb174Di"
CD223_LAG-3 176Yb 188Os 189Os 190BCKG Intercalator-Ir Intercalator-Ir 194Pt
"Lu175Di" "Yb176Di" "Os188Di" "Os189Di" "BCKG190Di" "Ir191Di" "Ir193Di" "Pt194Di"
195Pt 196Pt 198Pt 208Pb CD16
"Pt195Di" "Pt196Di" "Pt198Di" "Pb208Di" "Bi209Di"
> CATALYST:::.get_dna_cols(chs, c(191, 193))
[1] 62 63
Yes, it looks like there are none, which would explain failure to do the normalization ... if you look at the vignette, there should be a population that is DNA- and bead+, which is missing here.
ok, so can we say that data have been normalized? I received these data and I don't know if normalization has been applied on them. Could you please suggest me a way to check if data is/isn't already normalized?
Hard to tell without beads. One would typically inspect bead signal over time; beads aren't multiplexed, so the signal time-drift is clear there. Since beads appear to be gone in your data, I would assume some preprocessing has been done already. But:
You should most definitely ask your collaborates/source - Have the data been normalized? If not, what happened to the beads? Has any other type of filtering or preprocessing been done? E.g., have the data already been normalized? It's important to know the answer to all of these Qs to assure accurate analysis and reproducibility (for any type of data you receive).
Closing the issue now as this doesn't seem to be anything software related.
Hi, when I run
with the following command:Can you help me? what does the message mean?