HelenaSabel / linguistic_variation

FIles and other materials regarding linguistic variation and manuscript transmission
Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal
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web visualization #3

Closed HelenaSabel closed 8 years ago

HelenaSabel commented 9 years ago

To view the actual results: http://www.obdurodon.org/~heb43/cantigas.xhtml

Issues: inefficient code (repetition of identical divs and use of CSS to hide the unwanted readings) (Other issues: there are some spaces inside the same token that shouldn't be there). Requirements: the spans that give information about the variant need to be kept.

(Mostly is the need to know how to do it right. One day I'll have access to a server where I could keep my songs and of course I won't need to create static HTML so the size of the file won't be a problem)

There is now a folder with your name in it. The sample has only three songs and I added the ancillary files anyway because they are important. I deleted all the schema a schematron references so you don't have to deal with them.