Helfima / helmod

Factorio Mod
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[FR] Make 'confirm' key close Edit Recipe window (and other dialogs) #435

Open JC3 opened 1 year ago

JC3 commented 1 year ago


Currently, if you have the main helmod window open and also some subwindow, such as "Edit Recipe", pressing the confirm keyboard key ('E' by default) closes the entire helmod interface, instead of just the active window.

This isn't consistent with the rest of Factorio's GUI (where it closes the active window) and so I'm constantly accidentally closing helmod because I instinctively press 'E' to close e.g. Edit Recipe (where my intent is to close Edit Recipe and leave the main window open to continue working).

Would it be possible to make 'confirm' close the currently active window only, instead of the whole interface and all of its windows?
