Helfima / helmod

Factorio Mod
149 stars 64 forks source link

factory display issue #521

Closed jernun closed 3 weeks ago

jernun commented 3 months ago

in the first image i specifically ask the factory planner to make glass with 12 foundry, but the the display tell me i need 13 of them (in red). i also ask to use 2 productivity module for each foundry, which the display should give me 24 module needed (12f x 2m = 24) however the display show me i need 25 of them (in blue). this is most likely a rounding error because i see no other reason the game would add 1 foundry and only 1 module


in the second image the factory planner tell me i need 7 assembler for purple science and 3 assembler for lamps, which mean i need 10 assembler, however the display gives me 9 assembler needed. this issue is most likely there because, instead of adding 7+3 the game adds the "true" number of assembler, because i don't acctualy need 7 and 3 assembler but more likely 6,5 and 2,5 assembler which equals 9


Helfima commented 3 weeks ago

fixed in next v1.0.11