It is charming for the implementation of OmegaFold. While I read the pseudo-code of Geoformer, I found out some differences between the psedo-code and real code. Here is the psedo-code written in the paper
for l ∈ [1, . . . , N2] do {ni}, {xi} += StructureModule({ni}, {wij}) {wij} += 3Dprojection(Aaa(i), {xi}) {wij} += EdgeAttention({wij}) end
However, I cannot found the 3Dprojection function in the real code. Could you please help me figure out the problem?
It is charming for the implementation of OmegaFold. While I read the pseudo-code of Geoformer, I found out some differences between the psedo-code and real code. Here is the psedo-code written in the paper
for l ∈ [1, . . . , N2] do {ni}, {xi} += StructureModule({ni}, {wij}) {wij} += 3Dprojection(Aaa(i), {xi}) {wij} += EdgeAttention({wij}) end
However, I cannot found the 3Dprojection function in the real code. Could you please help me figure out the problem?