Heliomance / HeroForge-Anew

An interactive character builder spreadsheet for D&D 3.5, built in Excel.
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Crusader Smite calculated incorrectly #87

Open Venicus opened 8 years ago

Venicus commented 8 years ago

The Smite ability of the Crusader class (Tome of Battle) is supposed to add Charisma to attack and Crusader level to damage. At present however, on the sheet, it only specifies a bonus to attack, and that appears to be calculated as level+Charisma.

TwistedFaith84 commented 8 years ago

if you unhide Class Abilities and scroll down to cell A4359 just change whats is in there to

="× Smite "&(CruLvl>=6)+(CruLvl>=18)&"/day(Ex): On your next melee attack, add "&SUM(ChaMod,SapphireSmiteBonus)&" to your attack roll and +"&CruLvl&" to your damage."

Heliomance commented 8 years ago

There are so many different abilities called Smite, and they don't all work the same. It's really annoying, I'd love to be able to have one place where smite is calculated, but it's not possible.