Helios-Empire / Helios-Tracker

Issue Tracker for Helios Empire
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Powering Our Defenses quests (Eversong Woods) #241

Closed ghostlynx-helios closed 8 years ago

ghostlynx-helios commented 8 years ago

Kind of bug: Quest (http://db.helios-empire.eu/?quest=8490)

What bug do you encounter?: Recieved message 'Objective Complete' but does not show completed in quest log and cannot turn in.

How to reproduce your bug?: Tried placing the rune stone again, this time, no waves happen, nothing. Just the infused crystal sitting there. Note that when I first arrived at the stone, two infused crystals were already in place, I placed mine and then fought off the (triple) waves that followed.

How it should work?: Once placing the crystal, you should fight off several waves for a minute, then the rune is energized and quest completes.

Operating System: Windows 10

dikkedeur commented 8 years ago

confirmed, im on something, dont know if it will fix it.. if so i will let you know.

dikkedeur commented 8 years ago

got it... reworking on everything and fixed it.. it looks way better now.. also quests credit works. will be active in next core update.

thanks for the report.